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Sunday, December 14, 2014

ALL Of You Should Be Outraged

Yesterday we published a Press Release, (more than 24 hours ahead of ANY other media source) HERE in which an 83 year old male was simply walking down Camden Ave. near Monticello Blvd. where he was attacked by, (at the time) 3 teenagers who physically assaulted him. It turns out there are now SEVEN suspects. 

They demanded money after punching him in the back of the head, in which he fell to the ground. They continued to kick him and punch him and even started hitting him with his umbrella until it broke in half. 

I was amazed that there were only 13 comments on that Post. I apologize for the delay of this article but we are dealing with the disappearance of a Family member four days ago and we've been quite busy.

Nevertheless, CRIME IS DOWN IN SALISBURY? No Press Conference from the Chief of Police, the Mayor or Council President?

Give me your taxes and oh, by the way, we don't give a sh!t what happens to you, lock your doors and replace your glass windows with Plexiglas? SAFE STREETS MY REAR END.



  1. This is why I just bought a hand gun.

  2. Sad state of affairs in Salisbury! I am taking the warning as to what lays under the surface of Salisbury as far as crime in general and specific incidents like the Christmas Parade in Salisbury. The pot is boiling folks and the civil unrest is just the beginning.

  3. White people are too afraid to hardly get angry over this type of thing...They've been systematically neutered by society.

  4. 7:48 #2 what do you suggest be done?
    It kinda sounds like you'd like the unrest you predict.

  5. I for one am ready to stand my ground

  6. Someone should find out who they are and publish their names and addresses. Then let vigilante justice take over. I've grown weary of hearing about stories like this. If these young punks had to live the rest of their lives being unable to walk, perhaps they would learn something. As a matter of fact, publish the names of their families as well. It obvious mom and dad didn't do their job, maybe they could use some vigilante justice too.

  7. If I carry, I become an instant felon and victim of perps like this. If I don't, I become a victim of the perp.

    I'll carry, I guess. There's not much choice.

    1. That's the right play. Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

  8. Arm yourselves the media has taught black people that they are justified in killing you and it's wrong for you to defend yourselves, We must stick together.

  9. Teenage punk thugs will get off with hardly any penalty. They need to be beaten like what they did to the older man. I hope they get repaid in full.

  10. Missed your earlier post or I would have commented. It is a disgrace. Do these kids have parents, attend school, go to church....is there no one that cares about them trying to intervene. Doesn't anyone want to break the cycle?

    I agree with a comment made a few days ago. It is time the upstanding minority community members do something about the bad apples making them all look bad.

    It is very disturbing that this happened in broad daylight in an area not far from the college.

    The judges need to grow a spine and start giving stiffer sentences that mean something.

  11. I stay home at night if I must go out I'm armed and prepared for worst case scenario. I have no voice in the unrest part of it , but I know good people of all races are tired of the foolishness. If it becomes an issue in the county then I stand prepared my house is ready and I am ready already having decided many years ago before I killed in the military that I can live with myself better judged by 12 than I can carried by six! I will be around to protect my family!

  12. We veterans need to go back on patrol.

  13. I wonder if these little brats were returning from the Salisbury Christmas parade. Maybe this should be classified as a hate crime.

    8:12 I agree we should publish their names but since we can't we should publish the names of their parents!

  14. Chief duncan't has spent her time building a corrupt administration and running anyone with an ounce of integrity out of the agency all the while lying to the citizens in the form of fudged crime stats.

  15. I notice you have the time on this post as 11:59 which causes it to stay as the top post. I will admit I attempt to check your site every day. I did not check your site the evening that you posted the article you are complaining of not having enough hits. I did however go on your site the next day approximately around lunch time. I scrolled for some time and never encountered that story. If you want to ensure such stories get the "hits" you feel they deserve, perhaps you could reconstruct the blog so as they do not get buried.

  16. As much as I'd like to watch them all strung up, nothing is going to happen to them. They are a protected, entitled class. You can rattle all the cages you want. Look into their backgrounds, if you can. You will find generations of welfare, multiple fathers who are nowhere to be found, a few nice cars, several prior arrests in the families, nice manicures, tattoos everywhere, very little education, and no employment histories. You won't find a hint of remorse anywhere in the bloodlines. You'll get gibberish from Jim and Barbara, and maybe some pretend outrage from Matt and Mike, but again, nothing is going to happen to the little darlings. Nothing.

