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Sunday, November 16, 2014

A Message From Greg Bassett | Editor & General Manager Salisbury Independent

Hi Joe. 

Please let your readers know that if they're receiving a delivered copy of the Independent, and it's not wanted, to please email me at gbassett@newszap.com. We can halt their delivery. 

We have many people who want to receive the newspaper, and can move any undesired copies to other readers who have requested delivery.

Greg Bassett | Editor & General Manager Salisbury Independent


  1. Dear Greg,

    I'm cutting my budget here at the house, and will be distributing my weekly bags of household garbage on random door stoops in your neighborhood.

    Please let your neighbors know that if they're receiving a delivered bag of garbage and it's not wanted, they can email me and let me know.

    I'm sure you'll enjoy yours.


  2. Nice show of respect by Greg for the power of your blog Joe.

  3. Dear Greg,
    I do not honestly believe anyone really WANTS to receive that newspaper, you've got to be kidding. But if one shows up in my yard I will definitely let you know.

  4. Personally I like the paper. Many local pictures of our youth that I appreciate.

  5. They should not be allowed to ride along and throw this trash out into yards, littering is supposed to be against the law. They even throw them out in yards that people do not live there.

  6. Hope he follows through.

  7. Good of Joe To do, Glad to see some media cooperating.

  8. Bassett is a professional journalist who brought a fresh alternative to DT. His articles are actually pretty balanced but you have to able to read to know that.

  9. would love to but I don't want him/them to have my email address. why don't the 'many' who want that paper email him to provide their own addresses?

  10. Are people confusing the Independent and that other rag in a pink bag? I get the Independent in my mailbox, but the pink eyesore is thrown wherever in my yard.

  11. We have called three times and emailed about five and it will stop for a couple of weeks and then start all over again! So we started saving ours in a 50 gallon drum with our kitchen scraps and will deliver them to Bassets home when it's full and see if he likes it dumped in his driveway. My guess is that they are taking a bunch of heat because of all the folks that don't want it. Like someone else said why not ask who wants it they won't have any where near the emails to read.

  12. Come by my development there are more than 20 laying in peoples curbs that have not been picked up. Some curbs have the last 2 editions sitting there. Thanks

  13. we leave it in the driveway or kick it in the road and let nature take it's course.

  14. Email the editor/manager about a circulation matter?

    Chief Cook and Bottle Washer?

    BTW, I can read and just my little opinion, but here goes:

    The articles are a little tamer than Bassett's previous vitriol, but they are also often the same old p.r. for the favored politicians instead of credit where it's due and blame as it should be.

    I wonder if he ever thinks about the damage he, Susan Parker, Joe Carmean, some biased editorial board members and some little troll reporters did to good people and to the city of Salisbury.

    No, probably not. So, consider this my opinion letter.

  15. I like the paper----Has more
    interesting articles then the

    I do think some of you are mixing
    this up with the other paper that's delivered free.

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    They should not be allowed to ride along and throw this trash out into yards, littering is supposed to be against the law. They even throw them out in yards that people do not live there.

    November 12, 2014 at 10:40 AM

    This is where the city and county councils should step up and demand that the papers(businesses) provide a paper box for every person that gets a delivery. If they don't want the paper then they should pick up the boxes. This will stop them throwing trash in yards and streets.

  17. Its in Ocean Pines with the Crazies!! Spend some time down there if you need a laugh!! I heard that the GM wants to put a Stainless Steel Grid in the bottom of a pond to make electric with goose droppings! This is a true fact


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