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Sunday, November 16, 2014

Today's Survey Question 11-12-14

Who should Bob Culver Let Go and Why?


  1. Start with the PIO!

    After that, performance and function-necessity based reductions in force will get the ball rolling..... Anything that impedes progress from a legislative or personnel standpoint needs to be scrutinized..... The Dept of Health's mound rule in hindering residential development..... the misuse of the county speed cameras is hindering civil lifestyles.

    There's a couple......

  2. Mr. Culver's opposition expects him to clean house therefore with 6 months to make his changes I wouldn't rush into it like they expect I'd see how things pan out for a bit and these types of people can be handy for information to be used in the future to say indict some folks at the Board of Ed!

  3. Let me make something very clear here.

    The County Executive and Council have nothing to do with the BOE other than the funding.

    That being said, Pollitt has exceeded the maintenance of effort every year he's been in office. That is pretty much all they can give or take.

    You need to go after the board O'Malley appointed in Wicomico County. Hence why it is so difficult to remove Fredericksen.

    Now correct me if I am wrong but you can't really touch the BOE. How convenient.

  4. Strasburg. If Culver does his job, Strasburg is not needed in any way.

  5. mackes? Bryant? How about the guy at the dump who's setting us up for on hell of a tax increase when all those other counties don't send enough trash here to cover the cost of the incinerator he's pushing, that will pollute our air and waters! Way to go fool! another reason to not want to stay and live here!

  6. Hopefully you will carefully consider this question before answering. What comes around goes around! Where would you stand if a new Manager starts eliminating personel in your place of employment. Yes changes are needed! However many are doing a great job in this county and just because they may not agree with your political agenda doesn't mean when they meet with Bob Culver they won't support his efforts. Bob Culver will be a great leader if he is surrounded by great department heads. Just my opinion.

  7. PIO first. Not needed. Was a Kratovil payback by Pollitt. She is lame and apparently doesn't know the difference between news and pimping for a campaign.

    Mackes is disliked by most of his employees and many citizens. He has used his Conway and Henry Parker connections to run rough-shod over everybody. Those days are over. He has always been an ego maniac and dislikes women in authority (unless he can control them). Bad actor, needs to go.

    Beauchamp. Buddy of Matt Holloway. Hired another one of their buddies. Ordering a new car for himself. Enjoys spending our money way too much. Arrogant, gravy train abuser. Not liked by employees.

    Strasburg has been used to being "the Man" with the absentee role of Pollitt. Tight little circle has been running the county. Can Strasburg make transition to Culver and can he be trusted? Jury still out on him.

    Investigation of other departments with questionable leadership needs to be done.

    Took 8 years to get this screwed up and entitled. Can't undo it over night!

  8. I think in situations like this you need to start with a clean slate, yes you may gave some good in there but there are to many bad habits ingrained with this office

  9. People voted Pollitt and Dems out in resounding numbers. They are sick of them. Too many of the county employee managers supported and enjoyed the feeding at the trough. Culver needs people who respect whose money it is they are spending. Too many current managers are out of control and that has trickled down to some lazy employees who abuse the system they see their managers abuse. Culver needs to take back this county and make it clear he will not tolerate that abuse any longer. Can't teach these old dogs new tricks...kick em to the curb!

  10. Change for the sake of change? Remember we wanted change so the mass's elected our " Hope and Change" president!

  11. Rick Conrad - just because he hands out credit cards like candy in addition to other things procured but not needed.

  12. 11:13, give specifics. Considering the county budget has reduced and many departments have seen huge cuts, yet have managed to figure out how to keep the wheels turning, it seems that we have some good people in place. Everyone should realize that there were many county employees that wanted to see Bob win the election. They would be stupid to support him publicly. What if Rick won?

  13. 1:23, That doesn't mean the County isn't extremely top heavy.

    No more keeping people on board because they're nice or because they like or dislike someone.

    The County is a BUSINESS and must be run like one.

    Too many people have been spoiled with jobs that are unnecessary.

    As I stated long ago, the liberals were killing the taxpayers and supporting subsidies as if WE were RACIST towards those people who want a FREE RIDE or don't deserve it.

    It's time for AMERICA to wake up again and stand on our own two feet without going to the printer and printing more money.

    IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, move to Detroit or Chicago where you belong and they'll take care of you there.