  17. I agree with the above, unfortunately nothing happens--throw them in jail maybe at this age--one thing I would bet the mortgage is that ALL 7 will end up in jail someday--but not after committing heinous crimes...

    Just junk--throw it away to the landfill

  18. Lets get md conceled carry policy in line with our rights....shall issue means shall issue period...i have no record preveting me ...its my right to protect myself in th street

  19. You should post a picture of what the criminals actually look like. Your picture is very deceiving!!

  20. You are wrong!! I know for a fact this didn't happen. Ask Jake Day and Jim Ireton, they will tell you the truth that crime is down in da 'Bury.

  21. at 8:12 pm since when did carrying become a felony? The only way it's a felony is if you commit a crime with it! So are you suggesting you are armed and getting ready to commit a crime? At that point it will become a felony but until you commit a crime it is a misdemeanor to carry a concealed handgun. Make a statement and carry a shotgun as the vice president suggested to arm your household with. That way the thug will be sure and not mess with you because they know you really mean business.

  22. I would love to know what can be done in this circumstance. I lived in that area and I saw this type of thing from time to time....but.... you cannot call the police when you see a group of young men hanging together even when you KNOW something is afoot.

    Do I call city police and if so, what do I say?? "There are a group of off looking subjects in a gang hanging around or passing through."?????? And what would be the point??? Too much crime, not enough officers. Would that type of report even phase them.

    I don't want to become a pain in the bottom but when people of any age start traveling in numbers (packs, gangs) it is of concern. There are a large number of citizens in that age group living in that area and they all must be terrified. What can we do as citizens to help???? Crime watch signs are already posted in that area and that didn't seem to deter anything.

    All I'm saying is it would be nice to have some direction on these matters. Citizens would like some input from law enforcement if possible.

  23. You expect people around here to be overly concerned what happens here, much less the country?

    They may talk a lot of smack on here but they won't do anything until their masters tell them they are allowed.

    This happened at 330pm. No one was riding by and seen this happening? No one lived nearby and seen or heard anything?

    3 14yo's, 2 15yo's and one 16yo. All these rambo's and locked and loaded killer wannabe's couldn't stop and help this old man?

    Not doing anything to stop bs like this from happening is just as bad as these punks doing the crap in the first place.

    And no one has to kill anyone. Just confronting them will stop some things. If just one of you would stop and help, that might just make someone else stop and help.

    If it happened to you wouldn't you want someone to help you out?

  24. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Arm yourselves the media has taught black people that they are justified in killing you and it's wrong for you to defend yourselves, We must stick together.

    December 9, 2014 at 8:20 PM

    And even worse, I see everyday the POLICE WILL kill you and get away with it.

    Personally, I'm more worried about a cop coming towards me than any black guy/thug, or any other label people want to use.

    I'll take my chances with one of them before a cop any day.

  25. There is no law in Maryland that prohibts the publishing of their names, it is normally not done because most juvinile crime is frivolous offensives. In this case they should be released so the community knows who to be wary of and to bring shame to them and anyone associated with them. The major problem is these punks do not have any shame much less know the meaning. The courts should lock them up for as long as they possibly could! It was definately a racial hate crime but only caucasions can be charged with that, equal justice under the law does not exist when it is non-caucasion on caucasion crime!

  26. Anonymous said...
    White people are too afraid to hardly get angry over this type of thing...They've been systematically neutered by society.

    December 9, 2014 at 7:50 PM

    These few words speak volumes. White people are punks.

  27. I know the Md State Police have volunteer programs/or did. Does the Salisbury PD have a volunteer program???? I'm not talking about a "ride along" type of helping...more of a paper pusher type thing.

  28. Anonymous said...
    7:48 #2 what do you suggest be done?
    It kinda sounds like you'd like the unrest you predict.

    December 9, 2014 at 7:59 PM

    DUH!! It's coming. You must be skeerrtt!!

  29. Anonymous said...
    Someone should find out who they are and publish their names and addresses. Then let vigilante justice take over. I've grown weary of hearing about stories like this. If these young punks had to live the rest of their lives being unable to walk, perhaps they would learn something. As a matter of fact, publish the names of their families as well. It obvious mom and dad didn't do their job, maybe they could use some vigilante justice too.

    December 9, 2014 at 8:12 PM

    What makes you think they have a father! Their birth certificates usually say....

