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Tuesday, December 09, 2014

How To Reduce Police Violence—–Eliminate Nanny State Crimes

On the opening day of law school, I always counsel my first-year students never to support a law they are not willing to kill to enforce. Usually they greet this advice with something between skepticism and puzzlement, until I remind them that the police go armed to enforce the will of the state, and if you resist, they might kill you.

I wish this caution were only theoretical. It isn’t. Whatever your view on the refusal of a New York City grand jury to indict the police officer whose chokehold apparently led to the death of Eric Garner, it’s useful to remember the crime that Garner is alleged to have committed: He was selling individual cigarettes, or loosies, in violation of New York law.

The obvious racial dynamics of the case — the police officer, Daniel Pantaleo, is white; Garner was black — have sparked understandable outrage. But, at least among libertarians, so has the law that was being enforced. Wrote Nick Gillespie in the Daily Beast, “Clearly something has gone horribly wrong when a man lies dead after being confronted for selling cigarettes to willing buyers.” Republican Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, appearing on MSNBC, also blamed the statute: “Some politician put a tax of $5.85 on a pack of cigarettes, so they’ve driven cigarettes underground by making them so expensive.”



  1. He was warned, and warned, and warned... FFS, stop babying these aholes, and treat them as they are... CRIMINALS. Maybe Garner will serve as an example to other idiots, but I doubt it.

  2. 12:30 PM You seem to be quite comfortable with the level of tyranny in our country. Goose step over to the fridge and get yourself another cold one.

  3. Obama ignores the Constitution so the individual police officers should have the ability to choose which laws they can disregard.
    Anarchy can be a two way street.

  4. 12:59 WTF does this have to do with tyranny? Garner continued to break the laws, and he paid for it. Go drink one for me, I'm not a weak person who needs alcohol to drown out life.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    He was warned, and warned, and warned... FFS, stop babying these aholes, and treat them as they are... CRIMINALS. Maybe Garner will serve as an example to other idiots, but I doubt it.

    December 9, 2014 at 12:30 PM

    by that (laughable) reasoning, everyone can be shot at any time since EVERY ONE of us is a criminal. Everyday everyone breaks at LEAST one law, whether they know it or not. You sir are the idiot.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    12:59 WTF does this have to do with tyranny? Garner continued to break the laws, and he paid for it. Go drink one for me, I'm not a weak person who needs alcohol to drown out life.

    December 9, 2014 at 2:04 PM

    You are a weak person who has no life quality. I pity you.


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