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Monday, November 03, 2014

A Time to Reflect

Teachers and Sheriff's Department Deputies.  I want you to take a couple of minutes and reflect on the actions taken by the two people whose pictures appear here and just think of what they have done to you.  Both of their actions will affect you and your family's lives in the years to come.  Let's start with Delegate Conway and just take a single issue.

Your Retirement Pension:  I know each of you work hard with the dreams of finally retiring on a decent pension and a chance to finally chill out and take it easy.  Perhaps each of you as individuals should be looking into what has been happening with your retirement funds and not just relying on the words of your union.  Look at the states where the teacher's retirement funds are paying pennies on the dollar because the money simply isn't there.
"Oh, that can't happen here, not in our county or state".  Wanna bet? Think!  For years when the governor has run out of revenues for his pet projects like the - Western Shore Rapid Rail System and the high paying union jobs associated with it he looked around for new revenue streams - He found it.  Your pension fund.  And he has taken hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars out of your retirement fund to pay for the cost of a rail system used by less than six percent of Maryland's population all in the four western shore counties with the highest numbers of voters.  He's taken so much out of your retirement funds that the main bonding agencies have issued him a warning not to do it again. But wait,he did do it again this year.  Took another 100 million out because what the heck, he can't run for governor anymore. So why not? Just have to finish that rail system.  Now what did That Great and Powerful Eastern Shore OZ of The  Appropriations  Committee do about this? He voted yes for all the budgets that took your money! I have yet to see anything that said The Powerful Oz stood up and defended your pension fund. Please, if anyone can find that anywhere let me know and I will take these words back. So, how's that feel teachers? Keep voting for OZ and you won't have to worry about retiring. And after he spent your money he simply threw the retirement costs to the county so Mr. Brown wouldn't have to worry about it anymore. In the next four years it will take 23 million dollars of county revenues for your pension fund. This county can't even scrape together an extra million for road repair. So what are you going to do teachers.  Vote for OZ and listen to your union? Think about it.  Investigate it yourself.  Make the right decision November 4th.

Sheriff Lewis and Deputies - my heart goes out to you and your families.  I know how it feels to have people you trust stab you in the back.  It happened to me long ago when I came home and I couldn't do a thing about it.  That's just the way our country was then. But unlike myself, you and your families now have the upper hand. You see, Mr. Pollitt now needs you and your families and friends to vote for him to stay in office.  There is no doubt that I know what you will do on November 4th. Take them both out! Good luck and watch yourselves out  there.

John Palmer


  1. Bye Bye Norm and Ricky,,,,,,You all have had enough time to destroy us and our once great county to live in.

  2. I assume everyone knows that the county pays for Pollitt's son to go to SU as well and requires him to live on campus so they cover that expense also. Has a daughter graduating this year.

  3. No 10:03! Details on how we are paying? Other than his salary...

  4. I would assume SU bills the county since student goes for free. Heard this from county employee.


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