    Father: Unk.

  30. The slime at the naacp doesn't want people to profile.
    Well they are going to profile and they aren't going to stop because young black men give people a reason to profile.

  31. There's also an underlying and tragic reality presented here.
    We otherwise law abiding citizens now have to resort to, or at least consider, breaking a state 'carry' law to feel we can safely walk our streets and neighborhoods.
    The DA & LE might well consider that upon the occasion, should it arise. I know that I would NEVER convict someone were I a juror and I'm bettin' I ain't the only one, either.

  32. The lack of carry permits in Maryland is the problem. However, you are permitted to carry a target type hand held crossbow. Once again a can of good quality wasp and hornet spray will stop them in their tracks.

  33. Just because we don't comment, doesn't mean we are not disgusted and even more, saddened at what our city has become. :-(

  34. I made a comment that you did not print. It was rather tame.

    Other than that, making a comment isn't going to change anything. You see I have a drug dealer that lives behind me. The cops know all about him but do nothing.... for over 2 years. They even know his name.

    Actually I feel helpless and disgusted. He is only the tip of the iceberg and they do nothing about him, what else are they doing nothing about.

    See, he doesn't drive, and the ONLY way they make a bust around here is through a traffic stop.

    So I guess he wins and I have to go thru the hassle of moving.

    Welcome to the bury. yea

  35. Someone made the "hug a thug" comment and that is EXACTLY what they will do .

    My neighbors kid vandalized my vehicle. We identified him, he got hugged, I paid the bill.

    They HIGHLY discourage you from pursuing it. And by HIGHLY I mean they literally ignore your request to pursue the matter.

  36. Why bother commenting? The blacks do and say what they want. The whites are silenced. When can we express our feelings in a manner in which we are free do do so? They can say what they want. We do and locked up or banned.

  37. If they want help in identifying, why isn't there a description? Do they not want to say?

  38. Think about it , these animals go in in packs because they are weak.
    They need to be terminated like roaches .
    The media has portrayed the cops as bullies and overbearing thugs. Now the crimes WILL increase because the cops have made up their mind , screw you guys , handle it yourselves.
    So here is a good example :
    Yesterday on Washington street(Salisbury) I was doing my job as I do everyday , There were 5 black young guys standing around on the side of a residence. When I approached my vehicle they came toward me so I turned to show them my open carry pistol on my hip. They turned around and left , not a word was exchanged.
    My permit to carry in the 2nd amendment , if you wish to do the same , do not hide it , make sure it is open carry.
    However , having said that , I do hope that most of you carry , it is almost a must.
    If these animals wish to continue , which they will , please be prepared. The police can't save you anymore , the blacks have made that clear.
    By the way , I also carry a 12 ga. pump with 00 buck shot in my vehicle.

  39. I find it interesting that the race of the suspects nor the victim haven't been published anywhere. Calls should flood into the SA Office to demand that these punks be tried as adults and therefore making it possible to publish their names and descriptions. In this incident alone, at least 3 crimes were committed, robbery, assault, and theft of the bicycles..isn't that enough to warrant adult charges?? Call the SA Office at 410-548-4880 and demand as taxpayers and registered voters that your voices be heard!

  40. We need our own packs to travel and patrol our neighborhoods...Stop talking and let's do it.

  41. 5:19, I hope you own or lease that property you were standing on; otherwise it is unlawful to carry a handgun open or concealed without a permit. This man was walking on a public sidewalk as I understand where it is unlawful to carry anything except a long gun.

  42. You people kill me with the comments on here. Black this Thug that why don't you just admit your part of the problem. White people around here are afraid to talk to young black men. You look at us funny when we speak or walk by as if we're aliens. I've lived here all my life 34 years. There's not a street in Salisbury I haven't or won't walk through because I have respect for others neighborhood and carry myself as so. I've never committed a crime, I've served my country and even I was pulled over for having a Air freshener tree hanging from my rear view. Now I see white people have Gps stuck in the middle of the windshield and I bet they won't get stopped. And then you wonder why we're mad. Smh

  43. You clowns crack me up making this a black vs white thing. I guess you just ignore all the black parents hustling their kids to sports practices, church, after-school programs, and other extracurricular events every day. You choose to ignore all the stories of blacks fighting for their communities and taking action against crime. Then you have the audacity to turn around and say "blacks are doing anything". No sir, you are just choose to selectively absorb information that supports your preconceived notions on race.

