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Sunday, November 30, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: NFL player Ray Rice wins appeal against suspension

Former Baltimore Ravens NFL running back Ray Rice, who was suspended indefinitely after a video of him hitting his then-fiancee was released publicly, has won his appeal against the suspension, according to the player’s union.



  1. Gee, I wonder if one of us commoners did this if we could get a decent job on the Eastern Shore? I highly doubt it!

  2. I'm for giving him and anyone else including those not in the public spot light a second chance, but a second chance only.
    Examples being Ray Lewis and Michael Vick.
    Vick has been invaluable to the HSUS in speaking to a risk youths nationwide about the dangers of dog fighting.
    Lewis has given not only his time but money and started a foundation that does great things for the kids in Baltimore. Plus I love Ray Lewis. When ever he's interviewed he always speaks about and thanks God for his good luck in life and you know this drives the liberal media crazy.

  3. 10:24, quit praising Ray Lewis. He was implicated in the murder of TWO innocent young men and may have committed the murders himself.
    He should be in jail for life because you, I, and most other people would be rotting away in jail today and for the rest of our lives. NOBODY should get away with murder, including your Hero - Ray Lewis.

  4. If Ray Rice wasn't playing football, he would be stealing cigars from a local store and hitting the store owner.

    1. Or president of the United States of America... or maybe a "Republican" representative for the state of Utah..

  5. Does anyone know if Ray Rice is still involved in that anti-bullying organization he started. I sure hope not!

  6. Not good. Disgusting.

  7. If Goodell had acted immediately after the elevator episode occurred how would this have played out,given the decision to reinstate Rice? Will this alleviate the condemnation of Goodell & is he out of the woods?

  8. Hey 11:27 Newsflash for you!
    Ray Lewis did what is done daily in courtrooms nationwide. He reached a plea agreement with the state in which murder charges were dropped in exchange for his testimony against the other 2 defendants.
    For you 2 say "you, I and most other people would be rotting away in jail" is a complete fallacy.
    I suggest you read the Baltimore Sun, the Washington Post and other newspapers that are associated with big cities with high murder rates for some insight into this very common practice.

  9. 9:40 - Sorry. It seems as though I touched a nerve with you. You must be a Ravens fan who is more concerned about a thug being able to help their defense rather than him serving justice for the murders.
    You probably defended Donte Stallworth who killed a man while he was driving drunk as long as he caught TD passes while playing for the Ravens.

  10. Big Ben paid off his victim and everything was forgotten. Can't stand double standard.


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