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Sunday, November 16, 2014

More Humiliation: China Furious At "Disrespectful" Nicorette-Chewing Obama

"The chew seen around the world," as President Obama chomped on Nicorette gum during the recent APEC summit ceremonies, has sparked outrage in China, describing his behavior as "rude" and "inappropriate."



  1. Ok, I give up. Why the ---- do we care about who is outraged in China?


    1. 12:49! Maybe we should care because China is a super power not only militarily but global economy wise as well. Thanks to our diminishing military we really don't want to tick them off. THAT'S WHY!

  2. He is rude and inappropriate.

    He is a Marxist fraud that never should have been ALLOWED to run for President.

  3. While 12:49 is absolutely correct,
    as 1:13 states, we royally screwed up by electing him to his first office.

  4. Dude is just trying to quit. Jeez.

  5. This coming from a country that murders their own citizens if they don't like what they say.


  6. Been in office 6 years and supposedly quit some undefined time back. My guess is he continues to smoke but not in public. His media control fetish is such that no pics are taken or released that don't get approved. So he uses the gum when he's in public.

    That's just one substance accounted for....

  7. Obama is a disgrace to America. I would bet the oval office reeks of smoke. He has an addictive personality and is probably hooked on many things.

  8. When Deng Xioping visited the White House in 1979, 19th century spittoons had to be retrieved from storage. It seemed Deng spit all the time, and it wasn't tobacco juice, either.

    Earlier Chairman Mao deemed manners to be Western, and therefore decadent. So, now we care what they think??

    FDR and Churchill smoked. They saved the world. Stop being so petty.

  9. @10:02 at least they didn't have their heads up their ass unlike good ole Ocommie. They stood for way more than this lazy sack of sh!t for a president. No class, no taste, and no respect for the American people is all Obummer is. Unlike FDR,and Churchill, Class, taste, respect.

  10. 3:49 You are absolutely right. He lied when he said he no longer smokes. No one chews Nicorette 6 years after quitting.

  11. looks like he's gonna stick that under his seat.


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