  44. 731 smh, I too have walked every neighborhood in Salisbury when I ran for Mayor and I never once had a problem.

    I lived Downtown and again I never once had a problem. In fact, I found ea ch and every black person traveling through the Plaza area extremely inviting.

    In this case, however, I have a MASSIVE issue with ANY HUMAN BEING picking on / targeting the elderly.

    There's a fine line and this group just crossed it.

    I also believe that the people YOU elected should have let the public know there's a major issue and they will not stand for such crime, EVER!

    Where is Mary Ashanti on this issue?

  45. 7:31, I will try and be kind.
    The kid that vandalized my car was black, I was white.
    I befriended him and paid him to do trivial yard work to keep him out of trouble.
    When I previously approached his POS stoned welfare mama about his conduct she was annoyed that I got her fat azz off the sofa.

    Then the cops are like, well ma'am, we could do an in school program with him (hug a thug), do you really want to press charges. Well yea, who is going to pay the $500 deductible? (ME I guess)

    Just living up to your stereotype.

    And then YOU wonder why WE are mad. SMH.

  46. My original unpublished comment also addressed the fact that race/color are obviously and intentionally omitted from the press release.

    I also asked, how can we help identify anyone with out an accurate description.

    Now we hide facts? Why? What purpose does it serve?

  47. First its the rentals. Then come the undesirables. Then the crime. Very predictable process. The only way to avoid this scenario is to buy your way into a better area. Sad but very true.

  48. How about folks of all races stop mass producing kids they can't support or supervise.

  49. 8:10 yea, lets drag that old "rental" mantra into the conversation, although it has nothing to do with the situation, and clearly shows your level or ignorance.

    A. developers are saturating the area with rentals look at all the new and huge complexes being built
    B. its a college town
    C. it is a minimum wage town
    D. soon you will find all those home converted apts sitting vacant, as people move into the complexes
    E. it is a welfare community

    Your community issues go WAY beyond a rental issue. Sorry you are too stupid to realize it.

  50. 8:10 yea thats it, people see that there are apts in this community and flock to live here!

    I wonder how other communities with apts keep them out?

  51. 8:16 WHAT? That would mean I would make less in welfare!!! You are ruining my 5 year plan!

  52. Joe don't you rent your moms old house to like 10 people a block away

  53. 8:32, No. The house was sold years ago and I was never an owner of the property.

  54. More young thugs looking for trouble.... try that crap with me and I will certain to give you headlines in the obituary section. Try me !!

  55. It is becoming an issue that elderly people have a viable reason to "carry." We are becoming the weaker target to young thugs. Wonder if I could get a carry permit simply because I'm a potential victim of ageism??? Or maybe I can get a carry permit because I am outnumbered 4 to 1 (race) in my neighborhood. Until then...I guess many people will be breaking the law.

  56. My son is studying criminal justice in school. He told me his instructor told him that Salisbury is now the 11th in the nation for crime. Does not speak well for Salisbury or Wicomico county in general.

  57. well this won't be much of a college town when we put this crime situation out on all the social medias so the parents of the students can see what is going on and what dangers their children face here because the mayor tries to hide it. Get the parents to pull the kids out of
    here, hit Salisbury in the pocketbook and lets see what happens.

  58. I walked that neighborhood, at dusk, last week and passed a group of teenage boys on the sidewalk on bikes. Looks like I was the lucky one that day however, will be looking for a new route to take walks from now on...scary! Thanks for the info Joe.

  59. Wicomico county needs to become an unfriendly environment for gangs and wayward racist teens. Cut them off at the feeding trough. The citizens need to form a Wicomico county militia because the police can't be everywhere.

  60. December 9, 2014 at 9:16 PM
    What the Hell are you talking about? Want to say that in English?

  61. After working from 5:30 am until 9pm for elections I returned home to have my house robbed by breaking down the back slider with a ax. a witness saw a black juvenile about 14 leaving my yard on bike with my two lap tops and ipad. By the way I messed him by 15 minutes. If he broke in with a ax I am glad I was not there. I earned $225.00 for the day only to have to spend that and more in repairs to my home. I worked all day so someone could come in and take what I work for. End result...no information by police.

