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Sunday, November 23, 2014

Gay Founder of Human Rights Campaign Arrested for Raping a 15-year old Boy

Yet another high profile "gay" activist has been arrested for homosexual assault on a child. This time authorities caught one of the big fish (a rainbow trout?): Terrence Patrick Bean founded the "Human Rights Campaign" (HRC), which is one of the world's largest, wealthiest and most powerful anti-Christian organizations. HRC was developed for the sole purpose of pushing the extremist homosexual political agenda. Bean is also a major player for the DNC and a big Obama supporter.

The Oregonian reports:

Detectives from the Portland police Sex Crimes Unit arrested Portland developer Terrence Patrick Bean on Wednesday on a Lane County indictment stemming from alleged sex abuse involving a teenage boy in 2013.

Bean, 66, a prominent gay rights activist and major Democratic Party fundraiser, was arrested at his home in Southwest Portland and booked into the Multnomah County Detention Center at 10:12 a.m.

The indictment charges Bean with two counts of third-degree sodomy, a felony, and one count of third-degree sex abuse, a misdemeanor, police said.

Bean, who bailed out of jail by late Wednesday afternoon, will be arraigned on the indictment in Lane County.



  1. "Bean is also a major player for the DNC and a big Obama supporter."

    This does not come as any surprise. Obama is a sick SOB and a pervert. Last time he ran his whole platform related to women's issues had to do with what's between their legs. He's a very very sick disturbed man. This most likely stems from him having a "mother" who dumped him off so she could jump from man to man. There are even online naked pictures of his "mother." This is how disgusting and sick these people are.

  2. Obama loves to surround himself with these low life people. I truly believe that Obama is gay himself.

  3. Have to wonder where the O's left hand is. Bean has a pretty good smile on his face...so does O actually.

  4. Micheles a tranny ..thats the secret...process of elimination makes him ?

  5. He hangs with low lives only to make him look good. Well it's not working. We see you for what you are.map

  6. typical lib, dem, liar, minority pervert


  7. 1) I bet he runs.
    2) I bet Holder and Obama gets the charges dropped.
    3) Obama is Gay. Just Google it and you will find out tons of info for your reading please.
    4) Michelle is a man/transgender. Again Google it, the info is out there.

    You people that are in denial are idiots and hopefully your little boys will get raped instead of mine. Dumb asses.

  8. disgusting degenerate - what a perv

  9. It's sad that you animals only come out when it's a homosexual assault, yet sit on your hands when it's a man raping a female child.

    Where's the outrage when this happens ALL THE TIME within churches around the country? That's OK, because they're "forgiven", right? Stupid ES donkeys.

  10. I beg you pardon 7:35! Let me clue you in so you listen up and you listen up real good-you got it.
    When Thomas Leggs a local pervert, sexually assaulted and murdered little Sarah Foxwell this blog went ballistic with comments.
    What is sad is that you are clearly one of the "stupid" ones, who is real good at running your mouth about something you are clueless over. Democrat no doubt! Even you fellow democrat Gruber thinks you are an imbecile!
    Let me give you a piece of much needed advice. People like you don't need to be saying too much in public. I say this with compassion in my heart as I don't want you to continue embarrassing yourself as you stupidity is so obvious.

  11. I certainly don't see anything anti Christian on their web site.


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