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Sunday, December 14, 2014


Gary Mackes has announced he is retiring by December 31, 2014.


  1. hahaha, he saw the writing on the wall and decided to peace out.

    Who will take his place and get his shiney big truck?

  2. hmmmm, quit or be fired. tough decision.

  3. Byeeeeeeee
    Fool, u wont be missed.

  4. That's really a shame. I understand Gary get's nothing but bashed here on this site but it's mostly by people that have no clue and just follow the lead like lemmings. I know first hand that Gary truly cares about quality of life issues and has worked hard to continuously improve our parks and recreation programs. He's a good father, a good friend and a good person.

    All the best to you Gary!

  5. Gary has served this county well for many years. I cant blame him for retiring now that the new arrogant C.E. is on board. You'll look long and hard to find a man as good as Gary to run parks and rec


  7. Sep two how's now been accomplished......next!

  8. This is a very good day for Wicomico County. Bob Culver has corrected more things in a week than Pollitt and company were able to do in 8 years. We just might have a county government that represents the wishes of the voters instead of the cronies at the BOE. Thank God for the changes. City of Salisbury mayor and council...you're next!

  9. Gary has been a stand up person and great Director who brought many events to the county! His forward thinking was brilliant! The people critizing Gray haven't a clue.

  10. Keep the firing going--get rid of these over-paid government workers--cut their salary also

  11. Mackes is the single worst thing to every happen to this county and it's young people! If not for all the hardworking parents there would be no athletics in the county period! Writing his own comments here is just typical of him if not then identify yourselves Mackes' lovers!

  12. Gary has two personalities. Those who are supporting him haven't seen his dark side. Ask his employees and others who have experienced his bullying practices and public humiliation. He is not the good man you think he is.

    It is great to see that justice comes eventually.

  13. Have any of you taking pot shots at Gary actually ever met him? Had a conversation with him? Had any dealings with him? Have a clue what is that he is responsible for or how long he has been doing it? Didn't think so. Gary has been wonderful for the County and for it's citizens and children. Gary gets it; understands how quality of life is important to a community. This County will find it very had to replace him and can't possibly replace him with anyone with more knowledge or that has more passion for the betterment of the County. Godspeed Gary Mackes.

  14. Wow maybe now we can get the parks at Nanticoke and Bivalve cleaned up and secure.

  15. Rick Strasburg ur Next.

  16. Perhaps it's time to get rid of some other "good ol boys". When is Ed Baker leaving? Not sure why he would when he gets paid big money to play computer games all day. It's about time someone cleans house!

  17. Continue cleaning house bob you have atleast 8 other back stabbers in the county who will feed info to liarton, day, ect.

  18. Without county credit cards Back Street Grill will be hurting. Oh I forgot they still have the BOE

  19. There is a Santa Clause. Yes!!!!!!!!

  20. I agree for those of you who dont know Gary you might see this as a "oh poor Gary" .. YOU are the ones who don't know him. I am an employee who works under him and can I tell you that all of my co-workers have been "high fiving" each other since Bob was elected and counting down the days. I can tell you for a fact we were told on more than one occasion to "write a response" to these blogs defending what was happening here... He is an Arrogant Ass.. he is deceitful, he is back stabbing, he is a crook.. whatever will the county do without a drunk Gary at the community events?? Oh my he will have to purchase his own alcohol now?? We the tax payers wont be buying it for him anymore... oh what a shame.

    To those of you defending him... you better grab those classifieds before Gary starts sending his resumes out... because you know you are next.. and yes we will be high fiving again on that day also.

    Congratulations Bob Culver for having the guts to stand up to this crap... know we support you!

    1. If it wasn't for Gary you probably wouldn't be hired in the first place.

  21. I'm not going to bash Gary, we all knew things were going to change when we clearly voted for change!

    Why would Baker stay on, doesn't he qualify for a pension now?

  22. If you are going to take pot shots at Wayne Strasburg at least get his name correct. Its WAYNE
    This ignorance is overwhelming.
    Gary has been a great public servant for a long time he deserves better

  23. From what I remember, Mackes praised the kid who was an Eagle Scout who was involved in the drug deal last year. So they are the kind of peeps he stands up for!

