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Saturday, November 22, 2014

Obama's AG Nominee's Office Seized Over $904 Million in Asset Forfeitures in 2013

In September, US Attorney General Eric “Fast and Furious” Holderannounced his resignation, and people everywhere rejoiced.
We’ve been waiting to see who his successor will be, and on November 8 Obama announced his pick.
Her name is Loretta Lynch, and she’s currently the US Attorney for the Eastern District of New York. She is expected to be confirmed as our new US AG in early 2015.
One can only hope she takes the Constitution more seriously than her predecessor.
Unfortunately, a major red flag has already been raised.
Lynch recently announced that her office seized over $904 million in asset forfeitures – in 2013 alone.
According to a quote from The Wall Street Journal’s editorial page, “As a prosecutor Ms. Lynch has also been aggressive in pursuing civil asset forfeiture, which has become a form of policing for profit. She recently announced that her office had collected more than $904 million in criminal and civil actions in fiscal 2013, according to the Brooklyn Daily Eagle.” The editorial calls for senators to ask questions in an effort to clarify Lynch’s views on the controversial policy.


  1. So we get rid of the tax-cheat - in favor of a thief.

    Come on 2016 - America needs a new set of chiefs!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. If the assets that were collected were rightfully owed then good. If not that is another story. There is not enough information given to make a sound judgement.


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