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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

GIT OUT Will freed Gitmo detainees resurface on battlefield?

The steady stream of detainees being transferred out of Guantanamo Bay is raising security concerns among lawmakers who worry the Obama administration has no system for keeping tabs on them.

The latest batch includes four prisoners once classified as high risk, individuals ranging from a known weapons smuggler to a Taliban operative involved in multiple attacks against U.S. and coalition forces.

"They're very dangerous terrorists," Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H., told Fox News, after the four Afghan detainees were transferred to their home country over the weekend.

Administration officials have touted the transfers as part of fulfilling President Obama's commitment toward winding down the controversial prison camp. The administration has transferred 23 detainees out of the camp so far this year, with more transfers potentially coming before Dec. 31.

Secretary of State John Kerry this week touted "huge progress" in shrinking the detainee population, as he announced the departure of Cliff Sloan, the president's point man on the camp. Over Sloan's 18 months on the job, Kerry said in a statement, 34 detainees were moved out of the camp, "with more on the way."

It's unclear whether Sloan's departure might delay more transfers. Obama remains intent on closing down Guantanamo during his final two years in office, despite congressional and logistical hurdles -- like what to do with those too dangerous to release. But as the pace of transfers picks up, lawmakers worry the government is taking a big risk already.

The most recent transfer involved four men classified as high risk. According to The Associated Press, outgoing Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel did not sign off on the transfer right away, after the top U.S. commander in the country, Gen. John Campbell, voiced concerns about the risk they would pose to troops. However, officials reportedly say the military has since screened the move; the Defense Department said in a statement the U.S. worked with the Afghan government to make sure the transfers are consistent "with appropriate security and humane treatment measures."

This followed the release of six men to Uruguay and the release earlier this year of the "Taliban Five" to Qatar in exchange for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.

The four that went to Afghanistan, with no requirement that they be detained, are:

Mohammed Zahir

According to documents, Zahir was a high-level Taliban intelligence official arrested on suspicion of having, among other contraband, uranium. A 2008 Pentagon document, posted on WikiLeaks, said evidence indicated the uranium was intended for a nuclear device. He also was determined to be a weapons smuggler; he had been at Guantanamo since 2003.


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