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Monday, November 03, 2014

The Laura Mitchell Smoking Gun

Because of the amount of comments this post has gotten you will need to click on the NEWEST button at the top where comment #1 is to be able to see the most current comments.


  1. Council lady has been smacked out while in office!

  2. ????????????????????????? FTH ?

  3. OMG!
    Isn't that prescribed for crack addicts?

  4. Methadone??? Do we have a dope head

  5. Is the welfare queen using our tax dollars go pay for this? Yet idiots will vote for her.. ...

  6. Methadone is an opioid medication. An opioid is sometimes called a narcotic. Methadone reduces withdrawal symptoms in people addicted to heroin or other narcotic drugs without causing the "high" associated with the drug addiction.

    Methadone is used as a pain reliever and as part of drug addiction detoxification and maintenance programs and is only available from certified pharmacies.

  7. Heroin substitute to get people off heroin and under a Drs. care. This means Lady Laura is/was a dope head.

    1. It is also used as a last resort for migraines. Get your facts straight.

  8. I want an investigation into her stand in the city council and make discussions while on anti drug medications.

  9. Heroin addict, typical democrat progressive.....

  10. Wboc and daily times will you sweep this under the rug ???

  11. Did this have anything to do with the court case that may have involved one of her family members? Can you provide some additional context? I have heard lots of talk around this.

  12. Methadone has but one main purpose.

  13. She is TOXIC in All Circles keep back 500 ft. Woop woop.

  14. The label says take 4 tablets every ??? Hours. Can anyone with medical knowledge explain this. Four pills in even one day sounds like a heavy dose to me.

  15. Thank you Joe. We have been anxiously awaiting this article and we do early voting. You just secured our decision.

  16. This should be a jail-able offense!
    Heroin addicts running our city....how sick and sad. Guess thats become the norm now...welfare queens/drug addicts/democrats. The other democrat voter base will still look the other way, she's truly one of their own....

  17. Used to treat opioid addiction.
    Ouch! Didn't see that one coming.

  18. She should be commended for at least trying to get off of drugs! Unlike her poor husband and son.
    Hang in there sweety!

  19. Urine test them all.

  20. The stuff will hit the fan!! Can't wait to see her reaction to this!!!

  21. There needs to be an immediate investigation on this matter. We need to know if she is still on methadone. We also need to know how many votes she made while under the influence of a narcotic drug.

  22. Guess that explains some of the people she associates with....birds of a feather.....

  23. I think its time for a surprise drug testing, for all her fellow council members and associates as well.

  24. Ignorant fools, every one of you. What makes you all better then her or anyone else for that matter? One day you will all be judged.

    1. I'll choose a jury trial, and inform them about jury nullification.

  25. I agree with 9:25 and commend her if she is trying to (or did) lift herself out of an addiction, but that still doesn't negate her vagueness when it comes to her work history. There is NO reason for the smoke and mirrors concerning that issue.
    I can only think was she not performing satisfactorily or was there theft involved which is common with addicts?

  26. J.T. make your statements about your fantasy woman over on fatties.com!

  27. This medication may impair your thinking or reactions. Avoid driving or operating machinery until you know how methadone will affect you. So she never should never have been allowed to make decisions for the city at all while taking this medication!

  28. If she was or is an addict then she is guilty of blowing smoke up everyone's butt.
    She claims education is the "key" out of poverty.
    If in fact she does have a degree then she is the perfect example that education is NOT the "key" out of poverty.
    Many other "keys" are in place including staying away from illegal substances, engaging in criminal behavior, socializing with criminals, choosing your mates wisely and on and on.
    I am so sick of these liberals who use lack of education for an excuse. The problem of poverty is much deeper and starts way before a child is of school age, and this is something liberals will never touch on for fear of offending a voter base.

  29. Well this should be a career destroyer!

  30. While she can be commended for trying to kick a drug habit, she shouldn't be in a position of responsibility while doing so or even a few years after.

  31. When it comes to our hard earned tax dollars we have a right to not only judge but to complain and call her out.. ...

  32. Is it OK to drive when on this drug?

  33. "Biatch set me up" Quoting you Mayor Barry!

  34. To play Devil's advocate, Methadone is also used as a pain killer, per drugsdotcom.

    However, I don't conform to the idea of a physician prescribing it solely for that purpose.
    The honorable thing for Ms. Mitchell to do is answer the question.
    Again, however, I don't see that happening within her lifetime.
    Vote For Meaningful Change On November 4th.

  35. And this is who the Daily Times endorsed for the Wicimuco County Counci? What a Crack Head!

  36. As someone mentioned last night her and Josh Hastings are joined at the hip.

  37. 9:32 I judge every action I take. She is paid in the public sector, so she has zero privacy, as it should be. I can tell you this, if it were private sector, she would have been gone long ago. People like you allow these freeloaders into your tax trough, and they dine like swine. Go pound sand, and GTFO my country!