  24. Rick Conrad is a joke.

  25. IMHO - all of the existing cabinet members of the previous regime should step down.

    It is newly elected Bob Culver's prerogative to select whomever he deems to reflect is ideology. I just hope that it doesn't stop with Mackes and that he fills other posts ASAP.

  26. Hallejuah and Praise Be. Things are looking up.

  27. Bob Culver should also look very
    closely at Andy Wisk. Another high paid back stabber. He is Mackes side kick and puppet. His guy has no idea how to run the County Rec. & Parks.

  28. Good work Bob keep it up.

  29. Now that Henry Parker is gone (God rest his soul) and Rick Pollitt is gone, Mackes knew his days were numbered. Thanks for the memories Gary, we'll all remember how it should not be done. Adios and Vaya Con Dios!

  30. Specifically to 11:16 and other similar commenters: Your comment is foolish. I haven't met Barack Obama, I haven't had a conversation with him, BUT I can assure you he is doing a very poor job in my opinion. That's what these people are saying about Mackes. They don't have to meet him or have a talk with him or go to lunch with him....they just see his relationship with his employees, his cost to the county, and in spite of the good things, attitude is everything. So suck it up buttercup, CHANGE IS HERE and I hope it will be as good as I expect.

  31. Hey Andy Wisk... don't get comfortable in that chair! Let's face it.. Gary was training you to be his clone. Not much training was needed was it?

    Well his training has you in the same position as him. How does the song go "Nananana Hey hey hey goodbye!" ... can you hear us singing it?

    Yes Wicomico County... there is a Santa Claus =]

  32. To all the Gary supporters (and Rick Pollitt supporters for that matter). EVERYONE is replaceable. Those of you whining about Gary - do you think he should just stay in his position until he dies because no one can replace him. He is not KING of his department for life, just like Rick apparently thought he could be County Executive for life. The arrogance is laughable. So, Gary doesn't want to work for Culver - that is just fine with me. Good riddance.

    This is a wonderful opportunity for the good people who do the day to day work (that made Gary look good) to have a chance to shine I am happy for them and all the employees who suffered under Gary's dictatorship. And yes, I do know Gary, have known him for years and have seen his bullying and put downs in action. He sucks up to the people he wants to use or need and they are the ones writing positive comments on here.

    The voters have spoken. Culver should do what Hogan and every other elected executive does. Get rid of the people from the old regime and surround himself with people loyal to him and to his vision.

  33. Just wonder what will come out now that the employees won't be scared to death to talk. Lots of sketchy stuff has been going on I bet.

    Culver should make sure Mackes doesn't do the erasing of email thing that others have done.

  34. Joe can you move this to the top. People getting off work now.

  35. How about Andy mackel next.

  36. Byeeeeeeee
    Little mack
    Whose next

  37. Gary just leave town now that your "retired' that way we can all pretend you never existed. While you are going take your little clone Andy Wisk with you. Having him still here will be just like having you around. The staff hates him as much as they hate you. Happy New Year to the residents of our County and the staff. Bob will make sure all is well.

  38. Pollitt and Mackie can rub each other with lotion at the old folks home with the mayor watching. ..

  39. Hey don't forget to take Lee Beauchamp with you.

  40. 1:17 - I'm sure 11:22 was calling him Rick Strausburg because he is an extension of Rick. I'm confident most people "got it". You find the ignorance overwhelming? You don't seem to understand sarcasm and you've been fooled by Mackes too, so how smart are you?

    To 1:21's point, you are defending a man who supported a teenage felon who threatened people over drug money along with his brother. He is doing hard time! Seems to me 1:17, you are as poor a judge of character as Mackes is.

  41. All this wringing of hands over Mackes? People leave, life goes on. People lose elections, life goes on. Grow up!

    The problem seems to be those who have been in power for the last 8 years (or more in Mackes case) are poor losers and lack the class to exit gracefully. You've had your turn and your chance, now let others have that opportunity.

  42. if he had anything to do with the softball tournaments around here then good riddance!

  43. ran parks and rec into the ground, but got paid that's for sure! paid extremely well for it!

