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Sunday, November 16, 2014

Is The Man In the White House Mentally Ill?

I am not asking this with my tongue in my cheek. I am as serious as a judge. As I sit here and write, I am listening to Mr. Obama's press conference. Something is very wrong with this guy. He is either mentally ill or demon possessed. Either choice is a possibility. But something is definitely wrong with him. He seems somehow inhuman.

I've lived my entire life in a world of athletic competition. I understand the human emotion that is associated with winning and losing. I grew up with the opening theme of ABC's Wide World of Sports continuously playing in my head. (If I close my eyes I can hear the voice of Jim McKay bouncing around the corners of my brain.)

"Spanning the globe to bring you the constant variety of sports... the thrill of victory... and the agony of defeat... the human drama of athletic competition... This is "ABC's Wide World of Sports!"

The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat brings with it emotions. That is why we watch sports. We love the human drama of athletic competition. That's why we have press conferences after games. We love to hear the emotional reaction to winning and losing.



  1. I've said before and I'll say again , he sits on the right hand of satan , he may be satan himself.

    1. I've wondered if he could be the antichrist, long before he was ever elected, the first time around?

  2. We all know he is Satan, the TV mini series "The Bible" had Satan appearing as Obama remember? Then the white house, Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson demanded it be changed to not show the truth. The Bible even warns us of this guy, in revelations!

  3. People, you just still don't get it. This person was CREATED by the Socialist Party, the Manchurian Candidate come to life.
    There is nothing real about him. He was born to fill this spot, and his path made by others so that he could fill it.
    We've been duped. Face it and deal with it.

  4. 1:49 I get what you are saying but someone who allows themselves to be groomed as he did is mentally ill. Not only are they mentally ill, but they are just mere shells of a human being which on top of the mental illness allows someone to take over their heads and thought processes.
    Same happens with those who join cults.
    Anyone can see it w/Obama. He can't speak a full sentence unless it's written down in front of him. He's a brainwashed robot who because of his weak personality and mental illness allowed himself to be trainable.

  5. Or maybe he is just plain ignorant.

  6. Anyone seen his Dr. No outfit in China?
    He looks like a lowlife third world dictator!!


  7. He hates the United States of America. He is a muslim at heart. He intensely hates the White America that loves God, Gun and Gold. He considers himself intellectually superior to most of America--ESPECIALLY "flyover country" . He is the worst President ever elected.

  8. Jesus the Messiah will appear in his Second Coming to Earth to face the emergence of the Antichrist figure, who will be the greatest false messiah in Christianity. Just as Christ is the savior and the ideal model for humanity, his opponent in the end time will be a single figure of concentrated evil.

  9. now all of you know you are just racist for saying anything bad about our esteemed leader

  10. Barry is a Manchurian Candidate. He is an embecile. Totally compromised and mind controlled. His boyfriend poses as his wife. He was given 2 young beautiful girls to be pretend daughters. He is an admitted habitual hard drug user and a homosexual.

    It has been very easy to control him. His Mother and Grandmother were CIA. He was "little Timmy Geithner's" childhood friend, when Peter Geithner ran the CIA operations out of Chase Bank in Indonesia.

    We are near the end game for the Zionist One World Government.
    These people have been recruited into a satanic occult mind control organization. The US Government is totally corrupt and evil.


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