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Friday, November 28, 2014

Darren Wilson's friends demand that 'star' witness in Michael Brown case be charged with PERJURY

Darren Wilson's friends demand that 'star' witness in Michael Brown case be charged with PERJURY for his 'hands up, don't shoot lie' after grand jury rejects teen's version of events

Close friends of Darren Wilson have called for the star witness in the Michael Brown shooting to be charged for lying about what he saw.

Two of the Ferguson police officer’s best friends told MailOnline that Dorian Johnson - who was next to Brown at the time - should be arrested for his statements in numerous TV interviews he made days afterwards.

They say that he made up the claim that Brown had his hands up which kickstarted the ‘Hands up, don’t shoot’ protest movement.

For his part Johnson told the grand jury that the whole process has left him feeling ‘victimized’.

He also revealed that the altercation began because he didn’t like how Wilson spoke to him like a father telling off his son.



  1. Someone needs to start an online petition to demand the little idiot be held accountable for his lie. I would love to sign it although it will never happen because it would be labeled as hate speech or racism.

  2. From the article:

    "Johnson told the jury that ‘deadly force was really not necessary’... he (Wilson) could have pulled out the billy club to show he was going to use force if we didn’t stop.’

    So what he is saying is Brown did rush at Wilson. I would say if pulling his gun on Brown didn't show he was going to use force than a billy club certainly wouldn't have stopped him.

    The gentle giant got what he deserved. If you see a protester give them a cigarillo to show them your contempt for them.

  3. I been reviewing the documents that have been released. Dorian Johnson was elusive and LE had a hard time trying to find him to interview him though he was making the rounds on TV.
    LE interviewed the employer of Johnson's girlfriend whom they thought would be able to give them some insight into Johnson's whereabouts. This was days after the shooting.
    The person told them that Johnson and girlfriend were in "protective custody." When asked under whose custody the person said the word on the streets were that the NAACP were hiding them out.

  4. Something else in the documents that I found of interest was the scene and how it goes to the complaint by some that LE left Brown's body to lay in the street for 6 hours. What any of the media failed to mention was immediately after the incident the scene became volatile-to the point of shots being fired by someone/some unknowns. This caused the investigators on the scene to have to take cover multiple times, which prolonged their work in the processing of the scene.

  5. Which network has the cojones to do this - AND get possibly the biggest ratings in the history of TV: Pay the punk a half-a-million to take a Lie Detector test LIVE on TV.
    Is there anyone reading this that would doubt for one moment that he wouldn't take that deal?

  6. How much did Johnson cost minority owned business owners and taxpayers? How much pain and suffering did he cause? He has blood on his hands and should pay dearly. He should be charged. That would be justice for Ferguson.

  7. That's funny. Do any of you know how many people have been jailed, imprisoned, and EXECUTED based on the false testimony of police officers and state lab analysts?
    VERY few were ever prosecuted or made to pay for ruining the lives of citizens for a good conviction rate.
    Now the tables are turned and someone should be held accountable???

  8. "lmclain said...
    That's funny. Do any of you know how many people have been jailed, imprisoned, and EXECUTED based on the false testimony of police officers and state lab analysts?"

    Last time I checked it was like 17 since 1970 something that were found to have been not guilty and were executed. Out of the 17 I can't say the breakdown as to whether the convictions were because of false testimony and altered lab analysts, a combination of both or none of the above.
    I have no idea why we are discussing this anyway. The state presented all evidence in this hearing including evidence not favorable to the officer. Not by anyone's stretch of the imagination did this fall into the false officer testimony category-unless of course you believe he was in cahoots with at least 6 witnesses all African Americans who told virtually the same story-3 med examiners who came to the exact same conclusions about distance and trajectory, etc.


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