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Sunday, November 16, 2014

A Viewer Writes: "Seriously Joe"

Have you read the ridiculous reasoning by the SPD for their speed cameras?

The City of Salisbury's Automated Speed Enforcement Program is a
safety program focused on changing driver behavior through a
comprehensive effort involving engineering, education, and
The City of Salisbury's Automated Speed Enforcement Program uses automated speed enforcement to enhance the safety of motorists and pedestrians within the incorporated limits of the City of Salisbury.

The City of Salisbury's Automated Speed Enforcement Program is a
safety program focused on changing driver behavior through a
comprehensive effort involving engineering, education, and
The City of Salisbury's Automated Speed Enforcement Program uses automated speed enforcement to enhance the safety of
motorists and pedestrians within the incorporated limits of the City of Salisbury.

A camera does not protect pedestrians or other drivers by speeding vehicles. A reckless driver is going to kill a pedestrian regardless as to whether the camera takes a photo of the poor driver. It does nothing to correct driving behavior. The owner is charged not the actual violator. Education? Seriously, Education, please have them explain it to you.


  1. "within the incorporated limits of the City of Salisbury" then why has the Maroon SUV been sitting by Beaver Run for the past 3 weeks. This is not city limits. There's certainly no city water or sewer around here, as the school itself can attest.

  2. 8:29 AM, I'll tell you why, it's spelled M O N E Y!!!

  3. Don't speed and you have nothing to worry about!

  4. I was driving home from work 2 weeks ago and I drove past their SUV sitting on Armstrong Parkway between Marvel and W.Naylor Mill.. There are no pedestrians or anything else on that road. The next day I was driving in to work and their was a SPD car sitting watching the stop sign at Armstrong and Marvel. They have nothing better to do than target the people that work in the industrial park?

  5. I don't like the cameras or agree with the legal premise used to issue tickets with them, but I have to say the DO work to slow people down. When you know there is a camera there, and it WILL shoot your picture if you're speeding, people do slow down. I've seen this to be true especially in Frederick, MD where I-295 meets I-70. Otherwise crazy, insane drivers slow down to the limit.
    It works.

  6. The maroon SUV belongs to the county, the sheriff's office places the vehicles in the county.

  7. 9:28
    I don't think 295 meets 70. Did you mean 270?

  8. It's not hard to obey traffic laws.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It's not hard to obey traffic laws.

    November 11, 2014 at 10:22 AM

    then why don't cops obey them?

  10. I see Bull testifying in court occasionally for the city. I guess it's how they pay his salary.

  11. It doesn't matter if there are pedestrians in the area or not. You still have to obey the speed limit no matter where you are- country or city.

  12. Sounds like the vandal needs to make a re-appearance.

  13. BIG BROTHER keeping an eye on us (for our own good LOL).

  14. Go fight the ticket. The judge HATES those cameras! you're out in a half hour...


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