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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

About Salisbury Immediate Care & Injury Center

The medical records at Salisbury Immediate Care & Injury Center are NOT gone! They are available by calling 410-726-2300 and leaving a message with the specific information requested and your contact information. Also, the billing department can be reached this way as well if you have a question about your bill. You can also go to www.sbyimmediatecare.com and send a message after clicking on the Salisbury Immediate Care logo. Salisbury Immediate Care is proud to have had the opportunity to serve this community for the past 10 years and will continue to provide their patients with all the medical records and any information patients may need. Thank you for your support of Salisbury Immediate Care & Injury Center!


  1. Well crap, they did a great job for me over the years. To the staff, you were always pleasant and professional and I thank you.

  2. I wonder what the reason is for them closing & a new business taking over.

  3. I think bammy care ruined it for them 8;22.

  4. They did a terrible job on one of my family members. they went in there in the evening and was given instructions for the flu and sent home. had double pneumonia the next morning and darn near died.
    Don't go near there.

  5. They are doing great. Just time for bigger and better things. I wish them all the best and may they have a Merry Christmas

  6. Ugh!!!!! Express care is not the same! This place went from a 5 star to a negative star. I can't even give them a 1. The new staff and especially the new doctors are Horrible!
    They are not friendly nor do they have any compassion for you being sick. I would drive over an hour away to come to Salis Imm Care as they were always kind concerned and compassionate. The new Express care is non of that. The wait time is rediculous! The pre sign in register ahead via on line is a joke! I went Thru all the time n effort to log in n set my time to only get there and someone walking in claimed my name on the tablet and took my Possition that I went to all the trouble to get on the list. I told the staff and they said oh well nothing we can do and you will have to wait. So there I say and waited, waited, waited hour n half to be called back even tho only two people were sitting before me. Are you kidding me? I wouldn't even mind waiting if when you finally see a doctor they make you feel welcome and concerned for your well being. I felt as if the doctor was a regular how off the street. No bedside manner at all. Not friendly and hardly seemed to know what she was doing. I was given 3 mins tops after waiting nearly two hours to be seen. Are you kidding me?
    To top it off I was not diagnosed properly (no surprise there). I will never return to this place. . Where did the doctors go that used to be here when it was Salis Imm Care???? I would go wherever they went.
    So unhappy n upset!!!!


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