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Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Columbia University Law School Allows Students to Skip Finals Due to Trauma of Mike Brown Decision

That’s just dumb. Every student now will claim trauma so they can reschedule their finals. That’s a no-brainer. Whatever happened to teaching your students the rule of law? I mean, it is a law school after all. What trauma? The Grand Jury deliberated, reviewed the evidence and found overwhelming facts that supported Officer Wilson’s actions. Trauma because an officer did his job? Because a criminal got caught? As for Garner who had been arrested over 30 times previously… who could have not resisted arrest… who was in a headlock, not a choke hold… and died from cardiac arrest after resisting arrest… what part of following the law and obeying officers do these people not understand? Everything is upside down and ass backwards. The Grand Juries did their jobs – the officers did their jobs – and because the two perps were black, it is being used as an excuse to incite violence. Obama does Charles Manson proud. He’s giving Charlie what he has dreamed of his whole life – a race war and everyone from the race hustlers, to the DOJ, to the White House are on board with it.



  1. Realizing that things can disrupt normality,in my opinion the final needs to be postponed. The grade earned is what should be given. I was exempt from a total of 3 finals in college because my grades were good enough not to need an exam. (No it wasn't in math or english) If you get a passing grade without earning it then the value of a degree has been eliminated completely.

  2. Obama has done more to create racism than any other president.

  3. sissy's, babies, wimps. they will not be ready for the real world; prime time. don't want to employ these types.

  4. I wouldn't hire a person with a college degree.

  5. I'm with 7:07. If they can't handle the fact that a criminal who attempted to take a cops gun was shot and killed by the cop then how are they supposed to handle real life issues? I mean they act like mb was some kind of pillar of the community. I would hate to see what these people would consider a real criminal to be.


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