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Wednesday, October 08, 2014

JUST IN: Former Police Officer Gets 1 Year For Killing Puppy

ROCKVILLE, Md. (WUSA9) -- A former Baltimore police officer who admitted to killing his girlfriend's puppy was sentenced to one year in jail Wednesday in Montgomery County Circuit Court.

Alec Eugene Taylor of Silver Spring, Md. pleaded guilty to aggravated animal cruelty in August after being charged with beating and choking his girlfriend's puppy and texting her a photo of the dog's body.



  1. That's a front to appease animal rights activists,who were present during sentencing.He'll be out in a month or less.

  2. A year for taking puppies life he needs the shhhhh beat out of him and more then a year on prison... Just another example of the badge wearing corrupt "officer's" ability to be held to a different set of rules

  3. The B------! This is where the
    violence starts with animal abuse!
    I'd like to beat the ---- out of him !!

    You'd think our law makers would
    wake up & make laws to put them
    behind bars befor some poor child or helpless human gets killed!

  4. He should have said he was in fear of his life, and he would have gotten away with it.


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