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Monday, November 10, 2014

13 Reasons To Stop Drinking Soda

When consumed in excess, added sugar can have disastrous effects on your health.

However, some sources of sugar are worse than others… and sugary drinks are the worst, by far.

This primarily applies to sugary soda, but also to fruit juices, highly sweetened coffees and other sources of liquid sugar.

Here are 13 reasons to avoid soda (and other sugary drinks) like the plague.
1. Sugary Drinks Do Not Make You Feel Full And Are Strongly Linked To Weight Gain

Added sugar is highly fattening… and liquid sugar even more so.

One of the reasons for this, is that sugar supplies large amounts of the simple sugar fructose, which does not lower the hunger hormone ghrelin in the same way as glucose, the main carb found in starchy foods (1).

Studies have also shown that fructose does not seem to stimulate the satiety centers in the brain in the same way as glucose (2). The brain is actually supposed to regulate your calorie intake. If you eat more of one food (like potatoes), you should automatically eat less of something else instead.

Liquid sugar doesn’t work in this way… when people consume it, they usually add iton top of the total calorie intake (3). In other words, sugary drinks don’t make you feel full, so you eat the same amount of food as before, but with a whole lot of extra sugar calories on the side (4, 5).

In one study, people who added soda on top of their current diet ended up consuming 17% more calories than before. That is a huge amount, which could easily lead to obesity over a few years (6). Not surprisingly, studies have shown that people who drink sugar-sweetened beverages consistently gain more weight than people who don’t (7, 8, 9).

In one study in children, each daily serving of sugar-sweetened beverages was linked to a 60% increased risk of obesity (10). The truth is… sugary drinks are THE most fattening aspect of the modern diet. If you want to lose weight, or avoid gaining it over time, then you should seriously consider removing these drinks from your life.
Bottom Line: Liquid sugar does not cause satiety in the same way as solid foods, making people eat more total calories. Sugar-sweetened beverages may be the most fattening aspect of the modern diet.


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