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Sunday, November 09, 2014

Dr. Ben Carson Just Made a Big Announcement About the 2016 Elections

You can put the speculation to rest. Dr. Ben Carson is setting foot in the 2016 presidential race.

This weekend, voters in 22 states will see a nearly 40-minute ad, entitled “A Breath of Fresh Air: A New Prescription for America,” that will serve as an introduction to the famed neurosurgeon who became a conservative rock star in the summer of 2013 after delivering the keynote speech at theNational Day of Prayer.

Dr. Carson, who has never held political office, will have to make his ad compelling, seeing that he will probably be running against the likes of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, former Florida governor Jeb Bush, Sen. Rand Paul and others.

To serve as a precursor to his forthcoming ad, Dr. Carson recently switchedhis political affiliation from Independent to Republican.



  1. I think the fact that he never held office before is VERY appealing. He is smart.
    He has my vote.

  2. HE's the Man to vote for!!!!

  3. Very bad decision.Entirely different realms.Don't even attempt to connect the dots between a renouned surgeon and the President of the United States.The ends don't meet.

  4. I wish we had the option to watch A Breath of Fresh Air. The only station in Maryland that is showing it is Fox in Baltimore. WJLA in Dc is also showing it. We can get neither of them in this area.

  5. He knows nothing about foreign policy. I agree with 1:27

  6. OK... His VP will need government experience...possibly someone with military experience. Just don't make it old pasty face McCain.

  7. Sadly, I hope he doesn't run...I love his message but I don't think he has the experience that is needed...

  8. He will certainly get my vote...however, I am sure the Dumbocrats/Liberals will dig up something on him like they have in the past to any candidate they fear will hurt their party. He may not have any political background but for sure, a million times smarter and knowledgable than NOBAMA!

  9. Here we have a person that wants to serve and not make a career out of being elected, and he will be bashed by some who are unable to understand that he is exactly what the country needs. I will tirelessly support Dr. Ben Carson.


  10. He is brilliant and loaded with common sense, but, he in no way shape or form has the experience, wisdom and know how...to fix and run this Country like Rand Paul can.

  11. 1:27 Reagan was a movie star and not as smart as Carson and he was s good President. I think Carson would make a great President. Obama had no experience and they voted him in.

  12. Obama Crooked BastardoNovember 8, 2014 at 5:26 PM

    1:27 has a valid point. But l would vote for Carson and here is why. He may not be experienced in political world, but by running he could also make himself potential Vice Presudent nominee. His expertise is very valuable when dealing with Obamacare and should be used when making those decisions.

  13. 1:27 and Obama who has no experience can? Carson has my vote, I want real people running my country, not lawyers or career politicians.

  14. 1:52 neither does Obama, but most people on the blog give their opinions everyday how this country or how we should conduct foreign policy so why not let an intelligent person have a shot at the office?

  15. It's not the democrats that will run him down, it's the republicans. Just wait till primary season and see.

  16. He'd make a wonderful president. All a president needs to know is how to put together a team. A surgeon especially one so renowned, knows how to pick a team.

  17. As president, you learn by surrounding yourself with smart people who are experienced and in-the know. Not like the one in office now, giving jobs to friends and political connections. Look at all the stupid decisions and mistakes that have resulted. Vote for Carson!!!

  18. "Anonymous said...
    Very bad decision.Entirely different realms.Don't even attempt to connect the dots between a renouned surgeon and the President of the United States.The ends don't meet.

    November 8, 2014 at 1:27 PM"

    You absolutely can "connect the dots." It IS all about knowing how to pick the best team member for the job, and a surgeon especially one who performed ground breaking successful surgeries knows how to put the best people in place for a job.
    He doesn't need to know anything about "foreign policy." All he needs to know is how to pick the best person for the job.
    A president's job is multi faceted just like a surgeon. A surgeon isn't expected to know the intricacies of anesthesiology, but knows enough to know who is superb in the field.
    Obama did pick those with whom he felt would bow down and promote his agenda and lie for him and all his choices have been massive failures. More positions then ever before have gone unfilled because the real movers and shakers won't lower themselves to be a part of such an incompetent lying, low class administration.

  19. We'll see 9:06.Judging from your comment and others,BC's operating room successes will greatly enhance his ability to run a country.I personally do not see anything in common with the 2 but time will tell.When and if he's on the debate stage with other candidates,under intense pressure and presented with questions that involve the well being of planet Earth we'll all know his potential based on his responses.Until then he's only a potentially "hopeful" candidate.

  20. He would make a better president then Hilabeast Clinton. And, I'm a registered democrat.


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