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Sunday, December 07, 2014

Al Sharpton will attend Monday White House civil rights meeting

President Barack Obama will meet with controversial black pastor and MSNBC host Al Sharpton on Monday at the White House, and plans to demand 263 million from Congress to put 50,000 body-worn cameras in U.S. police departments in response to the August police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.

Brown's parents have pushed the cameras as one solution to the distrust between police and criminal suspects following physical encounters. The White House said in August that it agreed with the idea in principle.

'We support the use of cameras and video technology by law enforcement officers, and the Department of Justice continues to research best practices for implementation,' the administration wrote in response to a public petition that attracted more than 154,000 supporters on the White House website.

The new initiative will provide 50 per cent of the funding for cameras, but will not pay for them entirely, at a cost of $75 million.

It will also provide new training resources and funds to study how to reform police practices.

It's unclear why Officer Darren Wilson didn't wear a camera during his fateful encounter with Brown. Members of the Ferguson Police Department were photographed wearing body cameras later that month during an August 30 rally.



  1. If he had worn a camera, this discussion would be over as it would have corroborated the witness testimony that the Grand Jury used when they 'refused' to indict the officer!

  2. Maybe Sharpton can pay his share out of the back taxes he owes. It's for the children!

  3. Holder should arrest him on the spot!

  4. I thought racism was one of the items on the WH agenda? If so, why invite the biggest racist Sharpton?

  5. I'd like to see SPD and sheriff office wear body camera. I also heard sheriff's office didn't take advantage of a grant by their insurance company who would have paid 50% of their cost. Wonder if SPD had the same opportunity. Smart move had they did it prior to possibly being forced to by government.

  6. Obama, holder , Sharpton.
    The 3 RACIST amegas.

  7. I suggest Obama invite Ted Nugent as well. And how about Ben Carson.

  8. Obama has zero credibility, what an embarrassment to our country.

  9. Sharpton is there because Obamie wants to keep this Ferguson thing ongoing to keep the Public from focusing on the more pressing problems in this Country like the economy, unemployment, ISIS terrorism, illegal immigrants etc. etc. etc!!!
    And you can bank on ol' Al does not have to worry about the IRS on his a$$ provided he keeps the Ferguson news on top - protest, protest, protest???

  10. Birds of a feather flock together. joke alert, joke alert. sad.

  11. Since Obama and his administration claim they didn't know about Sharpton's ripping off the IRS until recently on TV he should demand that ole Sharpie pays up now.

  12. Sharpton is just a bad Birthday Party Clown -- he diminishes American Culture every time he opens his mouth-- as planned --thank the people at NBC who line his pockets -- and desire our Country for their own

  13. You'd be fooling yourself if you think for one second a body camera would have satisfied or will satisfy these people.
    It's clear they want nothing of the truth. The "mother" of Brown is representative of these miscreants. She stated on national television, after the convenience store robbery tape was widely available for all to see that her son "would never be an aggressor." Mothers like this are the worst society has to offer a child.
    Lying is their way of life. It's what they are taught and it's what they do best. This breech in the wall of morals is what then takes them into a life of crime.

  14. What a piece of SH-T


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