    Maryland needs to stand tall and be proud once again.

  14. GARY MACKES!!!!!... because he's a male member!

  15. Speaking of Top Heavy

    Let me make sure I understand the history.

    Sharma is Director of DPW and is forced to resign due to the landfill scandal. Redden gets moved up to "acting" Director of DPW and another engineer is promoted to "acting deputy director" with 2 or 3 other engineers on staff.

    Years pass, DPW sustains budget cuts/staff reductions and manages to sustain most services as did other departments.

    Beauchamp is hired as Director of DPW (former City of Salisbury engineer and good friend of Matt Halloway), Redden goes back to Deputy Director with 2 engineers on staff.

    Beauchamp makes poor decisions, loses both engineers and various other staff resign/retire due to lack of leadership/direction/ and management skills (think gasification plant).

    County seeks to hire back those engineering positions, however instead adds W. Young (another former City of Salisbury engineer) and gives him the title of Deputy Director of DPW along with a hefty salary (assuming +70k) with still no production engineers.

    Now Wicomico has two 30/31 year old kids as Director (90k salary) and Deputy Director (70k salary) along with an experienced Deputy Director in Redden?

    Good luck to anyone looking at the outdated organizational charts on the County's website.

    I expect Culver to make some changes, who wouldn't; however the inside scoop is I heard Culver use to date Beauchamp's mother so Beauchamp isn't going anywhere, thus neither is Beauchamps buddy Young and I bet Holloway will be re-elected to President of the Council.

    Back in the day, Culver was even called to go pick up a highly intoxicated Beauchamp from a country concert where the kid was so drunk he lost his cowboy boots.


    Mr. Culver you were voted in because the residents of this County wanted change. Will you deliver?

  16. There are a few people I'm sure will get the ax . Like any business , the dead weight should
    go , unless they can become very productive in short order.
    When I say productive I mean they must show in $$$ signs how much they are worth on paper and why.
    This is done in most all successful businesses . A good example is : I make 50 thousand a year , last year I was responsible for a cost saving of 75 thousand a year etc.. When we are talking about this budget , we are talking big bucks.

  17. 2:55pm My bet is he won't deliver.


  18. Frequently senior managers are asked by a new executive level manager to submit an undated resignation letter.

    This provides official notice to those paying attention that a change in performance expectations and/or objectives is imminent for the organization, and that if the new executive is not satisfied they'll be filling in the date and notifying those affected that their resignation has been accepted.

  19. 4:20, this is where you don't understand the difference between public and private sector. Public sector provides services. They don't make money for the services they provide. The bottom line is that the people need to decide what services they want, and which they don't. That is the only way to decrease an already shrunk revenue stream and lower property taxes. Most of you have no idea of what you are talking about. Hell, the county employees haven't had a raise in 5 or 6 years except for a 1.7% cola a few years ago. The only way to cut, is to stop a service. Joe, your question should be, What service(s) should Bob Culver cut and why.

  20. Anonymous said...

    November 12, 2014 at 9:08 AM

    Um... You are to stupid to vote!!

  21. Anonymous said...
    Hopefully you will carefully consider this question before answering. What comes around goes around! Where would you stand if a new Manager starts eliminating personel in your place of employment. Yes changes are needed! However many are doing a great job in this county and just because they may not agree with your political agenda doesn't mean when they meet with Bob Culver they won't support his efforts. Bob Culver will be a great leader if he is surrounded by great department heads. Just my opinion.

    November 12, 2014 at 10:18 AM

    This was written by someone who is scared to death they are going to lose their job. Do your damn job and you will have nothing to worry about. I would say that "many are doing a great job" is a far fetched statement. The names already mentioned are not doing a great job.

  22. Anonymous said...
    Hopefully you will carefully consider this question before answering. What comes around goes around! Where would you stand if a new Manager starts eliminating personel in your place of employment. Yes changes are needed! However many are doing a great job in this county and just because they may not agree with your political agenda doesn't mean when they meet with Bob Culver they won't support his efforts. Bob Culver will be a great leader if he is surrounded by great department heads. Just my opinion.

    November 12, 2014 at 10:18 AM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    PIO first. Not needed. Was a Kratovil payback by Pollitt. She is lame and apparently doesn't know the difference between news and pimping for a campaign.

