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Monday, December 01, 2014

Gov’t made American held in Syria pay for his flight home after he was held hostage for seven months

Unbelievable! An American photographer held hostage by Syrian rebels for seven months has told of his horrors in dealing with the FBI after he managed to escape.

An American photographer held hostage by Syrian rebels for seven months has told of his horrors in dealing with the FBI after he managed to escape.

Matthew Schrier, from Syosset, New York, was captured by Jabhat al-Nusra, a militant group aligned with al-Qaeda, as he traveled in Syria in December 2012.

He was taken to a compound near Aleppo and locked up before escaping from a gap in a basement window on July 29 last year, he said.

Now the 36-year-old has revealed the shocking treatment he suffered by during and after his ordeal because of the FBI – including being forced to reimburse the State Department the $1,605 they paid for Schrier’s flight home.

In a new interview with McClatchy DC, Schrier said the FBI waited six months to contact his family to let them know he had been captured.


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