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Sunday, November 23, 2014

Cop Dressed as Donald Duck Sets Trap for Drivers, Rakes in $30,000 in Tickets in One Day

Can you say “revenue generation”? No, I’m sorry, this is “catching dangerous criminals” (by first creating a dangerous situation so you can predictably label someone a criminal first).

Apparently the profession of police officer in America now amounts to little more than, well… What exactly is the word for this?

Entrapment much? Well, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…

Via The Free Thought Project:

Residents of a New Jersey town are disputing a recent trap that police set up for drivers this past Halloween. Last week, an undercover officer was dressed in a giant Donald Duck costume and paced back and forth on the sidewalk and street on a busy road.

Officers would then pull over drivers who failed to yield for the duck, and hit them with $230 traffic tickets. Police issued a whopping 130 tickets that day for a total take of $29,900.00.



  1. That picture's label should read "ASS"

  2. Good. I walk across a crosswalk every day and drivers always fail to yield. Even though there is a huge sign that says something to the effect of "MD Law states to Stop for pedestrians in crosswalk." SPD could make a killing by spending a day doing just this.

  3. Then I expect equal application of the law for Jaywalking.

  4. I don't think ducks are considered "Pedestrians" by law. The Judge should probably throw your ticket out on that technicality alone...

  5. all those charges are going out the window as yet another blundering cop ties up the judicial system with bogus entrapment. great work.

  6. Lorraine Truitt, Horse Lovers United, Inc.November 17, 2014 at 11:03 AM

    I've been trying to raise funds for our horses the wrong way! The honest way!

  7. We all know exactly what LE has become today, now we need to get the message across to our representatives and make them listen and understand.

  8. 10:38, look up what entrapment actually is and then put your foot in your piehole.

  9. 959 it is easier for a person to stop then a car. the ignorant SU students just walk out in the pedestrian walk way all day long without looking on College ave & Camden ave. They never look & assume they are protected while looking down at their cell phones or listening to their music with their headphones. They are one dumb generation who need to go back to grade school and learn to look both ways before crossing the street in a pedestrian zone.

  10. 3:34
    There was a story just the other day that was talking about crimes going up on college campuses. The kids need to stay alert of their surroundings! They can't do that with headphones in there ears listening to music.

    If there is a light at the cross walk you must obey the light and not just step out into traffic. I believe the laws says to stop for pedestrians IN a crosswalk. That doesn't mean you can just walk right out into traffic and expect a vehicle to stop. There is an old saying. You can be right..........dead right. A pedestrian will always lost the battle when going up against a vehicle.

  11. This is absolutely NOT entrapment. Entrapment would be approaching a known drug dealer and asking them to sell me or give me illegal drugs. I'm guessing you guys would feela little different if your family member had been run over by driver ignoring crosswalks. If the cops are doing this every day then I'm against. If they do something like this 2 or 3 times a year just to increase awareness then I'm all for it.
    Giovanni Jones


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