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Monday, November 10, 2014

This Trait Will Make No One Want To Hire You

"He only errs when he thinks he knows what he does not know" – Socrates

One of the worst traits a candidate can exhibit is being a "know it all."

There's a huge difference between someone who has healthy self-esteem and someone who's a "know it all."

A person with healthy self-esteem has clear knowledge of his strengths and abilities, but is comfortable knowing he has limitations.

People who are more amenable to suggestions and advice tend to be more likable, and typically make better business partners, employees and managers. They don't need to be an expert on everything.

"Barb" came for coaching because she couldn't decide on a career path. When she attempted to get a job, though undecided about her ultimate career path, she failed to get hired. Barb was suffering from a sense of helplessness and despair, but she could not take in anything I said.


1 comment:

  1. It's a little late now, but someone should forward this to Barack Obama. It seems like advice that was tailor made for him.


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