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Monday, November 24, 2014

Holder’s Office Was Pushing Hard to Silence Sharyl Attkisson

We’ve still got fragments of the full thing, but we now have confirmation that Holder’s Justice Department people felt threatened by former CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson’s investigation and attempted to silence her.

In an email dated October 4, 2011, Attorney General Holder’s top press aide, Tracy Schmaler, called Attkisson “out of control.” Schmaler told White House Deputy Press Secretary Eric Schultz that he intended to call CBS news anchor Bob Schieffer to get the network to stop Attkisson.

Schultz replied, “Good. Her piece was really bad for the AG.”

The AG would be Holder.

It’s interesting that DOJ people were trying to work through Bob Schieffer. It suggests that access was being traded for censorship.

DOJ was generating friendly stories through favored reporters while trying to shut down unfriendly ones.



  1. History will prove the lies and deceit that runs amok in obamas administration...guess that hope and change for transparency went up in smoke

  2. 3:53 - the choom gang - smokin' again...or still!

  3. Everyone in my family, parents, siblings, in laws are all over 60 years old. The racist term that we collectively use regarding the U.S.black president and all of his other corrupt, racist black puppets like Eric Holder is the N word most of the time because their racist intent and truth are self evident. We do not use that word on other everyday blacks because they reflect our selves, our lives. Dirt deserves a dirty word and the flagrant corruption in black politics is pure, unadulterated racism presented to mainstream biased liberal media as acceptable news. Never a mention of Obama's self evident racism. Collectively, we despise him for who he is, not the color of his half and half skin. A FREE world leader he's NOT, a racist dictator he is!


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