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Sunday, November 16, 2014

November is Transgender Awareness Month

Happy November, everyone! While October was official LGBT History Month, this month I'm thrilled to announce a new partnership with One Colorado, where we'll be dedicating November to raising awareness around the transgender community. As we step into Transgender Awareness Month, my Examiner articles will highlight influential members of the statewide transgender community, resources for trans people and their friends, family and allies, and focus on the importance of inclusion of the transgender community within the larger gay, lesbian, bisexual and queer community. My goal, along with One Colorado, is to inform, educate, and empower readers to understand, empathize with and include trans people in their thoughts, work towards social justice, and daily queer and allied lives.

There are times I hear complaints about the "alphabet soup" of acronyms used to refer to the LGBTQA community. That's part of the reason I advocate use of the inclusive umbrella term "queer," though the phrase can be fraught with historic connotations. But the overriding message of using multi-letter acronyms is to communicate a sense of unity and inclusion among those of us who are discriminated against based upon our sexual orientation, gender identity, or in general based on who we love. We are strongest when we stand together, and only by cooperation and inclusion can we reach our shared dream of legal and social equality.




    Jim Ireton and Rehomo Beech comes to mind.

  2. Who's that guy under Barry? Does Moochie know about this? Maybe this is what they mean by The FREE World Leader? I smell a new law designed for transgender gender benders coming.

  3. "Everyone knows Michelle is a tranny" quote from Joan Rivers days before her death...is this the big secret? .OBAMA IS gay and MARRIED TO A TRANNY?

  4. WOOO! Remember that trannies vote too! Go humanity!

  5. Wow this will make Rick and dolch very happy as they can be themselves

  6. Whether they are men with boobs or women with penises, these people (if you want to call them that) are ungodly twisted Freaks!

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "Everyone knows Michelle is a tranny" quote from Joan Rivers days before her death...is this the big secret? .OBAMA IS gay and MARRIED TO A TRANNY?

    November 11, 2014 at 4:20 PM

    Google it and you will find enough information on both being homo men.

    Maybe that is why Joan is no longer with us with a routine medical procedure.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    WOOO! Remember that trannies vote too! Go humanity!

    November 11, 2014 at 4:44 PM

    It should be illegal for mentally ill people to vote.

  9. be careful or obammy and mike will have you killed like they did to Joan.


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