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Friday, November 28, 2014

Ferguson Black Panther Leaders Plotted to BOMB ST. LOUIS ARCH

Olajuwon Ali is the local leader of the New Black Panther Party in St. Louis. Last year he released a video inviting local blacks to join his group.

He also explains how to become a sovereign person, separate from the corporate structure. And babbles on about challenging the St. Louis City court over his status and their illegal arrest of Mr. Ali.

Last week Olajuwon Ali and Brandon Muhammad were indicted in federal court for illegal firearms purchase – plotting to bomb the St. Louis Arch – and plotting to murder St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch and Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson.

The Panthers wanted to purchase more bombs but were waiting for their girlfriend’s EBT card was replenished!
Your tax dollars at work – Blowing up the Arch!



  1. This is so typical.... a few will hold back the masses. So sad!

  2. And if barry had a bunch of sons......

  3. How about we all agree to stop fanning the flames? Everyone has formed an opinion about the Ferguson grand jury decision, and neither side is going to change the mind of the other. Printing a lot of inflammatory stories about both sides is just going to work everyone up more. It's time to give it a rest.

  4. Holder and Obama support the New Black Panthers. Remember they told the police to stand down when the group intimidated people at the voting polls in Philly.

  5. "How about we all agree to stop fanning the flames?"

    Um, there is only one side of this issue that is burning, rioting, looting, and now, planning bombings and murder. Don't pretend that there is some mutual guilt to be shared.


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