  44. This is great. It appears the entitled crowd is feeling a little pain. Boo hoo. What - you can't screw the people any more, so you retire? Hoped Culver would get rid of him one way or another. Don't feel bad Mackes, you will be having some company soon hopefully. Culver is uncovering more waste and bad actions every day. He isn't the fool you took him to be. Some other department heads should do what Mackes did and retire or maybe they just want to be escorted out by security. ROFLMAO

  45. Hey Bob, how about Beauchamp, Mackel and Baker?

  46. Culver is certainly cleaning house as they say and scaring the rest into retirement. The great thing about this is watching the kind of person culver truly is and what kind of leader he is. As an honestly successful business owner I can tell you culver has no idea how to do his job and he will fail miserably because he is not bright IMO and has no SUCCESSFUL business experience. There are facts lawsuits on court case searches for clarifications. Point being he was elected in a midterm election and worked a campaign to get right wing low intelligence support from readers on your blog that somehow think this will benefit them. Look at bobs record and tell me how this will ever effect their $35k a year life? He is going to put people into these positions that will do a horrible job just like he has always run his "businesses" into the ground by being a poor leader with a short vision and direction. It's very easy to get this base of support but what he really does will be the good ole boy waste he claims he is against. I expect you not to post this of course but would be pleasantly surprised if you do in the name of fair and balanced

  47. Thanks Bob, long overdue.

  48. I don't know any of these folks, but these posts are some of the best ever on SBY News. Hope Joe got as big a kick out of them as I did. Great back and forth, people!

  49. Oh my, 7:36 PM, a lot of sour grapes going on here, is that you Mr. Mackes?

  50. He is not the person many think he is. He speaks with a forked tongue. And he has a serious problem with women! He is an excellent conversationalist. I don't know if he had pressure from those above him, and could not or did not express it or stand up to them, but he certainly didn't seem to put the citizens first. I would say he is a greedy man, but the money he was being greedy for wasn't his, but was for the county. It does make me wonder if he was under great pressure to make the decisions he did. I would hope that he wasn't as greedy and mean as many have witnessed, including myself.

  51. Please send the cleaning crew to 125 North Division ST room 101. If you didn't get that, I mean the Finance Department. It's really dirty in there.

  52. To 7:36 Poster - ADVISE

    I once worked with an old multi-millionaire electrician from Newport News, VA. He was very wealthy - (owned in excess of 900 apartments). One day the Mayor of Newport News called my office trailer and asked that I go retrieve the multi -millionaire electrician as he had something important to discuss.

    Make a long story short - the electrician informed me to not interrupt him anymore should the Mayor call back. He informed me that the Mayor made a decision to increase real estate taxes and that the electrician felt like he was specifically targeted - having to bare the brunt of a significant tax burden. He told me that his vast experience revealed that no matter what surplus monies generated from the tax increase would soon be consumed by those 'TAKERS' who contributed nothing - but instead - leached off from the fruits of his labors.

    Maybe now you'll better understand why Mr. Culver's philosophical analysis is very similar.


  53. Anonymous said...
    That's really a shame. I understand Gary get's nothing but bashed here on this site but it's mostly by people that have no clue and just follow the lead like lemmings. I know first hand that Gary truly cares about quality of life issues and has worked hard to continuously improve our parks and recreation programs. He's a good father, a good friend and a good person.

    All the best to you Gary!

    December 12, 2014 at 10:42 AM

    Only one person wrote this and his name is none other than Gary Mackes. Buh Bye you Turd Burglar.

  54. Anonymous said...
    Gary has served this county well for many years. I cant blame him for retiring now that the new arrogant C.E. is on board. You'll look long and hard to find a man as good as Gary to run parks and rec

    December 12, 2014 at 10:43 AM

    He's not retiring, he is being forced out so he should count his blessings he gets to stay that long. I heard he was going to try to sue the County. Nice try, but you should be glad you were allowed to "retire."

