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Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Larry Hogan's Tax Policy Won't Be A 'Race To The Bottom'

The co-chair of Larry Hogan's gubernatorial transition team on Monday signaled where the incoming administration wants Maryland's taxes to go: down, but not all the way down to the basement.

"Our goal is not to be the low-tax state in the country," said James Brady, who is co-chairing the transition team. "This is not a race to the bottom. This is a race to be competitive."

Maryland needs to be competitive with surrounding states, Brady said. That isn't all about taxes. It's also about factors like the regulatory environment, he said.



  1. There is a tolerable level of taxation that is required to function and provide necessary services.

    There is a tolerable spending level also...directly related to the taxation toleration.

    When folks hear about raising taxes and fees to balance the budget...because of intolerable spending - they revolt like last month's election showed.

    Yes there's a taxation problem - but it is tied to the actual spending problem cause.

  2. a cut is a cut and that's a good start.

  3. Larry and his team and a huge job ahead of them trying to fix the devastation of the last administration. I wish them a lot of luck.

    Piece of advice to all. Be patient but vigilant. It takes time to fix the problems we have. Don't expect results. Look at the ongoing work before passing judgements.

  4. Where is the BOE spending reports on every Monday? Why stop once your buddy gets elected?

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Where is the BOE spending reports on every Monday? Why stop once your buddy gets elected?

    December 9, 2014 at 12:33 PM

    The reports were what the person can find. Also the elected governor doesn't go into office until next month. Try and read the news or learn basic politics.


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