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Sunday, November 30, 2014

NYT Reporter Who Published Darren Wilson Address Calling Cops Nonstop

The New York Times journalist who published Darren Wilson’s home address wants police protection and has been calling the police nonstop, Gotnews.com has learned.

Julie Bosman “keeps calling the 020th District station complaining about people harassing and threatening her,” our source told us. She’s also “complaining about numerous food deliveries being sent to her residence.”

Chicago police department sources alerted Gotnews.com about the glaring double standard on Friday.



  1. How does that fell,,,,bitoch!!

  2. There was no reason to do that WHATSOEVER! She's a total IDIOT and she's getting what she deserves!

  3. So she published Wilson's address and now wants police protection? Good luck with that you liberal, spineless, piece of crap.

  4. She's getting what she deserves...publishing privacy-related information contains a lack of civility that liberals are famous for.

  5. Don't these reporters have anyone to answer to,like a supervisor? This did not just slip through the cracks.It had to be published.

  6. What goes around comes around. It's way past time to fight fire with fire and give these irresponsible liberals a taste of their own medicine.

  7. Well what did this Einstein expect. When she published Wilson's personal info, she did so with the intent to harass him. She and only she for whatever reason felt she needed to insert herself right in the rectum of this issue.
    And now she's got the crap on her and she needs to swim and drown in it. Experience is the best teacher with these stupid Americans.

  8. It would be wrong, for example, to publish Bosman’s address at

    5620 N WAYNE AVE APT 2
    CHICAGO, IL 60660-4204

  9. She deserves to be in fear for her life. I hope she is in so much fear that she does something irrational like commits suicide. The world would immediately become a better place without instigators like her in it.

  10. That ain't right. I feel badly for her.
    If anyone knows her home address, let me know. I'd like to send her a condolence card.
    And twenty Papa John pizzas.

  11. Bosman's address at
    5620 N WAYNE AVE APT 2
    CHICAGO, IL 60660-4204

    Robertson, address
    1113 N DUPRE ST
    NEW ORLEANS, LA 70119-3203

  12. Bosman's phone numbers are:
    Work Phone: 312-552-7204
    Mobile: 646-753-2052

    Robertson's is:

  13. She should be indicted.

  14. Ah that explaIns it! She's from CHICAGO!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Well if I were the police I would ignore her calls. What goes around comes around.

  16. Wow. You all do realize that this is the hate that Obama wants to create to destroy this country. I think she is wrong but we have got to chill if we are going to survive as a nation

  17. That makes my day. It's so easy for these libtards to screw with other people's lives that it's a pleasure to see it reciprocated

  18. I wonder if she is looking into buying a gun for personal protection? No, wait ...., she lives in Chicago and gun ownership is not allowed! Even for a libtard like this woman.

    I could be wrong but this is my 2¢.

  19. Anonymous said...
    Wow. You all do realize that this is the hate that Obama wants to create to destroy this country. I think she is wrong but we have got to chill if we are going to survive as a nation

    November 29, 2014 at 3:38 PM

    What an idiot you are!!

  20. That's to bad... She looks kind of cute.

  21. I hope that she and her buddy enjoy the 58 introductory magazine subscriptions we just gifted them.

  22. Brilliant idea to fill out the magazine flyers that come with magazines in their names. Somebody has a good head on their shoulders.

  23. There was no need to publish his information from NY. Anyone that wanted it, could have gotten off a google search, as you can see her info has been found

  24. God bless all the consequences that befall them with having their personal information published in this light!

    This is real Justice!

    The next time you two want to be ignorant; well, you may want to refer to today.

  25. What's fair for the goose is fair for the gander.


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