  38. That explains her nodding out and spacey looks during meetings.

  39. Hey don't forget she's "The Future of America":

    "Laura Mitchell Appointed to National League of Cities Finance, Administration & Intergovernmental Relations Steering Committee"


  40. Speaking of JT, he's rehashing some old story claiming it's explosive or some other BS.
    I am one of the undecides in that state senate race, and each and every day, something happens to tip me more and more in the direction of Del McDermott.
    This doesn't just involve my vote but several other people who are on the fence. 4 years ago, it was JT and his ignorant ranting against Beau Oglesby that persuaded us to vote for Beau.
    I'm thinking if the Mathias campaign had any sense they would demand that JT take the irrelevant negative posts about MM down. I want to hear about issues and not what someone perceives to be personality faults. I don't care about that. It's all in one's perception anyway and/or just because
    someone is a "loving mother" doesn't mean they can't be a sponge as well.

  41. probably not a heroin addict. Probably battling prescription narcotics, not better but different. When voters aren't engaged this is what you get. Let's not let it happen again in a couple of weeks. There is so much on the line

  42. I would think the rest of the council and mayor would insist on testing and investigations immediately, I mean this is even a low standard for them. Criminal behavior in these positions just cannot be tolerated.

  43. Be careful Joe! You may have violated HIPPAA and privacy laws - I'm sure you have been down this road before - but be careful!

  44. Wheres that picture of her nodding out at a meeting, the one where shes wearing sweats.... I saw it here just the other day. This drug is the only drug used 99.9% of the time for heroin addicts. There are much preferred other choices/options for prescription drug abusers.

  45. "Anonymous said...
    Be careful Joe! You may have violated HIPPAA and privacy laws - I'm sure you have been down this road before - but be careful!

    October 21, 2014 at 10:14 AM"

    I don't think so. Bottle looks to have been discarded so it's fair game. That's one of the reason why they tell you to remove and destroy labels off of prescription med bottles. That and to prevent other addicts from knowing you may have narcotics in the home.
    If she is this irresponsible on the little things it's not a leap to say she's negligent in other areas as well.

    1. Let me get this right she ia spending my tax dollars while voting High on methadone.

    2. You can't get high on Methadone.

  46. Boy you better have your "I's" dotted and "T's" crossed, I can't even imagine the liability if not.

  47. Just what we need...another dope head running our city and county. I had heard there was money missing somewhere along the line and possibly her husband was involved in that...who knows? But one thing for sure I would/am not voting for here anyway but this needs to get out Big Time for all the other "folks" planning to vote for her. She did tend to look spaced out at times so this may explain why.

  48. Where ia the Ethics committee? To investigate her if it where a republican they would be all over it.

  49. Hey laura where u hIgH wben you through away a methadone bottle with you first name and last 4 letters of ur last name and Your Address, Fool.

  50. There are so many women in this town wacked out on prescription drugs it isn't funny.

  51. Similar to Toronto's Mayor Ron Ford. Wow!

  52. You have crossed the line.


    Reductive preparation fir use by patients with Opioid Dependence cross tilerance with ithrr opioids including Heroin and Morphine.

    C.D.C Methadone,

    Accounts for only 2% of pain killer prescriptions.

    The piint here is Ms Mitchell was/is on Methadone while on the city council which is a NARCOTIC.

  54. MS Mitchell will try and turn this around , Poooooooor me, Nod Out.

  55. 10:46, don't you mean women and men?

  56. Calling the blaze.

  57. If she quits she can have her EBT CARD Increased since everyone else knows she is on welfare ,by the way where is the next debate so we can wear shirts with a pill bottle on it in protest???

  58. Ok a couple of things to consider.


    For those that say "So What. She was trying to kick her habit and thats a good thing"...I ask how is this any different than the crack smoking mayor of Toronto ?

    Bottom line you should not be in a position to create policy for others if you are breaking the law.


    If she is on the Methadone program then there is a good chance she is still on it as the local Methadone program does not offer a plan to get you off of Methadone.

    The local program just keeps upping your dose until you are completely addicted to Methadone and no longer need the Heroin or OXy's. After you are clean of those drugs they just keep giving you the Methadone and never try to wean you down from that drug. You basically stay on the methadone program indefinitely and they will happily keep supplying you with the drug.

    In essence the county transfers you from your street dealing and ensures that they become your primary drug dealer. I can only assume they keep the addicts on this drug to copntinue getting funding.

    Now in fairness the people on the Methadone program get their drug in liquid form and they have to take it in front of the people who give it to them.

    It is never prescribed because it is feared that an addict will abuse the drug and could die if they mix the Methadone with another Opiate or depressant drugs.

    With this in mind I can say that this is certainly not the standard type they give out to people trying to beat an opiate addiction. This would more than likely be the type giving for pain management.

    What has me curious is that it looks like it says there is 168 refills. If that is the case then its a very safe assumption that taking Methadone for such a long time would make her addicted.