  62. From another site. Everyone needs to stand behind April and not those who want to shift the problem for their own personal gain. I give credit where credit is due and April is a forward thinking person and she is what's needed more than anything as a spokesperson for the community and not protesters who are not ever from here. Stand Behind April!

    April R. Jackson- "Sickening I'm like for real where are the protestors.....King Langston let's get this done call me something really needs to be done with our children...this is too much and for long it's gonna be more and more elderly adults getting robbed and beaten where the heck is the respect for mankind / there was a time time when we respected our elderly and were kind to them, help them, looked out for them, loved them.......WHERE? Not now.......The parents of these young people need to turn their butts into the police, if it were mine he/she definitely would be turned in without a doubt.......Stop Protesting and work with the youth and community"

  63. The story got buried on your site, that's a problem with pushing 40 stories a day. You need to find a way to keep Top Stories highly visible. I actually had to search your site for the story after hearing about it from my daughter who lives on Camden Ave 3 streets away. Didn't think with her living about a block off campus that heading into her final year at Salisbury that I'm faced with finding a different place for her to live whether that means a secured apartment community, a commute from out of town or the thought of her transferring closer to home on this side of the bridge.

    Nothing will happen, punks are punks and they will get away with it. Honestly I wish one of those "Bad" Salisbury cops you complain about would have gotten their hands on the kids. But you wonder wonder why that teen on a bike a couple of months back was chased down after lying to a cop and then running leading to his being "scarred for life" as you say? Because this is the stuff they do, like it or not. It isn't stereotyping if its the truth.

  64. 819. Instead of mudslinging why don't you look at the statistics concerning communities with a large percentage of rental properties vs vested home ownership.these older neighborhoods including the Camden Avenue area have been in decline for decades. The rental cancer is creeping closer to the once safe and beautiful areas of our city. I grew up on College Avenue near the university and have personally witnessed the slow decay of the entire area.

  65. anonymous 10:00, Let me start with this.

    We are a FREE service. You should start by respecting the fact that we work at least 16 hours a day to deliver YOU FREE news and information.

    As for the 14 year old child that was assaulted by a Salisbury Police Officer, I read ALL of the transcripts yesterday from that trial and if you had read it you would be amazed at what/how this Officer testified and the facts of the case.

    Go to the court house and get a copy for yourself before you open your big mouth. It is not our intention to "BURY" a story and IF you had read the Post you would have come to learn I had been dealing with a very serious personal issue.

    Unfortunately the missing family member was found deceased at 5 AM this morning. SO BITE ME!

  66. The little SOB's need to be beating up on their own grandparents and leave others alone. Total scum and so are the parents for letting their child hang in the streets. Everyone knows the bad influences are out there an parents need to start acting like parents otherwise they need to be strapped down and spay and neutered. Sounds inhumane but the way the parents raise these children is inhumane to the law biding citizens.

  67. re: 10:12 PM

    I read your opinion and was very surprised there were no responses to it.

    Contrary to what the media tells us, we are much safer being approached by a police officer than a thug. Maybe you are a thug who is doing or have done something contrary to our laws and society.

    That was one of the most asinine statements ever published on this blog.


  68. "And even worse, I see everyday the POLICE WILL kill you and get away with it.

    Personally, I'm more worried about a cop coming towards me than any black guy/thug, or any other label people want to use.

    I'll take my chances with one of them before a cop any day.

    December 9, 2014 at 10:12 PM"

    I agree 10:13 and people who feel like this have no right to ever call the police under any circumstances.

  69. 10:02 apples and oranges.

    are you comparing college towns to non college towns?
    are you comparing high wage based communities to our minimum wage community?
    are you comparing low welfare communities to our high welfare community

    provide actual data.

    holding on to your outdated mantra is getting your community nowhere. the issue is more complex than your rental theory. educate yourself, please.

  70. This is terrible. If I had seen it happening I would have come to the victim's assistance. Maybe I would have beaten too, but I would have done my best to help him. Law enforcement and the courts need to take this seriously.

  71. Joe.... so sorry for your loss. How terrible. God Bless

  72. 7:48 buying a handgun won't keep you safe unless you carry it on your person every where you go. You'll need a carry permit. Good luck with that.

  73. 10:08 Where's the story?

  74. Unfortunately the missing family member was found deceased at 5 AM this morning. SO BITE ME!

    December 10, 2014 at 10:08 AM

    My condolences.

