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Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Woman Has Abortion Because She Couldn’t Fit Into Her Wedding Dress

In 2005, the Los Angeles Times ran a story by Stephanie Simon entitled “Offering Abortion, Rebirth.”

Simon interviewed an abortion provider named Dr. William F. Harrison and observed abortions at his clinic. Harrison died in 2010, after closing down his clinic because of health reasons.

The article quotes Harrison saying, “I am destroying life.”

Simon described witnessing an abortion on an 18-year-old girl. The author says the girl had not told her parents about her pregnancy. The unborn baby was 13 weeks along. At 13 weeks, the child has fingers, complete with fingernails. If female, the child has a uterus of her own. He or she can respond to touch and has both a heartbeat and brain waves. He can also suck his thumb. (See ultrasound pictures of 13-week-old babies here.)



  1. my biggest issue with this is if this girl (or ANYONE) actually wants to kill their baby, let them. that type of mindframe should not be reproducing anyway.

  2. Oh don't forget that every one of the people who get abortions get a TAX BREAK for it! So hey its a pay off to KILL! I thought people get jail time for murder not tax breaks!

    1. I've never heard of an abortion tax break that just sounds stupid!


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