    Maybe she gets it in pill form due to her position on the counsel and someone is covering for her so she doesn't have to wait in line at 7 am with all the other "Commoner" junkies.

    If this is the case then it is very irresponsible to allow an addict to have this much access to Methadone unsupervised.

  59. She just resigned.

  60. "9:53 said...
    That explains her nodding out and spacey looks during meetings."

    Nodding out and dropping eyelids are one of the most clear and obvious signs of Opiate abuse.

    1. Great point, 168 pills a month.

  61. Hey Eastern shore imbeciles last I knew, Karemore Pharmacy distributes LEGAL prescriptions. There are no laws being broken here. Since when does having a legal prescription cause so much angst.

    1. Your a idiot , the point is she is making political $$$ decisions while on Narcotics go back in your cave.

  62. Thank you Joe, and your contributors, for exposing these frauds trying to destroy our cities and counties. Sincerely,Thank You.

  63. 11:22am....its people like you that should be seeked out and destroyed. Your a cancer destroying this Country. For even one second to think that past or present drug users, addicts, abusers...let alone "under the influence" to have positions such as her's...your nuts! Brain dead people like you are the whole problem!

  64. The eastern shore is so desperate to watch other people fail. That is one thing I will never miss about that area. Such a pathetic life most of you have. But thanks for providing me a soap opera everyday. I could care less about joe or anything he publishes. I just get a kick out of watching you turn on each other, belittle small businesses, mock anyone that does become successfull and have more double standards than any town I have ever seen. If this area was a TV show it would be number 1. Hate or love joe the man can find out anything about anyone. Don't know how he does but he is good at his job. Every democrat hates him. I bet they would love him to be on their side though.

  65. She will not survive this in the political arena. This has become the talk of the town and everyone I've talked to said they will not vote for her.

  66. With that husband it's easy to see why she did drugs. But that's not a valid excuse.

  67. 11:51. No truer words have been spoken here.

    1. Do,do,do looking out my Backdoor.

  68. Mayor Barrie - Chapter 2 - about to happen to Salisbury.

  69. What a damn Crack Head. You ignorant people voted for her in the City Election and you got what you deserve.

    A Crack Head,
    Another Welfare Monger,
    A Homo and
    A Wannabe GI Joe.

  70. Now we know where Laura Mitchell got her MBA from. Crackhead University.

  71. Anonymous said...
    Ignorant fools, every one of you. What makes you all better then her or anyone else for that matter? One day you will all be judged.

    October 21, 2014 at 9:32 AM

    So you think it's ok to be a crack head?

  72. Anonymous said...
    I agree with 9:25 and commend her if she is trying to (or did) lift herself out of an addiction, but that still doesn't negate her vagueness when it comes to her work history. There is NO reason for the smoke and mirrors concerning that issue.
    I can only think was she not performing satisfactorily or was there theft involved which is common with addicts?

    October 21, 2014 at 9:33 AM

    Another Liberal Idiot.

    Please Wicomico County residents we need the intelligent people to come out in full force to vote Republican. It's the only way to rid our county of scum bags like Laura Mitchell, Rick Pollitt and Josh Hastings.

  73. She is just a parasite on society.

    Her slogan should be,"Ask not what Laura Mitchell can do for the taxpayers, but ask what can the taxpayers do for Laura Mitchell."

    The same could be said for Pollitt and Conway too..........just fill in the blanks....

  74. Anonymous said...
    This medication may impair your thinking or reactions. Avoid driving or operating machinery until you know how methadone will affect you. So she never should never have been allowed to make decisions for the city at all while taking this medication!

    October 21, 2014 at 9:38 AM

    Laura Mitchell always drives City vehicles to MML meetings in Annapolis and Ocean City. I know the police and firemen have to be randomly drug tested, but I don't think Crack Head Council Members are required to take a drug test before driving City vehicles.


  75. Anonymous said...
    9:32 I judge every action I take. She is paid in the public sector, so she has zero privacy, as it should be. I can tell you this, if it were private sector, she would have been gone long ago. People like you allow these freeloaders into your tax trough, and they dine like swine. Go pound sand, and GTFO my country!

    October 21, 2014 at 9:52 AM

    Agreed!! It's people like that who are so soft they voted to allow gay marriage forced down our throats.

  76. I didn't realize you could get a script for thst, I thought it was only administered daily at the hospital clinic.

  77. Uh, is she a Biden too?

  78. What is this I hear about our mayor Ireton getting arrested for lewd behavior out at the park and ride just before you get to Kmart? Was this buried or excused?

    1. When did this happen? He was busted Rehoboth Beach on the beach for the same. He even ran from the cops.

  79. So we have a Mayor who is basically an alcoholic, and now we know we have a Drug Head on the city council. Salisbury is like living in the gutters anymore. Gotta love the homeless man with a feather in his cap "sunbathing" along Eastern Shore Drive and looks at everyone like he is "entitled" to lay around anywhere he wants.

