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Monday, November 17, 2014

Leaders Of Local Police Departments See How Heroin Is Produced From The Hotbed Of South America

BALTIMORE - Welcome to Colombia, the jungles of South America, where the drugs that are killing young people in Maryland are produced.

Law enforcement leaders from Baltimore City, Anne Arundel County, Prince George's County and Wicomico County joined the Drug Enforcement Administration on a recent trip, described as a fact-finding mission, and far from a vacation.

"The Black Hawks didn't land. You had to drop off of the Black Hawk. You were walking down a muddy trail, to which one of us fell off one of those trails," Baltimore Police Commissioner Anthony Batts.

With boots on the ground, they got close to how heroin and cocaine are made.



  1. Interesting how Barbara Duncan or anyone from the City of Salisbury wasn't there.

    Salisbury is the second in Maryland for crime and no one was interested in this trip. Most of the Heroin deaths occurring in Wicomico County are happening in Salisbury.

    Thank you Sheriff Lewis for attending this fact finding mission. It far past time for the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office to take over all police work in Wicomico County.

  2. I think it was a waste of money. How will learning how drugs are made make it easier for the police to catch them. Just more tax payer funds pissed away.

  3. Spot on 8:12PM
    HowTF does this knowledge help any cop do their job?

  4. This story is a crock. The heroin in MD is not coming from South America. Its coming from Afghanistan. Right through Dover, courtesy of the CIA.

  5. 11:34PM
    Google/YouTube 'Kay Griggs'

  6. The truth trumps ones own life in importance.

    I've conveyed the truth as I know it.

    I am my brothers keeper.


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