  55. Anonymous said...
    Have any of you taking pot shots at Gary actually ever met him? Had a conversation with him? Had any dealings with him? Have a clue what is that he is responsible for or how long he has been doing it? Didn't think so. Gary has been wonderful for the County and for it's citizens and children. Gary gets it; understands how quality of life is important to a community. This County will find it very had to replace him and can't possibly replace him with anyone with more knowledge or that has more passion for the betterment of the County. Godspeed Gary Mackes.

    December 12, 2014 at 11:16 AM

    "...very "had" to replace him..."

    Gary you are so full of typo's in between your tears. LMFAO

    1. I've known Gary and I've worked with Gary for many years and still do, so yes I know him and I'm glad he HAD to retire. What goes around comes around. It was only a matter of time.

  56. Same Ole - Same Ole - these bureaucratic fat cats get in office and take on the mentality that - 'I CANNOT BE REPLACED'

    I say Bull crap - that's reason enough to retire them!

  57. I say get rid of the cater, his minions, the taxpayer funded pots & pans, utensils - (Norm Conway's legislation) - and let the free market take over these taxpayer funded enterprises.

  58. Anonymous said...
    To all the Gary supporters (and Rick Pollitt supporters for that matter). EVERYONE is replaceable. Those of you whining about Gary - do you think he should just stay in his position until he dies because no one can replace him. He is not KING of his department for life, just like Rick apparently thought he could be County Executive for life. The arrogance is laughable. So, Gary doesn't want to work for Culver - that is just fine with me. Good riddance.

    This is a wonderful opportunity for the good people who do the day to day work (that made Gary look good) to have a chance to shine I am happy for them and all the employees who suffered under Gary's dictatorship. And yes, I do know Gary, have known him for years and have seen his bullying and put downs in action. He sucks up to the people he wants to use or need and they are the ones writing positive comments on here.

    The voters have spoken. Culver should do what Hogan and every other elected executive does. Get rid of the people from the old regime and surround himself with people loyal to him and to his vision.

    December 12, 2014 at 4:50 PM

    "So, Gary doesn't want to work for Culver - that is just fine with me."

    That's not the case, he didn't have a choice.

  59. Once Mackes is gone - maybe now my family and I might be able enjoy the local ballparks in my own backyard as opposed to letting all of the outsiders come-in and exploiting our areas rec resources. After all - it is our communities properties that have all been assessed to pay for all these foreign events.

  60. Bob I could just "hug" you. It gets better every day.
    Thank you for the fresh air.

  61. Sorry but Gary retired years ago.....he just never actually left. He needed to use the county car for all those trips to visit his family out of state.

  62. Anonymous said...
    Culver is certainly cleaning house as they say and scaring the rest into retirement. The great thing about this is watching the kind of person culver truly is and what kind of leader he is. As an honestly successful business owner I can tell you culver has no idea how to do his job and he will fail miserably because he is not bright IMO and has no SUCCESSFUL business experience. There are facts lawsuits on court case searches for clarifications. Point being he was elected in a midterm election and worked a campaign to get right wing low intelligence support from readers on your blog that somehow think this will benefit them. Look at bobs record and tell me how this will ever effect their $35k a year life? He is going to put people into these positions that will do a horrible job just like he has always run his "businesses" into the ground by being a poor leader with a short vision and direction. It's very easy to get this base of support but what he really does will be the good ole boy waste he claims he is against. I expect you not to post this of course but would be pleasantly surprised if you do in the name of fair and balanced

    December 12, 2014 at 7:36 PM

    This is not a "successful business owner" this is Gary Mackes just like the majority of the pro Mackes posts. You can't full us.

    "right wing low intelligence support." Nothing like stealing terminology from the high intelligence republicans. You know darn well you are stealing this phrase. Gary Mackes was put in office by a Democrat and stayed in office because of Democrats. You gave yourself away on this one Gary.

    Poking fun at people making $35,000 a year when you were making $120,000 a year. Shame on you for stealing from the tax payers. I wish you would have been fired so you wouldn't be able to collect your retirement which will be much higher than $35K per year. You ruthless pig. Thank you Bob Culver.

  63. Anonymous said...
    Once Mackes is gone - maybe now my family and I might be able enjoy the local ballparks in my own backyard as opposed to letting all of the outsiders come-in and exploiting our areas rec resources. After all - it is our communities properties that have all been assessed to pay for all these foreign events.

