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Monday, November 17, 2014

Sheriffs Plan Massive Opposition to Obama’s Executive Amnesty in Washington

In light of Barack Obama's defiance to institute amnesty to tens of millions of illegal aliens in America, following his public spanking on Tuesday, constitutional sheriffs from across America are planning a massive meeting in Washington to oppose his usurpation of power.

Bristol County Sheriff Thomas M. Hodgson sent out a letter recently which called on sheriffs to descend on Washington on December 10 to meet with congressmen and encourage them to secure the border and oppose Obama's executive action regarding amnesty. The meeting will occur just days before the existing government funding bill expires.

"Never before in our nation's history has it been so important for the American sheriffs to stand united and speak with one voice to secure our nation's borders," Hodgson wrote. "No longer can we sit idle while the inaction of our Federal Government marginalizes our ability to preserve public safety, enforce our laws, and protect the Constitutional rights of all who legitimately reside and work in our communities."



  1. I hope Sheriff Lewis is attending.

  2. I agree. If the American people knew how much government assistance these illegals are receiving, every born and raised citizen in this country would be upset. i.e. one women (mexican) with kids (anchor babies) is receiving 600.00 dollars a month in food stamps.

  3. Are citizens encouraged to join this march?


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