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Sunday, November 16, 2014

Shame On Gary Mackes, WBOC, WMDT & The Daily Times

Do the Eastern Shore residents realize just how well respected the Salisbury Kennel Club is and the quality of the event they actually hold in Wicomico County.

While there may be some of you who couldn't care less, the Kennel Club not only rents the entire Civic Center for several days, they also bring in MILLIONS of dollars to local restaurants and hotels for a week. 

There was no media there, except for Tuesday when they were covering the election, yet nothing was done to support the Show.

Now let me tell you a little bit about why I believe the PIO position in the executives office needs to be abolished. There was not one press release about this event. Here's just ONE of the many events that is not only a huge success, it comes back each and every year and believe me, they could relocate it to Ocean City if they want to. 

We also never received a single press release from the Civic Center. I guess you have to be a Circus or major celebrity to get any kind of billing from them and that's a shame.

Let me mention the problems some experienced with the Airport. The Judges that work the Show come from all over the Country. They are hired and are not volunteers. I listened to one story of a Judge that had to fly into Philly to connect to a flight into Salisbury. Guess what, they cancelled his flight, which would have arrived before 11 PM. The Judge had to rent a car and drive the rest of the way to Salisbury and didn't arrive until 1 or 3 AM. This happens all too often in Salisbury and something needs to change.

I should disclose that my Wife has been a volunteer for this event for, well, a lot of years. I mention all of the above for economic development reasons, NOT because she is a part of it. 

A simple press release SUPPORTING an organization who has proven their dedication to Wicomico County would be standard for ANY business person. Not Wicomico County. Hopefully all of this changes under Bob Culver. 


  1. I agree. Promoting this event and every single other event at the civic center is what the PIO should be doing and not using the position to disseminate campaign events and she should know this or she is not a good person for the job.

  2. At a minimum a PR should be released, that is minimal costs, especially if we(taxpayers) are already paying someone to do that.

    My guess is since this show has been around for a while they have noticed that the general public could care less about it so they have stopped all advertising for it.

    I am a dog lover but that doesn't translate into me wanting to go to a dog show, maybe if I want to see a specific breed I am interested in, but that would be rare.

  3. The cancelled connecting flight was cancelled in Philly.
    This has nothing to do with the Salisbury airport.
    It has a lot more to do with the carrier which is Piedmont/US Air.
    I have also had to endure the dreaded cancelled flight home from Philly, and since then I have never flown out of SBY or PHI.
    I now fly out of BWI and shuttle home.
    So until US Air/Piedmont gets their crap in line, this will never change, and apparently since this happened to me 4 years ago and is still going on just goes to show you nothing has changed.

  4. joe, I used to work out at that airport. Had many a run-ins with the management of both the airport (won't mentions boob's last name or steve,s) however as I currently have been doing forever and will continue to do so and advise others the same. If you really need to be somewhere on time my advice is drive to Baltimore and take a different airline. Our airport service is a joke. You always look into things going on in this county well there are many various commissions which don't seem to be fulfilling their missions. Unless of course their mission is taking care of themselves and their friends! I would start with this one! always amazed the people have to pay to park but the airline pays no landing fees. and where are all those jobs that have been promised over the years, for tax breaks? Remember the engine test cell, just one of many bs items coming out of there. Where's the other airline boob's been promising forever?
    Total joke!

  5. I never fly from Salisbury any more. The Kennel Club held their show in Ocean City for 3 years when the CC bldg burned down. You would not believe what Ocean City offered them to stay.

  6. don't ever have the last flight out of philadelphia. I was coming back from Aruba and they left after I had the ticket agent tell the gate I was on my way and in the terminal. The crew was based in Salisbury and couldn't wait 10 minutes. Never again.

  7. I would just like to see the grass cut and weeds trimmed.

  8. What do these shows cost County taxpayers???

  9. 1:34, Are you by any chance mentally challenged? Do you have ANY clue how much money the County makes off this Show? Obviously not. Let me ask, is the suspension on that Short Bus stiffer than regular buses?

  10. Note to 1:34- I have been told that the rent paid to the Civic Center for this type of event totals about $8,000/day, plus the salaries of CC employees employed for specific duties, plus the CC Food Concession profits for feeding 1,000 (+/-) people for five days. You do the math, or ask the county. You have a right to this information. An additional benefit is the money spent in the community by the exhibitors from all over the world. Check it out for yourself. As a point of information, when this Civic Center was being built, the Kennel Club donated thousands of $ to the building fund.


  12. Civic/convention centers aren't in the business to make money. They are in the business to bring money into the local economy.
    With that in mind the county executive's office should be promoting in a big way everything and anything going on at the civic center. Promotion should include press releases sent to the media on the Western Shore too.

  13. Keeping in mind that the state of Maryland profits from ADMISSIONS TAX on every spectator and SALES TAX from every vendor, what support do we get from the state of Maryland.??. Not even an honorable mention..

  14. I am so old I can remember roller skating at the old Civic Center when I was very young. It was a place to go for family entertainment and was loved by us all. Such a shame things change so completely.

  15. With Stevie P-man and Sample Hughes leaving the County Council, how about some cat shows at the Civic Center.

  16. The Dog Show should not have been scheduled around the time of the General Election. The place was crowded and it was a disaster area with congestion.


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