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Monday, December 01, 2014

Four teens beat St Louis motorist to death with hammers

Four teens beat St Louis motorist to death with hammers after he got out to confront them when they attacked his car

A gang of teenagers used hammers to beat a newlywed to death in front of his wife after they attacked his car early on Sunday morning in an apparently random attack.

Zemir Begic was heading home from a bar at 1:15 a.m in St Louis when a group of teenagers surrounded his car and began banging on it.

The 32-year-old stepped out of the vehicle, only to be yelled at and set upon with hammers, striking him in the head, abdomen and face and leaving him fatally injured.



  1. The citizens of Maryland had better demand law chances so that we can gain a carry permit. However, to save your own life and protect your family you may have to resort to carry, regardless of a permit.

  2. I will carry with or without a permit. It's me against them!

  3. I agree that this wasn't a "hate" crime because he was Bosnian. This was just some more "Michael Browns." This is the way that they act on the street. Like savage animals. Then when someone shoots one of them they can't understand why they were "targeted."

    There is a great deal of this that goes on that never gets reported by MSM. Black youths attacking, beating, killing white people. They used to say it was justice for Treyvon. Now they will be saying it is justice for Mike Brown.

  4. You're right, 10:40. It's happening EVERY DAY.
    And it is being completely ignored by the media.

  5. what are the odds that the youths were either white or oriental???


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