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Monday, November 17, 2014

Breaking News: Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon Has Declared A State of Emergency And Activated The National Guard

Breaking News: Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon has declared a State of Emergency and activated the National Guard ahead of the grand jury decision in the Ferguson shooting. http://fxn.ws/1EW4tY5


  1. The truth doesn't matter to these animals. no respect or sympathy will they get from me. If they can't live in a civilized society screw them.

  2. Get ready for Martial Law to take over the USA. It's going to make the race riots of the 60's look like a Sunday picnic.

  3. They're trying to get this verdict announced before fridged cold sets in.Ferguson feels like the north pole in winter,and the element in question can't stand cold weather.

  4. Let them burn the place down. They're going to anyway as soon as they leave. Burn, baby, burn. It's their own town and homes; they can do with them as they will! Bought, paid for, burnt down, and insurance won't pay.


  5. I hate how they state the detail about Michael brown since I don't understand how an 18 year old is a teen. Most places this days call anyone over 16 to be an adult and will try them as an adult.

  6. This just proves what all of the Racist say, they are animals, even the governor knows it. They are the only race that burns and destroys when they don't like how the courts and the laws work.

  7. we already know the verdict... NOT guilty... Why else would they bring the guard? they won't riot if they call him guilty...

    This is just another way to call martial law like the one poster said...

    its coming to all cities near you...


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