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Friday, November 28, 2014

Top Occupy Organizer Trained Ferguson Protesters

In a development that may portend extended disruptions, veteran street organizer Lisa Fithian, previously dubbed “Professor Occupy,” recently trained Ferguson protesters how to “simulate chaos.”

Fithian is a legendary organizer who once announced she seeks to “create crisis, because crisis is that edge where change is possible.”

She was one of the luminaries of the Occupy Wall Street movement and was a lead organizer in the infamous 1999 Seattle riots against the World Trade Organization that descended into violence.

The 1999 WTO event in Seattle devolved into widespread rioting in which more than 40,000 protesters, some using violent tactics, descended on the city, prompting police to use tear gas and rubber bullets. The clash became known as “The Battle of Seattle.”

According to Discover the Networks, Fithian specializes in aggressive “direct action” tactics.

More here


  1. needs to be stopped, pronto

  2. So everything was already in place before this even happened.All of the head instigators were poised and ready for the inevitable.Not if it would happen but when and where.Interesting post

  3. or deported...how about some nice opec country that could use a little chaos?

  4. I wish she could be sent to Sheriff Joe's chain gang in Arizona.

  5. 1) Delay decision of Grand Jury until all plans are made.
    2) Train all participants, but not the residents
    3) Place the National guard outside of the "Playground"
    4) Keep the press shoving the idea that the Decision will probably be negative... for weeks!
    5) Pick a mildly cool good weather night to "release" the announcement.
    6) make sure it's "after hours" for both police and firefighters
    7) Fire the shot, and tell the NG to "stand down"
    8 Have a black president reinforce that although violence is a bad thing, there's no blame for everyone to be angry. This is the "high dollar" statement!
    sir back and enjoy the show while planning not to release any photos of the officer's bruised face or any evidence, for that matter, of the officer's innocence and reasonable cause for at least 24 hours.. After all, one night of fires and explosions are beautiful news footage, but two are better.
    8) Release the evidence, but add that the church they went to got burned down in the process, and blame Whitey for that!

    What a wonderful "show"! Brought to you by your favorite race baiters, Barack, Al, Eric, and Jesse.

    I probably missed a lot, but you folks can fill in the blanks...

  6. FOOLS!!!! Sheep will follow anything.

  7. Who is the Choreographer for this?

    a: Barack Hussein Obama

  8. And she is not in jail for inciting a riot because.....

  9. 7:29 works for the government.


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