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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Maryland Is Accepting Applications To Create Economic Development Zones Around colleges

Maryland is not waiting for the new year or a new governor to start taking applications for a program intended to boost business development around colleges and universities.

The state is now taking applications for its new Regional Institution Strategic Enterprise Zone program(called the "Rise Zone" program for short). It requires two application stages. The first stage, which is now open, requires higher education institutions, regional higher educational centers or nonprofit organizations that are associated with federal agencies to apply to the state Department of Business and Economic Development. The state will then qualify those groups.

At that point, institutions that have qualified will need to work with a county or city government on a second application. The second application will go to DBED to create the RISE Zone.



  1. About fn time huh POLLITT?

  2. so now the state is picking winners and losers because the tax rates for all the other smucks is so high, but if you go through the approval process and build where they say you are supposed to we will give you a break

  3. Pretty much, @2:30. They've been doing this with the tech incubator near UMBC for years. Most of the occupants are run by government guys and get government contracts to operate.


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