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Sunday, November 16, 2014

Walmart To Sell Halal Meat Option

Upon the request of Muslim students at Miami University, Walmart recently made the decision to provide halal-certified meat at the
Oxford location.

Store manager Elijah Woodard made a formal announcement on Oct. 21 that the store would be accomodating these requests.

“I appreciated the students bringing this interest to our attention,” Woodard said. “I am pleased to announce that we have set a halal meat section in the store.”

According to Woodard, the order for the halal meat was made immediately and would only take a few days for the first shipment to arrive.



  1. "We're Muslims! We're in your FACE!
    We want respect! Or we'll behead you.

  2. Place near pork products please..if i ever see it will move some bacon packages on em..they will have to touch the pig and hopefully go to hell

  3. Please stop embarrassing our country and race. Thank you.

  4. Next thing you know they will start selling Kosher food!!!

  5. Who cares? Seriously? It is a business decision. Some people just want to hate.

  6. You want halal meat? Go buy a goat, slit its throat and let it flop around in your yard. Much like "organic" and "non gmo", these "halal" meats at walmart are a simple package switch, and the meat will be regular. FFS, people are stupid.

  7. I saw a dog the other day with a Barka on it's head.Does WM make special dog food too?

  8. I live very near this Walmart.. it might as well be on the MU campus, because that's all they cater to (or care about).
    We locals endure a lot from the student population, as you do in Salisbury.
    I'm not at all surprised that Walmart is doing this, but I'll vote with my feet. There are very few things I still have to get from Walmart, but I'll go to a different one, and as I find new sources for those things, well..

  9. I wonder how many packages of pork products will be left in this section by people that changed their minds :)

  10. Anonymous said...
    Please stop embarrassing our country and race. Thank you.

    November 13, 2014 at 7:46 AM

    What the hell are you trying to say?

  11. When will this country wake up and stop catering to the foreigners, the Muslims, the Mexicans, the illegal aliens,... hell this country is no longer a country, it's a mecca for illegals and white people are so stupid they work their butts off to support illegals.

  12. One thing I can say the Southerners were true Americans in the 1860's and they had the balls to fight for what they believed in. Since then this country has gone down hill quickly due to the stupid liberal democrats. God bless the Confederate States of America.

  13. "I wonder how many packages of pork products will be left in this section by people that changed their minds :)"

    Thanks for the thought. I'll make it a point to dump bacon and scrapple in with this crap. Maybe a ham or two, as well.

  14. @November 16, 2014 at 10:33 AM

    I was asking politely for members of the white persuasion to stop embarrassing our race and country by uttering the most hateful and bigoted BS possible.

    Muslims eat Halal. So Walmart is selling it, end of story.

    Go grab a jar of peanut butter. Gaze at the label. Notice the little K with a circle around it?
    That means you paid a "kosher" tax for that product.

    Its on many, many items.

    Do you feel the need to bash Jews?

    I singled out our race because quite frankly we are the only ones in America still bashing Muslims who have did nothing wrong in the name of Bush brand patriotism.

  15. Maybe now that everyone is pissed off at WM the lines will be shorter.The last 2 weeks looked as though people were expecting a blizzard.

  16. "I singled out our race because quite frankly we are the only ones in America still bashing Muslims who have did nothing wrong in the name of Bush brand patriotism."

    Wherever you find death, subjugation, deceit, torture, and genocide - you will find Muslims. Why don't you save your self-righteous crap for these REAL issues. And those Muslims who have 'did' nothing wrong, haven't done a hell of a lot RIGHT, either.

  17. No, you are confused. Wherever you find death, subjugation, deceit, torture and genocide you find Americans.

    Atomic bombs, trans-atlantic slavery, the CIA, Guantanomo Bay, and the natives of America.

    As Americans we are the last people on the planet who should lecture anyone on anything.

  18. "No, you are confused. Wherever you find death, subjugation, deceit, torture and genocide you find Americans."

    Context, little lady. The U.S. has her faults, but has shown amazing restraint since the end of WW2. I agree with the earlier statement - unless you can show me current-day crimes committed by Americans that rival those of organized Islam. And bringing up examples like slavery indicates just how empty your argument is. The only people enslaving others today are MUSLIMS.

  19. Oh, and you are a modern day slave incapable of seeing his own enslavement. You don't own your property nor your currency. You no longer own your own healthcare and eventually you'll be accepting that rfid chip one way or the other.

    And because the Muslims in this world refuse to accept American slavery as our spineless jellyfish of a population has they are hated because of it.

    That's what it boils down to.


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