    1. Don't forget that she is the Salisbury City Council Vice President.

  80. So many ill-informed opinions and so little accountability. If you are proud of your comments- if you believe them to be true and right- at least have the courage of your convictions and include your name. YES prescription drug abuse is a serious issue in our community. NO a photograph like this does not indict anyone who may well have a medical condition for which the prescription is indicated.

  81. Let's be accurate in our descriptions. She is not a crackhead. Please. She is a junkie. A recovering junkie, perhaps, but not a crackhead. There is enough of a difference between the two to make the distinction. Junkie, not crackhead...rhymes with flunky. And chunky. And monkey (she's white, I can say that).

    Joe, they are really going to come after your rear end now. Thank you and go get 'em, brother.

  82. Can't wait to see if WBOC, WMDT or The Daily Times will steal this story.

  83. if the drug is legally prescribed, she would pass bthe drug test.

  84. Old lifelong dopers use methadone as one of their "Let's Get High" drugs, not "I'm Trying To Get Well". It's right in their with heroin, oxycodone, hydrocodone, and every other chemical that lifetime screwballs use to escape reality. Liquid vials of methadone for shooting or pills doesn't matter, dopers love it. The "I'm Getting Cured" angle is usually b.s. for suckers, used to mask/hide their addiction. I've seen it first hand for 40+ years. They have NO intention of ever stopping and are readily willing to sacrifice anything or anyone to get high again, and again, and again. Get it? Don't believe any excuse she might give, should she give one. They're ALL full time liars.

  85. Anonymous said...
    Be careful Joe! You may have violated HIPPAA and privacy laws - I'm sure you have been down this road before - but be careful!

    October 21, 2014 at 10:14 AM

    He is not a health care provider you idiot. Hippaa does not apply to him.

  86. For the handful of bleeding hearts that posted here:: A Question:
    Would you personally trust someone that is on 24/7 Methadone maintenance to watch your kids? Trust them to responsibly take care of your home while you are away?
    If not, no matter what the reason may be - or was - that is causing her use of the narcotic, how could you ever condone her making important long-range decisions that directly affect your future in Wicomico County?

  87. Hey 2:23 you are the idiot it is still protected private medical information. There is such things as privacy in this country. Joe may be a blogger but he is also a news organization - I am sure he checked everything out before he published this - he is also a smart business man.

  88. The date on the bottle is while she was running for city council so she was on methadone while campaigning? And is she still on methadone since?
    This is the Question,


  90. I always wondered why she was so crazy. She has lost my vote.

  91. 100 comments in six hours, impressive.

  92. I can only wonder what kind of medication Ireton and other members of city council are using? Maybe this is the tip of the iceberg?

  93. That's it, I am changing my party affiliation right after the election. I have been a registered democrat all of my life - and my father and mother were lifelong registered democrats. But I have had enough - this one hits entirely to close to home.

    I hardly ever hear about Republicans or - for that matter - Independents having to struggle with some life's vices. First it was Washington DC's Mayor Barrie, then Canada's Toronto Mayor, and then we had the transvestite Mayor somewhere out of the Midwest, - not only do we have a 'Peculiar' Salisbury Mayor' but problematic Councilwoman who alludes to higher office.

  94. 2:33 Elected official, voted by the tax payers... errrrr, registered voters. She has zero privacy. If you are an elected official, receiving TWO SHOTS of tax payer funds (salary plus entitlement programs) your life is under a microscope. HIPAA does not apply here, unless Joe were a health care provider of Ms. Mitchell.

  95. Does anyone notice the 2011 date on the bottom of the bottle? This isn't a current script (at least based on evidence provided in picture ). Just saying. ...

  96. TO 11:11 The number 168 does not refer to refills but the number of pills in the bottle and that is rather a large amount of pills to give out for a month as that comes to 168 divided by 30 is like 5.6 pills a day nice high for the day so like one every 4.5 hrs.per day ??

  97. 4:03, Let's get something very clear here and that goes for WBOC and the Daily Times.

    At that date, Laura Mitchell was already through the primary election and was a candidate for Council.

    The Daily Times wants to twist this story by saying she was NOT a Council Member at the time. OK, technically she was not.

    Mitchell by her own admission states that this is in fact her pill bottle. I'll save the rest of this unbelievable story until my later Post tonight.

    That being said, the question is, WHY would ANYONE be prescribed ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY EIGHT Methadone pills, more than FIVE per DAY?

    Oh, it gets better. Wait until you see what WBOC and the DT's claims is her reasoning, ESPECIALLY YOU DOCTORS.

    Believe me, tonight's story right here on Salisbury News will blow your mind. Not that WBOC's and the DT's won't blow you away, because from what I have already been told, (and I'm waiting to see if it's actually true) it's UNBELIEVABLE.

