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Sunday, November 23, 2014

Salisbury Council A Prime Example Of Where We're Headed As A Country

One only has to take a look at the Salisbury City Council to see where we're headed and it's not good.

While Jim Ireton presses for more districts and more Council Members, a good percentage of those currently representing you are already on public assistance.

Here's the problem, as I see it.

The more Americans who become dependent on their country to support them, the more people that get lazy, or should I say, comfortable. 

If you've ever been unemployed and had a difficult time finding a job, depression sets in and there's a feeling of being worthless. Yes, unemployment and assistance helps but if it continues for a long period, like I said, many fall back on the assistance.

Then there are the people who take advantage. You know, work for cash while on assistance. As you see all to often in Salisbury, many people stand on street corners begging for money. Heck, we've even done stories showing some of these beggars locally riding around in new cars and even living in Wood Creek, out at night spending that money at local bars.

Here we are now electing people who are not financially stable and support the very idea that being on public assistance is the wave of the future. There's no pride. They are very capable of working, but why, when others will pay their way.

Now let's look at the voting system. Do you realize that O'Malley and others have not purged the voter registration in more than 14 years. You might ask, WHY is that important. Well, let's look at it like this. Let's just say YOU and ALL of your neighbors REFUSE to support a Rain Tax in the City. What you don't realize is that the major majority of Salisbury residents are now renters. The majority of those renters are NOT registered voters. Yet the PERCENTAGE of BOGUS registered voters creates a false number much higher than it should be.

When I ran for Mayor I went by a list of registered voters door to door. The first thing I'd say is, Hello Mr. or Mrs. Jones, I'm Joe Albero and I'm a candidate running for Mayor. The first response I'd get is, I'm not Mr. or Mrs. Jones. I'm telling you, this happened at least 80% of the time. Stick with me Folks, this gets very interesting.

I'd then ask, are you a registered voter in the City. 95% of the time it was, no. Now let's get back to that Rain Tax all to many people hate. Let's say a new Dirty Dozen or CAVE People want it brought to referendum. You have to get a certain percentage of voters to even get it to referendum and guess what, it can NEVER happen! When 70% of the alleged registered voters are NO LONGER living in the City and you need to achieve 40% (or so) of the overall registered voters, it's impossible. 

This is why Liberals LOVE what they currently have. This is why the very people in power, (not just in Salisbury) are ramrodding stupid legislation right down our throats. So when they tell you the majority have spoken, NO THEY HAVEN'T. It's a LIE.

You and I both know the majority of Americans are against the amnesty Obama is trying to pass. As I said earlier today in a comment, Americans are completely unaware of the financial circumstances this will create for America, let alone the incredible job losses and or SUBSIDIES this will create on all of us. The majority of their money will funnel OUT of America and into their country. This will devastate our economy, but to those on subsidies right now, they couldn't care less. Well, wait a minute. IF we have people on subsidies in political positions where they SUPPORT such programs, you have NO CHANCE to fight back because the majority of people living here don't vote or aren't even registered, we're screwed! 

In no time the majority of Americans will be dependent on our government. Considering holding an EBT Card and using it at the grocery story is no big deal, it is becoming the new norm. Heck, I can remember being a kid going to a Yankee game in the Bronx when everyone there wore a suit a tie. Americans have become so relaxed any more, 95% of them refuse to even dress for Church. 

The road to recovery starts at the polls. Actually, it starts by educating our CHILDREN first. It starts by encouraging them about how important it is in America to VOTE. You then start encouraging people to REGISTER to vote. If you want to win back America and the Liberals continue to support not purging registered voters, simply get people to register at their current address and the PHONY names at that address will disappear. 

Encourage legislation that only allows ONE person on the Council to be on public assistance. No discrimination, we should hear from them. However, opening up more seats on the Council for minorities does NOT represent what we as Americans stand for, unless you like and encourage Welfare, Food Stamps, Affordable Housing, Disability and so forth. However, I truly do not believe that is something to be proud of.

The time is NOW to start encouraging people to register to VOTE. There are many people on PAYROLL all year long who are supposed to be doing just that. Have YOU ever heard from them? Have you ever seen them at different events with voter registration forms? Do you ever see commercials encouraging people to register because it's the American thing to do?

Instead, we get elected officials on subsidies who pass legislation YOU and I cannot change, you get a President who just added FIVE MILLION new voters who will more than likely also become dependent on our government, (you and me) to assure that REAL Americans have NO SAY in OUR very own Country. 

Again, if you want to fix it, start with your own children. DID YOU VOTE? WHY THE HELL NOT! Look at our Teachers, almost ALL liberals, dumping billions of Union Paid dollars into Liberal Candidates. If WE allow things to continue the way it's been going for decades, America will crumble. You will no longer have any say and YOU, (like it or not) will live in a socialist country completely dependent on your government. 

This is why I personally and already feel the majority of Americans are living based on their own stupidity. Your local Media refuses to put out stories IN ADVANCE and only report on important issues AFTER they have been voted on. Their job is to EDUCATE the public, to be PROACTIVE. Because they are supportive and or controlled by the government they have rid of the investigative reporters. Weekly newspapers, (with all due respect) are an absolute joke. They can only be fluff media and want NOTHING to do with helping you become aware of what will truly effect you next week when the Council votes. 

Then there's the demands from your leaders like Rick Pollitt and Jim Ireton who REFUSE to allow the Council or any Department Head to speak about ANY issue or topic. Yeah, we're not a socialist country.

