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Sunday, November 23, 2014

Michael Brown’s Parents Demand UN Arrest Officer Darren Wilson

Any day now a grand jury will announce whether or not they will charge Darren Wilson with the August shooting death of strong-armed robber and thug Michael Brown. All indications are that the police officer was justified and will not face criminal prosecution for the self-defense killing. It is also extremely unlikely that the US Justice department will file civil rights violation charges in the case.

Unwilling to accept that their son was responsible for his own death, Brown’s parents went before the United Nations to demand that the largely symbolic organization arrest Officer Wilson for torture and human rights violations.

Armed with the kooky notion that the UN somehow has authority over the United States, Lesley McSpadden (angry mom) and Michael Brown Sr. (proud papa) spoke to the United Nations Committee Against Torture in Geneva, Switzerland today.

McSpadden didn’t say anything about the investigation into her own violent robbery, but was quite vocal to CNN about her violent robbery suspect son:

“We need the world to know what’s going on in Ferguson and we need justice. We need answers and we need action. And we have to bring it to the U.N. so they can expose it to the rest of the world, what’s going on in small town Ferguson,” said McSpadden.



  1. Man, these people need to get over it and get a life!!

  2. their son is a crook and a punk and they are probably at fault cause they never raised their son

  3. If Obama has his way, the UN will soon be ruling the world.. AND guess who rules the UN.

  4. He's Obama's son --remember

  5. This family has made a ton of money off the death of this criminal. If she would have put one tenth of the effort to raise a good kid we would not be talking today. She is a lazy leach on society. The father is the same. Good luck in your search Ms. Brown you only need to look inside yourself. The justice is there.

  6. 21 degrees in St. Louis today. If that temp holds it will keep most of the punks inside. Good luck Ferguson residents. Lock and load.

  7. I think they are in Switzerland waiting until after the announcement is made, LOL! Making enough money to buy a new house, anyway...

  8. 10:48 You are right. Ive been saying all along that the decision will surface when it gets cold. Those people do not like cold weather.

  9. The injustice this country have done against non white is tremendous. To bad the history books or the internet is big enough. You people will pay one day for the horrid actions done throughout the world. Every where you all have adventure have brought nothing but war, hate, discontent and destruction. She did the right thing. Hope that Wilson get what he deserve. A ticket to hell.

  10. 1:48
    You need to research your ridiculous assertions a little.

  11. Even the UN is entitled to entertainment.

  12. 1:48 are you one of the racist blacks that only think WHITES are racist?

  13. 1:48 - the literacy level of your rant indicates that you haven't wasted much time on education. I doubt that you read very much - so, from where do you get this hateful, ignorant B.S.? Who teaches you this crap?


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