    Stay tunes Ladies & Gentlemen. This is about to get REALLY GOOD!

  98. How many refills are on the label?

    1. Can't put refills on a narcotic so that would be a big fat ZERO.

  99. Varoooooooooom.

    Call the psychic line lol.

  100. Lawsuit to follow for invasion of medical privacy. This is a serious breach of law Joe. When she files, I don't think even you can get out of it. You can't publish anyone's medical information without their consent, period. Not even when you come across it in the trash.

    1. Bring it on.
      She and her family screwed up not joe, how many fd up city voting has she voted on since the fay of her campaign.

    2. Please quote the law you are referring to. There is no expectation of privacy with your trash. There is a ton of caselaw on that.

  101. 4:25 is right, this won't end well for Joe I'm afraid. Plus, I'm a rather offended by the sensationalism here. People deserve to be treated as human beings. None of us including Joe has any idea the facts here.

    1. GTH moron, she is subhuman. You are defending her and you must be a Democrat.

  102. You can see the progressive communist trying to back pedal to damage control mode.

  103. Josh Hastings was Laura Mitchell's campaign manager for her City Council race.

    He is just as much a problem as she is and he probably new she was on drugs. There best friend is Sarah Meyers who worked on Laura's and Jim Ireton's campaign. Her reward was a full time job with the City of Salisbury. She is the full time Curator of the Poplar Hill Mansion.

    Chris Demone is also a good friend of theirs who also got a full time job with the City of Salisbury as Jim Ireton's PIO(Public Information Officer).

    That was an unneeded position and it goes to show you that click of Laura Mitchell and Josh Hastings is corrupt. ALL of the local Democrats are extremely corrupt.

    It would be in the best interest of all the voters to vote Republican only in Wicomico County. Local Democrats are crooks and that is why we have a serious spending problem in Wicomico County and the City of Salisbury.

    Please vote Republican.

  104. Those bleeding hearts that say Joe has violated HIPAA might want to read the law, The operative statement in the law, regarding privacy stes "HIPAA Privacy Rule regulates the use and disclosure of Protected Health Information (PHI) held by "covered entities" (generally, health care clearinghouses, employer sponsored health plans, health insurers, and medical service providers that engage in certain transactions...

    Salisbury News is not a "Covered Entity".

  105. And this is the same person the Daily Times endorsed for County Council!
    They endorsed Laura Mitchell and Josh Hastings over the more qualified John Cannon and Larry Dodd. Wicomico County is circling the drain right now and this County will be in the sewer if those two get elect. These 2 are not what Wicomico County needs right now. We can do better and it's up to you. Get out and vote.

    All Republicans, good Democrats and Independents need to get out and vote for John Cannon and Larry Dodd over those two liberal tree huggers. This County will never recover if the liberal majority take over the County Council.

    Please get out and vote Republican

    Vote Republican

    Wicomico County Executive
    Bob Culver

    Wicomico County Council
    John Cannon
    Matt Holloway
    Marc Kilmer
    Larry Dodd
    Joe Holloway

  106. 5:01, BRING IT ON!

    I say, let's open up Laura Mitchell's medical HISTORY in discovery.

    I've already learned there's a SECOND pill bottle. WATCH WBOC and read the DT's article when it comes out. It has absolute evidence she LIED to the Press.

    I can't wait.

  107. Why is the date on this post Tues Nov 4 2014.

  108. Anon 4:25 and 5:01 are absolutely right. Joe should be ashamed of himself, once again. In fact all the gawkers on this site should be ashamed as well. Who are you to condemn this women without any of the facts being known.

  109. 5:25, Because we will keep it up top until election day.

  110. Yeah, we'll bring it on you piece of shit.

  111. 5:26, LMAO. FACT, Laura Mitchell has been prescribed Methadone.

  112. 5:27, "we'll", is that you Mr. Mitchell?

  113. Keep up the good work Joe!

    And to you idiots saying its not going to end well for him? Really? I highly doubt Joe posted this post without having his Attorney's go ahead. Even if she sues, It'll end up like the other idiots who sued him. They will just lose.

  114. How do ANY of you know that I won't be filing a lawsuit FIRST after I watch WBOC news at 6 tonight.

    Wait until you hear what Laura Mitchell accuses me of. You WILL be blown away. I/We just have to hear it ourselves first.

  115. In only 7 hours this Post is now the #1 Post of the week.

  116. Do any of your readers realize if this POS is elected to county council, which is highly unlikely, she will still hold her seat as Vice President of the city council? There is nothing in either charter that says she can not sit on both councils simultaneously. Go ahead and vote for her so she can have a hand in screwing the city and county at the same time.

  117. Your intention was not to Defame her? REALLY? That was obviously your sole intention. I hope she sues you for all you are worth. In fact, I would represent her free of charge.

  118. Albero's true colors on display for everyone to see. Sleep well Joe. Your time will come.

  119. I would never vote for her anyway, but I don't believe a word she said. That is ALOT of pills for occasional migraines.

