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Friday, November 28, 2014

Salisbury City Council Work Session Agenda Packet For 12-1-14



  1. Already a big change order for trolley costs

  2. Yeah, 349, like "Hey, the bus is only empty twice a day! Once all day, and then all night!

  3. And why would the new restaurant get a "Capacity waiver fee"?

    Cronyism, anyone?

  4. Hoppes again asking for more money see there is nothing in the packet so the public can be informed.

  5. Why doesn't Shore Transit raise their fees? Why should tax payers foot the bill? We already have to pay enough for our own gas, vehicles and insurance. Why do we have to pay for others also?

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    And why would the new restaurant get a "Capacity waiver fee"?

    Cronyism, anyone?

    November 28, 2014 at 5:36 PM

    Free, Free, Free, but someone has to pay for it.... Like us tax payers.

  7. Anonymous said...
    Hoppes again asking for more money see there is nothing in the packet so the public can be informed.

    November 28, 2014 at 7:52 PM

    One thing he can't say is those 12 extra paid firemen save lives.

    Don't get this wrong, but today is the last day and they still have the 12 extra paid firemen with that free grant money and they didn't save the life of that man and his dog on Foggy Bottom Drive!

    This proves that the extra paid firemen do not save lives and they have a fire station just a few short blocks away.

  8. You can't save them when they are already dead when you get there, 7:52. The room was well involved with fire before the fire department was even called and they arrived within 3 minutes of getting the call. You can't blame this fatality on the firefighters, they arrived quickly and did everything they could. They can save people, they can not resurrect them.


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