    Mackes is disliked by most of his employees and many citizens. He has used his Conway and Henry Parker connections to run rough-shod over everybody. Those days are over. He has always been an ego maniac and dislikes women in authority (unless he can control them). Bad actor, needs to go.

    Beauchamp. Buddy of Matt Holloway. Hired another one of their buddies. Ordering a new car for himself. Enjoys spending our money way too much. Arrogant, gravy train abuser. Not liked by employees.

    Strasburg has been used to being "the Man" with the absentee role of Pollitt. Tight little circle has been running the county. Can Strasburg make transition to Culver and can he be trusted? Jury still out on him.

    Investigation of other departments with questionable leadership needs to be done.

    Took 8 years to get this screwed up and entitled. Can't undo it over night!

    November 12, 2014 at 10:36 AM

    Well said and very true. Lee Beauchamp is a problem and so is Matt Holloway. Keep him away from the Presidents job.

  23. Anonymous said...
    GARY MACKES!!!!!... because he's a male member!

    November 12, 2014 at 2:19 PM

    Someone said "male member."

  24. I think every vehicle that has a new sticker on it should be changed. That new sticker that public works has on the vehicles is stupid and ridiculous. Who ever allowed that should be fired. The stickers need to be taken off and the County Seal needs to be put back on.

  25. 6:03 -I guess you are not aware of the huge "bonuses" and salary increases some of Mackes' favorites received. I'd say taking home a car for $3 a day and riding on county gas is a pretty good deal too. Too many "perks" go along with those salaries...oh, and let's not forget all counties employees get their birthdays off. Plenty of places to cut...you obviously are one of the county employees who gets the perks.

  26. 2:55 - you don't know Culver at all if you believe what you wrote.

    EVERYONE is aware of the relationship between Matt Holloway and Beauchamp and this new hire Weston Young who is another one of their buddies. Matt H should be embarrassed by his buddy's lack of judgment in spending, hiring and management, but he has gotten such a big head that he thinks he is untouchable. He has been played well by Strasburg.

    Beauchamp is a problem, Culver knows it. He has NO PROBLEM getting rid of people who don't produce or freelance. I wouldn't bet on Beauchamp lasting 6 months.

  27. Now is not the time to crowd him.Let him become adjusted to his new position & give him the leeway to use his own discretion.We elected him because we knew he could do the job.One single vote per each of us does not give us the right to dictate his actions in office.Just step back and give him breathing room.

  28. Blogger JoeAlbero said...

    You need to go after the board O'Malley appointed in Wicomico County. Hence why it is so difficult to remove Fredericksen.

    November 12, 2014 at 9:13 AM

    It is so difficult to remove Fredericksen because the majority of the BOE members are soft hearted Democrats. If they were to eliminate him they would have to buy out his contract. I say buy him out and send his a$$ packing back to Minnesota.

  29. Anonymous said...
    11:13, give specifics. Considering the county budget has reduced and many departments have seen huge cuts, yet have managed to figure out how to keep the wheels turning, it seems that we have some good people in place. Everyone should realize that there were many county employees that wanted to see Bob win the election. They would be stupid to support him publicly. What if Rick won?

    November 12, 2014 at 1:23 PM

    Sounds like some county employees are running scared. Guess what every employee I talked to wanted Pollitt to win and that was a lot of employees.

  30. Anonymous said...
    4:20, this is where you don't understand the difference between public and private sector. Public sector provides services. They don't make money for the services they provide. The bottom line is that the people need to decide what services they want, and which they don't. That is the only way to decrease an already shrunk revenue stream and lower property taxes. Most of you have no idea of what you are talking about. Hell, the county employees haven't had a raise in 5 or 6 years except for a 1.7% cola a few years ago. The only way to cut, is to stop a service. Joe, your question should be, What service(s) should Bob Culver cut and why.

    November 12, 2014 at 6:03 PM

    HaHaHa!! The largest part of any budget is salaries so why would we cut services instead of positions!! Another county employee running scared. Cutting services might scare the public, but that isn't going to work. Bob is smart enough to know that cutting employees are the way to go. Good luck with your job!! LMFAO

  31. A lot of people do not realize that everyone below Department head position is "merited," meaning they cannot be fired without cause. If they do get fired without cause, they're due for a hefty severance.


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