  120. Dems will still vote her in...remember Mayor Marion Barrie, DC.

  121. WBOC... L MItchell said she has used METHADONE for PAIN lol thats a Fn LIE , then she is accusing you of getting it illegally from the police am i reading this Right...?

  122. Add another notch on your gun barrell Joey,1 more life you have tried to destroy because you don,t agree with them on politics,you should feel SO proud of yourself when you look in the mirror.

  123. Usual dosage for pain 2.5mg-10mg not 40mg every ? hours! www.drugs.com/dosage/methadone.html

  124. great story. finally some hard evidence and not hear say.
    this needs to be out in the open for the public to read.
    i've dealt with severe migraines, and NEVER was methadone mentioned as a treatment to this day. i was able to function daily although i lost some time at work with the migraines.
    i've heard people with truely severe migraines, who can't function at all, getting this med. for migraines. LM would've had to be basically non funtioning to get this.
    it's all crap by her to cover up the truth..

  125. Are you taxpayers aware that you are footing the bill to provide drugs (legally) to addicts? Another democrat idea to reduce crimes by addicts.

  126. WOW Only on the SHORE my friends and we always wondered why Gov Schaffer called it the shit hole of the state now I can see why. Before you all know it . There will be sex offenders running for office and winning..that will be the day..LOL

    1. There Already here 189 in Salisbury alone
      Great job mayor,

  127. HEY Laura Mitchell i just put my 8 yo twins on Methadone for a twitch is this OK.....,)

  128. From a public relations standpoint she would have best been served to tell the truth, tell it as soon as this hit this morning and tell it herself.

  129. Johnny Cash wants his outfit back.

  130. That explains her rants. She is done in this town.

  131. I want my vote back.

  132. Now for her sympathy vote
    I hope not but then again all her 167 last voters i am sure they know what methadone is.

  133. Is there a link somewhere that I can see the story on WBOC? I don't really expect them to make a big public deal about it, but I can't find anything on their site (story or video).

  134. The story was the lead at 6pm on WBOC. It did not run at 7pm however the lead at 7 was talking about the heroin epidemic on the shore.

    1. How kowinky dink,lol

    2. Where is the next meeting for debates i want to see her get called out on it,

  135. me either! WBOC must not want anyone to see it now. Wasn't on the 7pm news either and they usually have the same things on both 6 and 7. Joe can you provide that for those of us that missed it please?

  136. I can't find it on WBOC site either.

  137. when does the next segment start Joe?

  138. Ask her if she's going to give up her seat on the City Council if elected, not that there's any chance of that now.

  139. Given her family history (it isn't pretty) I'd guess that a lifetime of pain medications is accompanied by a mental aberration, most likely bipolar disorder. Very common with migraine and cluster headache sufferers.

  140. It would be nice to see what name of prescribing physician was. Unfortunately, a very small minority of physicians are less than circumspect in their medication advisement. Ten mg x 4 tabs is a whopping amount of medication used for just about any circumstance other than intractable pain due to cancer!


  141. Melissa Batie Johnson

    6 hrs ·
    Since Joe Albero will approve any rant by any fool wishing to defame others but mine is edited out, let me say it here: Today's discussion of an individual's prescription is filled with many opinions, much ignorance, and precious little accountability. If you believe your opinion to be true and fair, have the courage of your convictions and include your name. It is certainly true that prescription drug abuse is a devastating epidemic locally. It is also true that prescription medications, including the one in question here, are used for legitimate medical purposes under the care of a physician. What's more, few drugs have only a single indication, and the assumption behind the mean-spirited and ill-informed comments on sbynews demonstrate little more than ignorance, cowardice, and petty name-calling.

    Todd Dudek, Stephanie Willey, Tammy Stewart Griffin like this.

    Christine Chestnutt Thank you for saying so.
    6 hrs · 1

    Richard Majors I can't believe the amount of ignorance on that article
    6 hrs

    Melissa Batie Johnson Voila! My comment has magically appeared in the morass!
    5 hrs · 6

    Brett Spengler Theres ignorance all over sbynews in general.
    5 hrs · 4

    Chuck Cook With Joe Albero as the head of the Republican Party for Wicomico County, it really makes you think what they believe.
    5 hrs · 2

    Trent Swanson Wow. This is jacked up. Joe should go.
    4 hrs

    Ron Jones Melissa, You go girl.
    4 hrs · 1

    Keith Howson Can they get nailed for a HIPAA violation, there?
    4 hrs · 1

    Melissa Batie Johnson I hope so Keith, but I'm not sure how/if HIPPA applies to found items and "journalists"
    4 hrs · 1

    Richard Van Gelder Well spoken Melissa!!
    3 hrs · 1

    Bill Duck Joe Albero doesn't print comments that he disagrees with? SHOCKING!