    December 12, 2014 at 10:57 PM

    The soft ball tournaments and Delmarva Bike Week are revenue generating events and go back into the local economy. Quit being so angry.

  64. Maybe there is still some hope for Wicomico/Salisbury. Change is long overdue.

  65. 7:36 p.m. - My your arrogance is showing. It is that kind of thinking that resulted in Pollitt and his ways being thrown out of office.

    I'm sure the attorneys, doctors, CPAs, educators and others who voted for Culver find your comments laughable. It is that air of superiority that was so offensive about Gary (and some others) that was apparent in their words and deeds.

    If your people are so smart, why did you allow Rick to lose the election. He obviously raised little money and mounted virtually no campaign. Why didn't you and your smart friends support him more? If you and your buddies appeal to the high intellect voters, it seems to me they either completely rejected you or really let you down.

    Your post is angry and bitter, so I am guessing it is either you Gary or Strasberg that wrote it.

  66. I am not sure why there is such an anger in the tone of some of these comments. There must surely be some bitter ex-employees posting. And some of the comments speak as though county employees are simply a worthless drain. Mr. Culvers actions so far indicate that he too feels that way, and that he may try to find his tax cut on the backs of the employees. The employees didn't ask for a birthday holiday, it was given to them in 2008 because the county could no longer give them pay raises. Since 2008, county employees gave 3 years of furlough days, and have received one pay raise amounting to 1.7 percent. I am not complaining, simply clarifying what some of you must perceive as over paid employees. It has long been known that the county doesn't pay well, many times it is hard to draw qualified applicants and positions remain open for a while. BTW, I could care less about having my birthday off, but in reality, it cost the taxpayers zero. You couldn't bank it and had to use it within 10 days of your birthday. Gary Mackes could be a real jerk, but his job was to look out for parks and recreation. In private sector, his achievements would have been applauded. Many of you complain about his salary, how many years did he work for the county? And as a director. With tenure comes more pay. I can tell you for fact, that when many people from private sector apply for jobs with the county and find out the pay, they laugh. You people are on here making it sound as though they have it so good. One of you commenting on "outside people exploiting our parks", well, hate to break it to you, but that is exactly what Bob intends to do more of. Treat it like a business, right? 11:15, now he "stole from the taxpayers"? And sorry to burst your bubble, but even if he was fired, he would still be able to retire. You see, in Wicomico County, unlike other places, the employees contribute into their retirement. It is their money, drawing interest. While the county may contribute some, once an employee retires, it is not the county paying the retirement, it is the actuary Aetna and the fund is in excellent shape. So those of you who think you are paying for Gary's retirement, wrong. Gary paid for Gary's retirement, the county did contribute over the years, but he earned his retirement. In close, I hope Bob is able to find some savings, but letting go the PIO and if he did, Gary, the birthday holiday and what few take home vehicles that he has, really hasn't amounted to much if anything. I hope it made many of you happy that his first action and so far, cost saving measures, are against those evil, draining, employees. I read quite a bit from Mr. Palmer on here. Hasn't voice had like 10 years to find all this fat? Where is it at? By the way, I heard the new Governor wants to start looking at State Employee benefits. You guys do have it pretty good and I am tired of paying for you. (what is good for the goose.......)

  67. Good point 10:50. Years ago Norm Conway got it approved so that NO Caterer could use our civic center. They (the government) approved only the on site caterer could use OUR civic center. This put a big hurt on our local licensed businesses. We bought and paid for the civic center but we can't use it?? The civic center needs to be open for any LICENSED/INSURED CATERER not just one in house. It was in the works to build a restaurant at the civic center I guess to put the tax paying restaurants out of business? Thanks Mr Culver for cleaning house and making less government in our businesses.

  68. I have known Gary for a very long time. I can honestly say that hearing that he retired
    (RATHER THAN GET FIRED) was one of the happiest days for me. I'm not sure what all the other people on here who say on he's a wonderful person but they need to take the blinders off and see the real Gary. I guess Gary you have nobody to blame but yourself. You can't bully and belittle people/women like you use to. Maybe they can put someone in there who actually cares about the county and the people that work for them. What a great day!!!!!

