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Monday, November 24, 2014

168,000…and counting: Pro-Duggar effort surpasses anti-Duggar petition demanding TLC cancel show

(LifeSite) - Last week, a growing petition on Change.org demanding that TLC yank the Duggar's popular reality TV show "19 Kids and Counting" leapt into the national spotlight after huge mainstream media outlets like The Huffington Post, E!, and the Washington Post reported on the petition effort.

Meanwhile, a counter-petition supporting the Duggars started by LifeSiteNews just three days ago has received almost no media attention, relying instead on the power of grassroots support for the Duggars. (Read the petition here.)

Today, Duggar fans proved that they are a force to be reckoned with.

Earlier today the pro-Duggar counter-petition easily breezed past the Change.org effort, amassing 168,000 signatures as of this writing, and still growing.



  1. I do believe tolerance goes both ways. Good for the Duggars for standing up for their beliefs as is their right.

  2. I just understand these "tolerant" people. If they don't like a show on tv....DON'T WATCH IT!

  3. Yea but there like a cult and did you read what they were supporting about men and where they can and can't go

  4. Some strange folks west of us!

  5. I guess there was no problem with Honey Boo Boo until Mom dates a pedophile. Heaven forbid they show a decent loving family like the Duggars on a reality show !


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