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Monday, November 17, 2014

Rehoboth To Target E-Cigs

REHOBOTH BEACH — Rehoboth Beach commissioners will vote Friday, Nov. 21, on a measure that would add electronic cigarettes to the city’s ban on smoking on the beach and Boardwalk.

Commissioner Stan Mills, who championed the ban on smoking tobacco instituted earlier this year, said e-cigarettes create confusion for enforcement officers because they look just like real cigarettes.

E-cigarettes are banned in state government nonsmoking areas, and the town of Bethany Beach included e-cigs in its smoking ban. Cities such as New York City and Chicago also have banned smoking e-cigarettes in public places, Mills said. He said in Bethany, the ban defines smoking as the inhaling and exhaling of any substance through any kind of delivery system.



  1. Next they will ban boiling a pot of water on your stove. Are they going to ban vaporizers as well? Suppose I have a prescription for my E-cig?

  2. Punishing people trying to quit. Horrible.

  3. Being a non smoker all of my life, I still feel people who choose to smoke, either real or e-cigarettes have a right to do so. Banning smoking in public places like bars or restaurants is reasonable consideration for the other non smoking patrons, but outside is a different thing altogether. If Rehoboth Beach thinks that e-cigarettes deserves this much attention, perhaps they'll next focus on the overt queer behavior in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, that offends my being, as well parents with young children having to explain the overt deviant public behavior in Rehoboth Beach. How about outlawing that Stan Mills? What? You're afraid of offending your large queer taxpayer base? Or how about those queers on the beach in their speedos showing their junk in public? How about that nasty Stan Mills? Or how about gigantic female whale bottoms and breasts of fat, hanging out in public on the beaches of Rehoboth? Liberals like ol' Stan - always gotta have their pinocchio noses shoved up in everybody else's business. Always pushing their own, self serving agenda.

  4. who goes to rehoboth besides gays and tourons


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