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Saturday, November 22, 2014

Campaign Brightens Holiday Season For Local Kids

BERLIN – A local group is hoping to share the “Christmas experience” with area children through the 4th Annual United Christmas Spirit Campaign.

The Young Professionals of Ocean City will host the United Christmas Spirit Campaign on Dec. 6. Each year the event provides 50 underprivileged children with a $100 shopping spree at Walmart.

“It’s really a great event,” said Rob Mattie, chairman of this year’s campaign for the Young Professionals. “It’s one of the most heartwarming events I’ve ever had the privilege to take part in.”

Mattie’s group spends months fundraising to come up with the $5,000 needed to give each child $100 to spend at Walmart the morning of the trip. While donations have been a little harder to come by this year, Mattie is confident that the group will reach its goal.


1 comment:

  1. Mattie, I need to come up with $5,000 to cover my Obamacare insurance deduction. Can you help?


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