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Sunday, November 09, 2014

Solar Project Expected To Save City $37K Annually

BERLIN – A solar array under construction in Pocomoke City is poised to become the largest municipally owned system in the state while also reducing the town’s annual electricity costs by more than $37,000.

The project, which should be complete in December, consists of 6,150 solar panels that will produce 2.9 million kilowatt hours of power a year. Rockville-based Standard Solar is building the 2.1 megawatt system, which was financed by SunEdison.

“It’s exciting,” said Pocomoke City Manager Russ Blake, “and it’s a great opportunity for the city to save taxpayers money.”

Electricity produced by the system, which is being installed at Pocomoke City’s wastewater treatment facility, is expected to reduce the municipality’s electric bills by about 17 percent, or $37,000 a year, according to Blake. Several nonprofit organizations — including the Delmarva Discovery Center, MARVA Theater, Samaritan Shelter and the Worcester County Developmental Center — will also be tying in to the system. Their bills should be cut by about $15,000 a year.



  1. I just love the way government portrays spending for unproven technology.
    What are the annual maintenance cost? When is there a pay back?
    How many employees have to be hired for this project? Who and why did the evaluation , how much did it cost.
    Give it a rest people , the democrats aren't in charge now.
    Green means money now BS.

  2. Perhaps the DelMarva Chicken Festival will rise from the ashes of the birds the 6K+ solar panels will fry!

  3. BERLIN – A solar array under construction in Pocomoke City is poised to become the largest municipally owned system in the state while also reducing the town’s annual electricity costs by more than $37,000.

    Ok what is wrong with this picture?

  4. I read the article and cant find the cost of the land and the cost of the panels. THis is all cost that must be offset before any savings will be recognized. For instance if the project costs $800,000 then it will take 21 years before the first dime is saved. Do you suppose any of the panels will need replacing by then? Only government thinks this way. Our electric bill is going down by $37000....that's all that matters...

  5. Reading more carefully, this piece of propaganda doesn't say that the THE cost of electricity goes down. In reality, it doesn't. The cost goes up to taxpayers who are subsidizing the project while it goes down for those who benefit from it. Economic bluff 101.

  6. Finally someone with some sense.

  7. don't you just love how they spin this as "no cost" - when Federal tax credits are given, isn't that like the gov't getting less income?

  8. Right this thing will save the town by shifting the costs to others that are greater than the towns savings. Just like wind energy, this is a scam.
    We need to educate James Mathias because he thinks wind and solar are economic development.

  9. They offered it to Salisbury ,
    Unfortunately they were hit with a $250,000 water impact fee

  10. Is it in Berlin or Pocomoke?

  11. You need to understand that the "developer" of these projects is the one who makes the big money UP FRONT and then you are on your own. They go after LARGE organizations hoping there are enough idiots to push it through..

  12. Stupidity at it's finest.
    Only libtards can ignore facts and make expensive decisions based on emotion alone

  13. No local businesses used for this project.


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