Now is a perfect time to UNITE as Americans. Each neighborhood should have a representative who can walk to their neighbors with voter registration applications and start handing them out. FUNNY how that's never happened in the past! Every home should have a "2014 I VOTED" flyer they can tape to their front window. Heck, you'll hang Christmas lights, Baltimore Ravens Flags, American Flags and so forth, why not show your PRIDE in voting. 

Do you want American to regain being the best Country in the World? STOP being so stupid and naive. WE can fix things very quickly and easily. REGISTER TO VOTE AND ENCOURAGE OTHERS TO DO THE SAME.

Can I get an AMEN?


  1. I like the neighborhood idea to hand out registration forms. Raising two kids on my own makes it very difficult to find the time to go register during the week. I'd volunteer some of my weekend time to walk my neighborhood though.

  2. I visited the MVA this week to renew my drivers license. Before I left the nice lady asked me to review my voter information screen. It popped up that I was a registered Republican. The next question was would I like to change my party affiliation? While driving home I wondered if it showed that I was a Democrat, would the question of changing parties have come up at all?

  3. What beggar lives in WoodCreek?

  4. It's become a race to the finish , since we will have a new governor , they are in the panic mode.

  5. Joe you are correct everyone should standup and vote . in a perfect world that's what we all want. Sadly it has been proven in the not so distant past that higher voter turnout = more democrats elected to office. Sadly This is what happened in 2008 when Obama took office . we had record turnouts that year and the democrats handed us republicans a thrashing at the poles. Most was dew to the younger voters that had never voted before and jumped on the Obama band wagon . needless to say IMO it is unamerican not to vote . 25,000,00 men and women gave there lives so you and me have the right to vote. Yet some people go through life not knowing what a voting machine even looks like.

  6. Laura Mitchell and Shanie Shields are on public assistance and they will never ever get a job. Welcome to Obama's World. The Democrats love the lazy and we are going to be in a nation of slaves.

    Check out the Hunger games and if you have a brain you will know what I am talking about.

  7. Jim Ireton has ruined the City of Salisbury by forcing the 5 districts on us. The only thing you will get out of that is a minimum of 4 minorities on the City Council This city is toast just because Jim Ireton wanted to make sure Teri, Debbie and Tim couldn't be in office together again.

    Can you imagine 4 more like Shanie Shields on the council.

  8. The best thing that can happen to Salisbury at this point is to dissolve the charter and allow Salisbury to be taken over by Wicomico County.

  9. 1:32 hit the nail on the head!

  10. Salisbury has been taken over by the "stupid American voter." Gruber should have said the stupid democrat voter because a lot of us, aren't stupid, like the mayor and the majority of the Salisbury council.
    I can still picture in my mind Ireton and Mitchell at the democrat convention smiling like 2 goobers and looking like it was some great privilege to be there.
    You can imagine all the while, the Big Cheese democrats looking out upon the audience of adoring subjects and saying "look at all these stupid people."
    We should take up a collection for T-shirts with the finger pointing left or right that says "I'm With Stupid" and send it to the council to wear at meetings after all we didn't say it their fellow democrats did and the shoe certainly fits so they must wear it.

  11. No way 1:32. I am a county resident and dont want anything to do with the city. They made the mess now they can live with the problems..

  12. You also have a liberal democrat for a police chief who is forcing out anyone with integrity and replacing them with corrupt yes men. She has a corrupt administration and she is building a corrupt force.

  13. Stewart Russell for MSP Superintendant

  14. The real problem is Jake Day, who is leading the Council to pass the bills, not just Ireton.

  15. 1:31, how true what you said about Ireton not wanting Debbie, Terri and Tim in there.

    THAT was THE prime reason for that redistricting thing of his. Plus, he had specific people in mind for those districts.

    One of those districts was designed to protect his buddy Mitchell.

    Someday I hope everyone will find out just how much those two and their handlers conspired to grab control of positions of power and crush anyone in their way. They made Barrie Tilghman look like a sweet little old lady.

    But it is not my place to be the one to do that. But someday...

    At least Mitchell got a big fat slap to her arrogance from the county. Good for those voters!

  16. Salisbury council.
    I can still picture in my mind Ireton and Mitchell at the democrat convention smiling like 2 goobers and looking like it was some great privilege to be there.
    You can imagine all the while, the Big Cheese democrats looking out upon the audience of adoring subjects and saying "look at all these stupid people."
    We should take up a collection for T-shirts with the finger pointing left or right that says "I'm With Stupid" and send it to the council to wear at meetings after all we didn't say it their fellow democrats did and the shoe certainly fits so they must wear it.

    November 21, 2014 at 4:03 PM

    I had to read this twice because I thought I read it.

  17. Anonymous said...
    No way 1:32. I am a county resident and dont want anything to do with the city. They made the mess now they can live with the problems..

    November 21, 2014 at 4:05 PM

    You obviously don't know how much the city is costing the county and how much better off we all would be if the County took over all the municipalities. They are all trying to get that tax differential and because we are paying double the taxes we are paying more to do business in Salisbury.

  18. Anonymous said...
    You also have a liberal democrat for a police chief who is forcing out anyone with integrity and replacing them with corrupt yes men. She has a corrupt administration and she is building a corrupt force.

    November 21, 2014 at 7:10 PM

    Sounds like the Salisbury Fire Department.


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