  69. Anon 10:57 p.m. You are a complete idioit or fool! Have you any idea how these revenues impact our tax base. You must live in a cave!

  70. Garey Mackes brought a better quality of life to Wicomico County through is vision, we have Winter Place Park, the Henry Parker Complex, Pemberton Park and many play grounds. Gary is a passionate person! A person who has supported many benefits for children with disabilities and the elderly. This I know first hand. Bashing Gary Mackes is like bashing the Pastor of a church. I am sure many on here making comments would do that as well. Gary didn't serve to make this a popularity contest. He made some unpopular decisions but at the end of the day it was best for the community. I served on the Recreation Commision and Gary always respected our opinionspostive or negative. I wish Gary and Mary and family well.

    1. Pastor please! You should think about that! A Pastor loves his congregation. They don't put them down or belittle them and make themselves look better and take all the credit that the congregation has done to help the church. Its group's working together, something Gary hasn't been able to do in a long time. Not sure what kinda of church you go to but I think I'll stick with my Pastor.

  71. Saving the local ballparks for only the locals doesn't generate the revenue that hosting the out of towners does. I know the locals have to pay fees for their kids to play, but it's nothing close to what this area brings in with a large tournament. This area needs that money coming in.

  72. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Garey Mackes brought a better quality of life to Wicomico County through is vision, we have Winter Place Park, the Henry Parker Complex, Pemberton Park and many play grounds. Gary is a passionate person! A person who has supported many benefits for children with disabilities and the elderly. This I know first hand. Bashing Gary Mackes is like bashing the Pastor of a church. I am sure many on here making comments would do that as well. Gary didn't serve to make this a popularity contest. He made some unpopular decisions but at the end of the day it was best for the community. I served on the Recreation Commision and Gary always respected our opinionspostive or negative. I wish Gary and Mary and family well.

    December 13, 2014 at 10:17 AM

    Comparing Gary Mackes to a pastor? Gary have you lost your F*n mind? You might be partially right though. I do know some criminal born again Jesus Freak pastors who act just like you. The only thing is they are no real Christians, they are doing it for the power and greed just like you. Don't you get tired of defending yourself every time you read someone bashing you? We are so glad you are gone.

  73. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Garey Mackes brought a better quality of life to Wicomico County through is vision, we have Winter Place Park, the Henry Parker Complex, Pemberton Park and many play grounds. Gary is a passionate person! A person who has supported many benefits for children with disabilities and the elderly. This I know first hand. Bashing Gary Mackes is like bashing the Pastor of a church. I am sure many on here making comments would do that as well. Gary didn't serve to make this a popularity contest. He made some unpopular decisions but at the end of the day it was best for the community. I served on the Recreation Commision and Gary always respected our opinionspostive or negative. I wish Gary and Mary and family well.

    December 13, 2014 at 10:17 AM

    Yes of course you know this first hand because this is you Gary Mackes. You are an ignorant FOOL!! You are toast Gary and you are not coming back. I know at least one Councilman that will make sure of that. Keep thinking you are better than someone and pissing in their cornflakes. You didn't deserve to stay employed this long and I know Henry Parker was a good man, but he was blind when he hired you.

  74. Anonymous said...
    Saving the local ballparks for only the locals doesn't generate the revenue that hosting the out of towners does. I know the locals have to pay fees for their kids to play, but it's nothing close to what this area brings in with a large tournament. This area needs that money coming in.

    December 13, 2014 at 11:45 AM

    I know right! That's like mom and pop owning a little grocery store, but only allowed to serve locals only. Yeah, that would go over like a fart in church.

  75. To 11:45 Poster that said'

    'Saving the local ballparks for only the locals doesn't generate the revenue that hosting the out of towners does.'

    Response: Let's let the taxpayers who fund the operations of Wicomico Recreation and Parks - decide whether or not to let the outsiders come in here to take over our County's parks & ball fields. I can guarantee you that if you go to any of the local tournaments you won't find many Maryland license plates on any of the parked cars. IMHO - Wicomico's taxpayers are being taken to the cleaners for having to front load the expenses for hosting these events. Sure - there might be some spin-off for the local restaurants & hotels - but in the end it is the Taxpayers of Wicomico who should be making the choice.