    1. Are these liberal scum on Drugs ?

    2. Melissa is a whacked OUT liberal moron who i am sure has her hand out like the rest of the liarton mitchell shields crew have.

  142. There are a lot of personal digs here, but the problem is: We need a government official who makes fudiciary decisions regarding the city and county to be of the highest caliber and sober mind. In this case, she seems to be neither of these. Things are bad enough and we don't need anymore trainwreck people in office. Please get the word out Joe so we can get her replaced. Thanks for posting this.

  143. Also, I don't really care what anyone does in their personal life...I just don't want sub-par people making public policy decisons.


  144. Chuck Cook With Joe Albero as the head of the Republican Party for Wicomico County, it really makes you think what they believe.

    Chuck, seems like all of you liberals are flat out liars and will say anything.

    In fact, I happen to know the Governor personally, (as you know) and I think it's about time I share this lie with him directly.

    Who knows, maybe you'll be looking for a new job in the private sector in the near future.

  145. For Maintenance Treatment:
    Patients in maintenance treatment should be titrated to a dose at which opioid symptoms are prevented for 24 hours, drug hunger or craving is reduced, the euphoric effects of self-administered opioids are blocked or attenuated, and the patient is tolerant to the sedative effects of methadone. Most commonly, clinical stability is achieved at doses between 80 to 120 mg/day.


    Well that math adds up...

  146. In the Daily Times article she states that she had tried various therapies for migraine headaches that she has suffered with since being 9 years old. She was prescribed the Methadone and only took it for about a month and then quit because it made her feel sick.

    I have had migraines since my early teens. About 40 years ago. I also have tried many therapies, but my neurologists always were against narcotics. They said that the nausea and vomiting that I already had with the migraine would be exacerbated by the nausea caused from narcotic drugs. Also taking narcotic drugs for migraines could lead to more rebound migraines.

    In the 40 years that I have been treated by neurologists for migraines I have had three different neurologists. They all said the same thing. I have rarely ever had a narcotic prescription. I have tried all of the Triptans; Zomig, Immatrex, Relpax, etc... through the 40 years. Have been on beta blockers, anti depressants, Nsaids, anti-inflammatories, seizure medicines, etc. Am still on a combination of seizure medicines, tripans, Nsaids, and I get Botox shots every 4-5 months. They actually recommend every 3 months but as I have no insurance and pay for these thing out of pocket I try to stretch them as long as I can. I have also had it seemed like every kind of shot; epidural, nerve block, steroid, cortizone, etc...

    I only list all of that to show I do know a little about migraines. Now I can't say with 100% accuracy that no doctor would prescribe Methadone for migraines, but unless they were a piss poor doctor they certainly would not prescribe that dosage to be taken 4 times per day, each day to combat migraine. Now there have been some "pill doctors" busted in Salisbury and maybe she encountered one and was truly prescribed this in this dosage by one of them. In which case it is a good thing she quit taking them after a month.

  147. I swear - SBYnews must be the most professional news media in the entire Country. Megan Kelly, Bill O'Reily, Bret Hume, company included. While Megan Kelly is out covering the new Czar appointed by Obama - here in Wicomico we have drug users trying to hold (2) political offices simultaneously.

    Based on the high volume traffic hit count of this article - I wouldn't be a bit surprised if all three of the major news networks were to rondevu upon Salisbury City hall come AM tomorrow. Which leads me to stay tuned Part 2.
    Great investigative work Joe - you truly deserve a Pulitzer in professional journalism.

  148. Joe shanie welfare shields no relation to laura Mitchell was on PAC 14 Stating she was on OXYCODONE ? Is this fn true. WTF

  149. To 10:06 Poster - the proper thing for her to do now is to resign. If she resists, then the other City Council members should move forward to remove her from office like happened in Ontario as there simply to much at stake.

  150. This could of been a moment of redemption and healing.

  151. ,oh please laura admit it you and your family have a drug issue,
    Ps, dont try and blame the cops in this evidence bullshit you have enough enemies.

  152. Omg you cannot be serious

  153. John cannon anyday over this Ebt looser,

    1. Salisbury police and the states attorney must have taken offence to her accusations of police tampering of evidence and this coming from a sitting council member and pissing off police officers not good laura not good...

  154. At least Melissa isn't a coward,all you trolls that are denigrating her,man or woman up and post YOUR name,come on cowards.Hide behind daddy Joe with all your venom.By the way I don't know her but I do respect her.

    1. I am doing a freedom of info act on Ms Milissa, and crooked cook this will be interesting hope they have no dirt.

  155. HELL, LAURA

    She called herself out in the Delmarva Daily Times and that article is all over facebook. I would have laughed the actual picture off on this blog thinking it was photo shop product but since she admits to it...it is prescribed and legal so pop away as long as you are taking it on YOUR time.

