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Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Marysue Grivna paralyzed with rare brain infection days after flu shot

A 10-year-old girl in Florida has been paralyzed for almost a year with a rare inflammation of the brain and her family is blaming a flu vaccine.

According to Carla Grivna, her daughter Marysue was living a perfectly healthy and happy life until last year.

'She (used to) love school, she was running, playing, singing in the church choir,' Grivna told WTSP



  1. Sad story. Possibly caused by the flu vaccine. Anytime you ingest/inject/insert anything into the human body that does not belong, there are risks.
    While some medicines are necessary to live, there are risks involved. The human body was meant to only have pure food put into it.

  2. I still support vaccines of the major illness for kids that have been around for years. But not these on-the-fly flu vaccines.

  3. Right 10:32. While there are risks involved, the risks are rare and the benefits overwhelming.


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