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Sunday, November 16, 2014

Berlin’s Holiday ‘Noel’ Decorations Replaced With Snowflakes

BERLIN – Berlin is kicking off Christmas as America’s Coolest Small Town with its first new decorations in more than two decades.

Those heading into town will notice new holiday signs hanging above the main entrances to the town. The traditional “Noel” messages that greeted visitors for the past 26 years have been replaced.

“They were pretty much wire tied together,” said Tim Lawrence, head of the town’s electric department. “They were pretty worn out.”

Earlier this year town officials approved spending $12,000 to purchase six new “skyline” signs. Lawrence worked with Megan Houston, the town’s Main Street coordinator, to select the new snowflake signs. Two of the signs are lit by LED bulbs, which use less energy than traditional bulbs. Lawrence said that while it was too expensive to purchase six LED signs all at once, the town was planning to replace the bulbs on the signs that were not LED with the energy saving bulbs eventually.



  1. More PC BULLS""T from the Un coolest Town in America.

  2. What's wrong with NOEL????????? Another instants of taking the CHRIST out of CHRISMAS!!!!!!!!!! Snowflakes do not give any respect to the SAVOUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. The muslims win again thanks to OWEBAMAMALLEY.

  3. No religion here. Oh, God, we wouldn't want to offend.

    Pcs O S...

  4. $12,000 for lights!!! WTH
    We need to vote these fools out of office at the next election.
    The police department has needed new vehicles and a station for years and they cut the fire company funding and argue with them all the time but found $12,000 for decorative lights--ARE THEY CRAZY!! I just read in the paper where they are still thinking about the Tyson plant as a park--again more wasteful spending. interesting to note that one of the council people own that property.

  5. why does it say no comments when there are three comments here?

  6. Liberal Jack Asses!!

  7. *sigh.

    Everyone getting things all confused and backwards yet again.

    Christians were the ones who shoe horned their religion into the winter solstice celebrations, in an effort to convert more people by having pagan friendly holidays. Then they turn around and DEMAND that they get front and center billing in the holiday like it was theirs to begin with. Then get all offended about the holiday they stole if people don't get super Christian about the holiday.

    Also, did anyone BOTHER to READ the article. The noel wasn't removed because of any political statement or correctness, it was worn out and falling apart, the article said "pretty much wire tied together".

  8. Berlin should do some real research! If they bought Tough-Coated bulbs they would not have to spend all that money! The bulbs wouldn't break as easy. They have a coating on the bulb itself! They could have replaced every bulb in Berlin for what they spent on those signs!

  9. All Gee knows is spend spend spend on his projects--he is the king bee and the council follow along and the staff will not speak up or they know they will be gone like Chuck Ward from the planning office.
    I have already heard the business people are secretly getting a candidate together for mayor with big financial support. So Gee will be bye bye.

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Berlin should do some real research! If they bought Tough-Coated bulbs they would not have to spend all that money! The bulbs wouldn't break as easy. They have a coating on the bulb itself! They could have replaced every bulb in Berlin for what they spent on those signs!

    November 14, 2014 at 11:02 AM

    It's not about the bulbs you big DUMMY, it's about taking Christ out of Christmas.


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