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Friday, November 28, 2014

War-Crime Denial

Having lied about secession, states’ rights, the origins of the Constitution, Lincoln, and just about everything having to do with the American “Civil War” for many generations, the Lincoln cult is now hard at work on its biggest lie of all: that General William Tecumseh Sherman’s famous “march to the sea” did not negatively affect Southern civilians or their property.

In a November 14 New York Times article one Alan Blinder wrote of “an expanding body of more forgiving scholarship about the general’s behavior.” In its ten thousandth attempt (at least) to mentally “reconstruct” Southerners, the government-funded Georgia Historical Society, in cahoots with the Jimmy Carter Presidential Museum, recently paced a marker in Atlanta “near the picnic tables at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum” that is supposedly “a reassessment of Sherman” that has been “decades in the making” by the Lincoln cult.

Sherman was not “gratuitously destructive,” says the marker. He only targeted “military infrastructure.” Of course, in reality Sherman considered every Southern person, every acre of Southern land, every house, every barn, every blade of grass, every farm animal, and even every family pet as part of the Confederacy’s “military infrastructure.” Honest historians have documented this in spades for the past 150 years. It is also documented beyond all doubt by the U.S. government’s own Official Records of the war.



  1. Anyone, the Lincoln cult, that defends Lincoln's military tactics of the "Civil War" are every bit as barbarous and unconscionable as he was.
    Lincoln committed atrociously barbarous military acts upon "The South"., Americans. Sherman's march to the sea was just one. There's also the Shenandoah Valley.

    "Lincoln authorized Grant to destroy the civilian infrastructure that was keeping the Confederacy alive, hoping thereby to destroy the South's morale and weaken its economic ability.." And, from the above article, "..only targeted “military infrastructure.”", "..in reality Sherman considered every Southern person, every acre of Southern land, every house, every barn, every blade of grass, every farm animal, and even every family pet as part of the Confederacy’s “military infrastructure”.

    The military just following the "Commander In Chief's" orders!

    However barbaric Lincoln's actions, he knew that he had to maintain the Union.., for in the wings., Britain & France gathered to take back what they'd lost.., North America. The Brits forming in Canada & the French in Mexico.
    A broken North and devastated South would leave the Union an easy target for invasion...
    It's your call, did the means justify the ends..? One thing's for sure, the scars are still there.

  2. Sherman did what was required to win the war.

    "winning hearts and minds" hippy BS doesn't work.

  3. And I deeply disagree with you 3:46PM.
    He went far, far beyond "what was required". He's a GD war criminal, as was his Commander In Chief!

  4. ginn said...
    And I deeply disagree with you 3:46PM.
    He went far, far beyond "what was required". He's a GD war criminal, as was his Commander In Chief!

    November 28, 2014 at 9:07 PM

    I couldn't agree more.


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