  156. If they consider impaired driving on pain meds then isn't it considered impaired voting while on pain meds.

  157. Catching politicians doing drugs on film is big news. Look at Toronto and look at Marion Barry. Laura Mitchell is Salisbury's version of the same.

    1. Is laura Mitchell still with that sexual college harrasser of young girls , that shows the company she keeps.

  158. As a PO she has pissed off numerous of us and is talk of the locker.

  159. Melissa Johnson said...
    So many ill-informed opinions and so little accountability. If you are proud of your comments- if you believe them to be true and right- at least have the courage of your convictions and include your name. YES prescription drug abuse is a serious issue in our community. NO a photograph like this does not indict anyone who may well have a medical condition for which the prescription is indicated.

    October 21, 2014 at 2:05 PM

    So I do a little check on this Bimbo and the first friend I see of her is Harlan Eagle. Imagine that the one and only Dr. Haran Eagle, Campaign Manager for the Boy Wonder Josh Hastings. Someone said Josh Hastings and Laura Mitchell were joined at the hip. Guess who her other friend is? The other half of that hip Laura Mitchell. Can you guess another friend of this liberal Bimbo? Drum Roll !!!!!!!!!! Yes it is the Boy Wonder Josh Hastings himself. What a left wingnut liberal group they are defending the Crackhead! And we also have Joe Hastings. Can anyone guess who that is?

    Other friends include Rick Pollitt, Jake Day, Jim Ireton, Tom Stevenson, Vanesa Junkin, Chuck Cook, Chris Demone, Mike Dunn, Bill Duck, Susan Hargreaves Parker, Margo Sarbanes, Jimmy Sarbanes, Mark S. Thompson, Jamie Heater, Stacey Weisner, Greg Bassett, Joey Gilkerson,
    Hollis Hearne Bartkovich, Ted Wycall, and Tom Becker. Looks like the whole Josh Hastings Klan.

    Do you get the message? The Bimbo is a Liberal Democrat and they are defending this Crackhead druggie. What a bunch of low lives.

    Thank you Face Book this tells us she is the mouth piece for the Wicomico County Democrat Club.

    If she is friends with that group and she is running off at the mouth she deserves no Mercy. Open Season!

    1. Democrats must be real proud of there lower standards, tick tock.

  160. 10:43...and yet you sign your name? What are you afraid of...citations from NSCC or worse?

  161. umm 10:43

    ironic post is ironic

  162. In light of all of these comments - Part 2 of this story could emerge even larger than it already is. I'm sure that subsequent follow-ups and/or cover ups could prove to be very interesting.

  163. Thanx joe i am a democrat and rarely agree with you but this was long overdue on laura vote cannon.


  164. Everyone has been asking a Dr's name that wrote this. I enhanced it in photoshop seems it says Dr. PR is all I can make it out to be. We do have a neurologist in town named Dr. Peter Raymond Sebastian. Might be time to dig into him and what he prescribes. Either way she's under the influence while holding a public office, legal means or not she needs to resign. None of us need that leading us. We need a sound body and mind, time for a new career Laura, hope that supposed Mba gets you a job.

  165. Not the kind of medicine that Dr. Sebastian practices. It's a rare thing for him to write any kind of prescription, let alone one as controversial as this medication and dosage.

  166. Her story in the Times doesn't hold water. The date on the bottle is March 2011. The dates of her sons arrests for drugs are Aug 2009, Sept 2012 and July 2013. This begs another question. Why was her prescription in her sons car more than a year or two after she said she quit taking it? What a tangled web we weave

  167. Could be that Laura is obtaining this for her loser husband and/or son. Headaches my foot - sounds like a lame excuse to me. This needed to come out sooner than later and all the Libs/Dems are getting hyper about this. Do you really want someone who is popping pills leading our city and county?

  168. Jeremy Cox of DelmarvaNow is slinging mud. Just makes him look dirty. Maybe he likes his drugs too? Well, those who share common interests do stick together.

    Laura Mitchell remarked that her Methadone pill bottle must have been taken from her son's car when he was pulled over by police, then photographed. Hmm... Wondering, what the heck her Methadone was doing in her son's car? And what violation did her son commit that caused the police to search his car and find the pill bottle? They don't usually search someone's car because of a traffic violation. That's quite a confession, and there's more to that story.

    At least the truth about Laura's questionable life choices is now out there (for people to make an informed decision)even if some of the reporters are bias.

    Stay strong Joe. You do what no one else has had the guts to do. Some don't like it because the truth sometimes hurts. But the truth shall set us free.

  169. I have stood behind Laura Mitchell on occasions at another local pharmacy where she typically pays $1 or less for her prescription(s). If she is not playing the system, I don't know who is. I pay my typical $20-30 for one bottle. She does not deserve to serve on any council. She typically acts loopy when she she speaks so maybe her meds explain that. Low Life.

  170. Has anyone out there ever heard Mitchell complaining about a headache (when she was sober and not hung over) or having headaches generally?

    I smell a rat.


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