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Wednesday, November 05, 2014

HERE’S Why Ebola Is No Longer In the News

Forbes’ David Kroll – an adjunct professor at Duke University Medical Center - notes:

The Associated Press and other press outlets have agreed not to report on suspected cases of Ebola in the United States until a positive viral RNA test is completed.

In other words, the mainstream media has agreed not to report on any suspected Ebola cases.

I guess the Ebola czar has been a busy boy, after all... you know, preventing panic and all that.

H/t Dr. Meryl Nass



  1. Bottom Line-Ebola should NEVER EVER have found it's way into the US and it did because obama is a failure and anyone who doesn't think so, has such low standards that they are to be dismissed.

  2. They got their marching orders from king Obama.. ....

  3. FINALLY. Some sanity in all this fear mongering.

  4. 10:39. People were not at all fearful of Ebola they were mad because it wasn't something that we should even be discussing.
    Liberals like to toss out the "fear mongering" BS but they are wrong. As stated above, if we had a competent administration the man who died from it in TX would never have had the opportunity to infect others. He would have been denied entry into the US or quarantined.


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