  76. In my humble opinion - I believe it is high time for Gary Mackes to retire. He has been here a very long time. If I'm not mistaken - I believe he came in on a CETA program under the Carter administration.

  77. If he was hired while Jimmy Carter was in office, it is no wonder I can't find a job. I wasn't born until 1983. It is time for him to move over and let some of the younger generation get a shot.

  78. It is pretty amazing that you all have nothing better to do but sit around on your computer and bash people. Communities are supposed to be supportive of each other. Instead of spending your time writing your harsh words, maybe you should put your energy toward creating positive changes in your community. Obviously the ones who have nothing good to say are ex-employees who didn't do your job well or the ones who sat on the bench. Probably because you spent too much time on this blog. Best of luck.

  79. Building all these ball parks. How long will it be before we have them paid for and make a profit? These people normally eat and sleep in Ocean City. They sleep here when they have to. Looks good on paper.

  80. What is CETA program?

  81. To state bashers! At 70 I know a little more than the non-state workers...have a little kindness...in 1973 there were few good RN jobs. a single mom I was provided the blessing of steady income working a month on 3 changing shift rotations and 7 days a week before a day off..( you would not believe for how little...I STAND PROUD FOR WHAT I BELIEVE IN...I REFUSE TO FALL FOR ANYTHING... my point is...we CARED for 456 Deers Head Center Patients.. we were PROUD TO SAY OUR PATIENTS DID NOT GET BEDSORES......WE HEALED THEM....We cared for any Eastern Shore residents such as a Mayors wife, an owner of Trimpers & one Ward brother! We also provided years of care for patients that frankly no one wanted..there was only 2 other (good but only 2 ) choices The Parsons home and Springhill Nsg Home..we loved our patients & co workers WE WERE & ARE STILL FAMILY! What I am saying is DO NOT CONFUSE US RETIREES as worthless.... I pray that you never need such loving care... but I have no fear of going to H... In A H....B..... for ANY act of unkindness I HAVE EVER DONE .. I can honestly say that. Try to have a Merry Christmas...I suggest you VOLUNTEER for a few days at DHC or Holly Center... I am sure many of the staff would appreciate your help especially at feeding time..don't bash what you have never done....CNAs work 2 jobs to afford life .. I am sure the Aides & Housekeeping state workers would love you no matter what you think...MAY GOD BLESS YOU!

    1. 2:48, where was the state bashing?

  82. To 1 23pm from RN at or near 2 49 pm THANK YOU I WAS BUSY and had not yet read your comment THANK YOU AND YOU HAVE JUST PERFORMED AN ACT OF KINDNESS!!!

  83. Anonymous said...
    It is pretty amazing that you all have nothing better to do but sit around on your computer and bash people. Communities are supposed to be supportive of each other. Instead of spending your time writing your harsh words, maybe you should put your energy toward creating positive changes in your community. Obviously the ones who have nothing good to say are ex-employees who didn't do your job well or the ones who sat on the bench. Probably because you spent too much time on this blog. Best of luck.

    December 13, 2014 at 1:23 PM

    It's pretty amazing that Gary Mackes doesn't have anything better to do than sit around on his computer and defend himself.

    Good Riddance Gary Mackes you are getting off pretty easy.

  84. Anonymous said...
    Building all these ball parks. How long will it be before we have them paid for and make a profit? These people normally eat and sleep in Ocean City. They sleep here when they have to. Looks good on paper.

    December 13, 2014 at 1:36 PM

    The parks cost Wicomico County hardly anything as far as paying Wicomico County taxes. Since you are to stupid to make a comment then please refrain. The parks in question are used for Little League and Softball most of the time you moron.

  85. CETA: A '70s Government Jobs Program That Didn't Work

  86. 301
    That should be too stupid. If you are going to call someone stupid and a moron you really should not make mistakes yourself.

