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Friday, November 28, 2014

Redskins Thanksgiving Tweet Sparks Backlash

It’s not always immediately obvious why messages posted on social media draw condemnation. And then sometimes it is.

On Thanksgiving morning, the Washington Redskins tweeted this:
While team owner Daniel Snyder contends the name and the mascot honor Native Americans, activists find the moniker offensive.
Also, many Native Americans don’t celebrate Thanksgiving and are deeply pained by its origins. On Thursday, the 45th annual National Day of Mourning was held in New England. Organizers told the Associated Press that to them Plymouth Rock represents “nothing more than a monument to racism and genocide.”


  1. good grief, get over it already. I love the "redskins"...so what!!!

  2. Would you please lighten up... All you Palefaces; all you yellow skins; all you darkies; all you in-between mochas? It's ONLY a team name! No harm is meant.
    Chief Noc-A-Homa
    (Past mascot for the Atlanta Braves; past kitchen manager for the Sambo's restaurant chain. Now retired.)

  3. I've got an idea, do away with the whole damn team and make sure Washington never has a team again.


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