  75. I read your opinion and was very surprised there were no responses to it.

    Contrary to what the media tells us, we are much safer being approached by a police officer than a thug. Maybe you are a thug who is doing or have done something contrary to our laws and society.

    That was one of the most asinine statements ever published on this blog.

    December 10, 2014 at 10:13 AM

    If you are referring to your own comment, I agree. You can blame the media all you like but video does not lie. Cops on the other hand....

    I agree 10:13 and people who feel like this have no right to ever call the police under any circumstances.
    December 10, 2014 at 10:23 AM

    I just love how people like you always throw out this response. "If you don't like how we abuse you, don't call us". You are PAID to do a job. There are guidelines and policies to tell you how to do that job. When you disobey those guidelines you should NOT have that job.

    And since you advocate NOT doing that job at all, you should be fired. Ones like you are part of the problem, not the solution.

    Go join your firemen friends who feel the same way. Maybe one day they will update their psych testing and we won't have to contend with your types from the get-go.

    You can always be mall security or become a volunteer fireman. ( no offense to the vol. ff out there)

  76. Contrary to what the media tells us, we are much safer being approached by a police officer than a thug. Maybe you are a thug who is doing or have done something contrary to our laws and society.

    That was one of the most asinine statements ever published on this blog.

    December 10, 2014 at 10:13 AM

    I'm sure Kelly Thomas, the guy in New Mexico murdered for camping, (just two examples out of THOUSANDS), felt safe when approached by thug cops.

    Right up until they breathed their last at the hands of police.

    Things will never change until asinine thinking like yours changes.

    I won't even go into the rapes and sexual assaults against women and BABIES you hero-types commit.

  77. I'll be carrying my gun wherever I go...Screw the permit as long as I'm not committing a crime I'm good.

  78. If you want your peace of mind and be able to live civilized than complaining on a blog makes you feel better but won't change a thing...We must become the protectors of our neighborhoods and the hunters of criminals.

  79. Send them to a nice tough boot camp! They never should have closed the one we had here. It's badly needed. That would get them straight.

  80. What it's going to take is one of the race baiting getting their head smashed in by a thug and when that happens a new day will dawn and they will have a whole new perspective.
    Until then it will be the same old same old excuse-'disenfranchised youths' and 'angry' over this and that nonsense.

  81. We must become the protectors of our neighborhoods and the hunters of criminals.

    December 10, 2014 at 12:23 PM

    OH, and I thought that's what the police were for. My bad.

    But they can only catch criminals when they fall into their laps via some traffic violation.

  82. provide actual data.

    holding on to your outdated mantra is getting your community nowhere. the issue is more complex than your rental theory. educate yourself, please.

    December 10, 2014 at 10:24 AM

    Why don't YOU educate yourself fruitloop? You always say the same crap without offering anything to counter what you deny.

    This isn't nazi germany. we won't believe your lies or bs no matter how long you repeat them.

  83. One of the owners of a prominent once downtown, now by the park business owner has posted on their Facebook that their child goes to school with the students who perpetrated this crime. These children will be found out as I am pretty positive the other children who are aware of the identities of their peers will not be kept confidential.

  84. OH, and I thought that's what the police were for. My bad.

    But they can only catch criminals when they fall into their laps via some traffic violation.

    December 10, 2014 at 4:01 PM

    Unless you piss them off and they get butt hurt, then they won't do their job at all.

    Come to think of it, that might not be such a bad thing. Less people would get killed then.

  85. The police can investigate but until they can predict crimes we need to take care of these thugs roaming our streets ourselves.

  86. Cap welfare at two kids. That would do a great deal to end the population explosion.

  87. I agree 10:13 and people who feel like this have no right to ever call the police under any circumstances.
    December 10, 2014 at 10:23 AM

    I will promise not to call police if they promise to totally stay out of my life.

    Sounds like a win-win to me.

  88. we need to take care of these thugs roaming our streets ourselves.

    December 10, 2014 at 8:14 PM

    That may sound good in theory but it will never be truly successful.

  89. That may sound good in theory but it will never be truly successful.

    December 11, 2014 at 12:33 AM

    It will be successful if action is taken...Patrol the streets around our homes and run off people that obviously are there to do harm...It takes guts.

  90. 6:15. Haters going to hate. The truth is evident. In Which neighborhood would you prefer to reside? I know my choice.

  91. How is the elderly gentleman doing?


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