  87. To 2:55. This is not Gary Mackes. But thanks for your compliment.

  88. I have only lived here for a few years but I can honestly say that if anyone wants to know the low-down on who's who or what department has been doing what, then they have come to the right place.

    This blog is ripe in depicting is happening as opposed to all of the other medias trying to re-write history. I am impressed!

  89. Letter to the Editor

    Here is something I found interesting. Remember that Josh Hastings guy that ran for the County Council? The guy that said he wasn't a Democrat? The one that said he was an Independent? The one that said he was an Independent that had to file to run as a Democrat? The one that said he was a Moderate? The one that said he was a Conservative Democrat? The one that said he was a Republican? The guy that said he would change parties to become a Republican if they got rid of Joe Albero? You know the guy that couldn't get his story straight and flat out lied to the voters in Wicomico County. Ron Pagano just posted on Facebook that Josh Hastings is now the president of the Wicomico County Democrat Club. What a liar he is. And to top that off the Democrat Club elected Ron Pagano as a member of the their Board of Directors. Speaks volumes for the Democrats to be represented by a liar and a criminal. Typical Democrats!!

    Ron Pagano

    What a great Wicomico Dem Club Holiday Party tonight at the SWAC venue in Salisbury. Nice to see that we have survived a devastating election, but we're already talking about "next time!" Glad to see John LaFerla, who is now working with an anti-gerrymandering group that includes the League of Women Voters, Common Cause and other Maryland organizations. Also, congratulations and good luck to Josh Hastings, taking over leadership of the Club on Jan 1st. I look forward to working with him as a member of the Board of Directors! Onward and upward!

  90. Very sorry to see you go, Gary. You've done so much good for this county that people don't know about or others took credit for.
    I wonder if our parks and recreations programs will continue to be in the black year after year after your departure.

    1. I agree on all points. Hard work & dedication should NOT equal a kick in the ass upon leaving.

  91. For those defending mackes you know a different mackes. Employees and others have seen the side you haven't. He did good, but time to go. Good luck Gary.

  92. Sorry that he expected his employees to work. Bob will find out, the ones complaining to him that have his ear, are the ones that will never be happy.

  93. non employees have plenty of complaints about Mackes too. He has had lots of interaction with people during his career that were very negative. He is arrogant, demeaning and vengeful if crossed. This is coming from a member of the public who has seen his ugly side in action. I can't imagine how bad it was to be an employee.

  94. Will the extensive finance personnel and activities continue to be located at civic center or should they be moved to GOB under direction of staff there?

  95. Mackes represents the last of the old Democratic regime. These included Phil Tilghman, Henry Parker, Ed Taylor, Betty Gardner, among others.

    It amazes me as to how the Democratic regime is trying to re-emerge or reinvent itself. In case you haven't noticed - they got shell-aced after this past election.

  96. Okay now Mackel need to go and then the county should be in a better place.

  97. Joe December 13, 2014 at 8:35 PM should be a letter to the editor.

  98. Anonymous said...
    Will the extensive finance personnel and activities continue to be located at civic center or should they be moved to GOB under direction of staff there?

    December 14, 2014 at 1:44 PM

    I agree. We don't need the duplication of services.

    If they have an IT tech get rid of them. Use the County IT division. That goes for all departments that have a dedicated IT person in their department. We have a County IT department that isn't that busy.

  99. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Mackes represents the last of the old Democratic regime. These included Phil Tilghman, Henry Parker, Ed Taylor, Betty Gardner, among others.

    It amazes me as to how the Democratic regime is trying to re-emerge or reinvent itself. In case you haven't noticed - they got shell-aced after this past election.

    December 14, 2014 at 2:28 PM

    Don't forget Tony Sarbanes, Marvin Long and Lapdog Chip Dashields.

  100. 2:05 AM - excuse me, but do you work for County IT?

  101. I know of one "directly" under him that benefited greatly personally from tax dollars. A few more need to go that were under him please??? Maybe we can get some good entertainment in this area for the Civic Center to get revenue up. Need to quit bringing in the Cosby types and work to get some good quality attractions. Same ol crap every year. Time for change all over that place!!

  102. A lot more could go, Mackel, Ennis, Beauchamp and Wisk.


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